Alpha 5 #20
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/** The current Feed Reader Central version */
const FRC_VERSION = '1.0.0-alpha4';
const FRC_VERSION = '1.0.0-alpha5';
spl_autoload_register(function ($class) {
$file = implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, [__DIR__, 'lib', "$class.php"]);
@ -1,84 +1,5 @@
* Information for a feed item
class FeedItem {
/** @var string The title of the feed item */
public string $title = '';
/** @var string The unique ID for the feed item */
public string $guid = '';
/** @var string The link to the original content */
public string $link = '';
/** @var string When this item was published */
public string $publishedOn = '';
/** @var ?string When this item was last updated */
public ?string $updatedOn = null;
/** @var string The content for the item */
public string $content = '';
* Construct a feed item from an Atom feed's `<entry>` tag
* @param DOMNode $node The XML node from which a feed item should be constructed
* @return FeedItem A feed item constructed from the given node
public static function fromAtom(DOMNode $node): FeedItem {
$guid = Feed::atomValue($node, 'id');
$link = '';
foreach ($node->getElementsByTagName('link') as $linkElt) {
if ($linkElt->hasAttributes()) {
$relAttr = $linkElt->attributes->getNamedItem('rel');
if ($relAttr && $relAttr->value == 'alternate') {
$link = $linkElt->attributes->getNamedItem('href')->value;
if ($link == '' && str_starts_with($guid, 'http')) $link = $guid;
$item = new FeedItem();
$item->guid = $guid;
$item->title = Feed::atomValue($node, 'title');
$item->link = $link;
$item->publishedOn = Data::formatDate(Feed::atomValue($node, 'published'));
$item->updatedOn = Data::formatDate(Feed::atomValue($node, 'updated'));
$item->content = Feed::atomValue($node, 'content');
return $item;
* Construct a feed item from an RSS feed's `<item>` tag
* @param DOMNode $node The XML node from which a feed item should be constructed
* @return FeedItem A feed item constructed from the given node
public static function fromRSS(DOMNode $node): FeedItem {
$itemGuid = Feed::rssValue($node, 'guid');
$updNodes = $node->getElementsByTagNameNS(Feed::ATOM_NS, 'updated');
$encNodes = $node->getElementsByTagNameNS(Feed::CONTENT_NS, 'encoded');
$item = new FeedItem();
$item->guid = $itemGuid == 'guid not found' ? Feed::rssValue($node, 'link') : $itemGuid;
$item->title = Feed::rssValue($node, 'title');
$item->link = Feed::rssValue($node, 'link');
$item->publishedOn = Data::formatDate(Feed::rssValue($node, 'pubDate'));
$item->updatedOn = Data::formatDate($updNodes->length > 0 ? $updNodes->item(0)->textContent : null);
$item->content = $encNodes->length > 0
? $encNodes->item(0)->textContent
: Feed::rssValue($node, 'description');
return $item;
* Feed retrieval, parsing, and manipulation
@ -114,7 +35,7 @@ class Feed {
* @throws DOMException If the error is a warning
private static function xmlParseError(int $errno, string $errstr): bool {
if ($errno == E_WARNING && substr_count($errstr, 'DOMDocument::loadXml()') > 0) {
if ($errno == E_WARNING && substr_count($errstr, 'DOMDocument::loadXML()') > 0) {
throw new DOMException($errstr, $errno);
return false;
@ -181,6 +102,17 @@ class Feed {
return ['ok' => $feed];
* Get an attribute value from a DOM node
* @param DOMNode $node The node with an attribute value to obtain
* @param string $name The name of the attribute whose value should be obtained
* @return string The attribute value if it exists, an empty string if not
private static function attrValue(DOMNode $node, string $name): string {
return ($node->hasAttributes() ? $node->attributes->getNamedItem($name)?->value : null) ?? '';
* Get the value of a child element by its tag name for an Atom feed
@ -196,7 +128,7 @@ class Feed {
if ($tags->length == 0) return "$tagName not found";
$tag = $tags->item(0);
if (!($tag instanceof DOMElement)) return $tag->textContent;
if ($tag->hasAttributes() && $tag->attributes->getNamedItem('type') == 'xhtml') {
if (self::attrValue($tag, 'type') == 'xhtml') {
$div = $tag->getElementsByTagNameNS(Feed::XHTML_NS, 'div');
if ($div->length == 0) return "-- invalid XHTML content --";
return $div->item(0)->textContent;
@ -225,6 +157,54 @@ class Feed {
return ['ok' => $feed];
* Retrieve a document (http/https)
* @param string $url The URL of the document to retrieve
* @return array ['content' => document content, 'error' => error message, 'code' => HTTP response code,
* 'url' => effective URL]
private static function retrieveDocument(string $url): array {
$docReq = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($docReq, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
curl_setopt($docReq, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($docReq, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5);
curl_setopt($docReq, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 15);
$result = [
'content' => curl_exec($docReq),
'error' => curl_error($docReq),
'code' => curl_getinfo($docReq, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE),
'url' => curl_getinfo($docReq, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL)
return $result;
* Derive a feed URL from an HTML document
* @param string $content The HTML document content from which to derive a feed URL
* @return array|string[] ['ok' => feed URL] if successful, ['error' => message] if not
private static function deriveFeedFromHTML(string $content): array {
$html = new DOMDocument();
$html->loadHTML(substr($content, 0, strpos($content, '</head>') + 7));
$headTags = $html->getElementsByTagName('head');
if ($headTags->length < 1) return ['error' => 'Cannot find feed at this URL'];
$head = $headTags->item(0);
foreach ($head->getElementsByTagName('link') as $link) {
if (self::attrValue($link, 'rel') == 'alternate') {
$type = self::attrValue($link, 'type');
if ($type == 'application/rss+xml' || $type == 'application/atom+xml') {
return ['ok' => self::attrValue($link, 'href')];
return ['error' => 'Cannot find feed at this URL'];
* Retrieve the feed
@ -232,34 +212,33 @@ class Feed {
* @return array|Feed[]|string[] ['ok' => feed] if successful, ['error' => message] if not
public static function retrieveFeed(string $url): array {
$feedReq = curl_init($url);
curl_setopt($feedReq, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
curl_setopt($feedReq, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
curl_setopt($feedReq, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 5);
curl_setopt($feedReq, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 15);
$doc = self::retrieveDocument($url);
$feedContent = curl_exec($feedReq);
$result = array();
$error = curl_error($feedReq);
$code = curl_getinfo($feedReq, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE);
if ($error) {
$result['error'] = $error;
} elseif ($code == 200) {
$parsed = self::parseFeed($feedContent);
if (array_key_exists('error', $parsed)) {
$result['error'] = $parsed['error'];
} else {
$extract = $parsed['ok']->getElementsByTagNameNS(self::ATOM_NS, 'feed')->length > 0
? self::fromAtom(...) : self::fromRSS(...);
$result = $extract($parsed['ok'], curl_getinfo($feedReq, CURLINFO_EFFECTIVE_URL));
} else {
$result['error'] = "Prospective feed URL $url returned HTTP Code $code: $feedContent";
if ($doc['error'] != '') return ['error' => $doc['error']];
if ($doc['code'] != 200) {
return ['error' => "Prospective feed URL $url returned HTTP Code {$doc['code']}: {$doc['content']}"];
return $result;
$start = strtolower(strlen($doc['content']) >= 9 ? substr($doc['content'], 0, 9) : $doc['content']);
if ($start == '<!doctype' || str_starts_with($start, '<html')) {
$derivedURL = self::deriveFeedFromHTML($doc['content']);
if (array_key_exists('error', $derivedURL)) return ['error' => $derivedURL['error']];
$feedURL = $derivedURL['ok'];
if (!str_starts_with($feedURL, 'http')) {
// Relative URL; feed should be retrieved in the context of the original URL
$original = parse_url($url);
$port = array_key_exists('port', $original) ? ":{$original['port']}" : '';
$feedURL = "{$original['scheme']}://{$original['host']}$port$feedURL";
$doc = self::retrieveDocument($feedURL);
$parsed = self::parseFeed($doc['content']);
if (array_key_exists('error', $parsed)) return ['error' => $parsed['error']];
$extract = $parsed['ok']->getElementsByTagNameNS(self::ATOM_NS, 'feed')->length > 0
? self::fromAtom(...) : self::fromRSS(...);
return $extract($parsed['ok'], $doc['url']);
@ -398,7 +377,17 @@ class Feed {
$feedExtract = self::retrieveFeed($url);
if (array_key_exists('error', $feedExtract)) return $feedExtract;
$feed = $feedExtract['ok'];
$feed = $feedExtract['ok'];
$existsQuery = $db->prepare('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM feed WHERE user_id = :user AND url = :url');
$existsQuery->bindValue(':user', $_SESSION[Key::USER_ID]);
$existsQuery->bindValue(':url', $feed->url);
$existsResult = $existsQuery->execute();
if (!$existsResult) return ['error' => 'SQLite error: ' . $db->lastErrorMsg()];
$exists = $existsResult->fetchArray(SQLITE3_NUM);
if ($exists[0] != 0) return ['error' => "Already subscribed to feed $feed->url"];
$query = $db->prepare(<<<'SQL'
INSERT INTO feed (user_id, url, title, updated_on, checked_on)
VALUES (:user, :url, :title, :updated, :checked)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,80 @@
* Information for a feed item
class FeedItem {
/** @var string The title of the feed item */
public string $title = '';
/** @var string The unique ID for the feed item */
public string $guid = '';
/** @var string The link to the original content */
public string $link = '';
/** @var string When this item was published */
public string $publishedOn = '';
/** @var ?string When this item was last updated */
public ?string $updatedOn = null;
/** @var string The content for the item */
public string $content = '';
* Construct a feed item from an Atom feed's `<entry>` tag
* @param DOMNode $node The XML node from which a feed item should be constructed
* @return FeedItem A feed item constructed from the given node
public static function fromAtom(DOMNode $node): FeedItem {
$guid = Feed::atomValue($node, 'id');
$link = '';
foreach ($node->getElementsByTagName('link') as $linkElt) {
if ($linkElt->hasAttributes()) {
$relAttr = $linkElt->attributes->getNamedItem('rel');
if ($relAttr && $relAttr->value == 'alternate') {
$link = $linkElt->attributes->getNamedItem('href')->value;
if ($link == '' && str_starts_with($guid, 'http')) $link = $guid;
$item = new FeedItem();
$item->guid = $guid;
$item->title = Feed::atomValue($node, 'title');
$item->link = $link;
$item->publishedOn = Data::formatDate(Feed::atomValue($node, 'published'));
$item->updatedOn = Data::formatDate(Feed::atomValue($node, 'updated'));
$item->content = Feed::atomValue($node, 'content');
return $item;
* Construct a feed item from an RSS feed's `<item>` tag
* @param DOMNode $node The XML node from which a feed item should be constructed
* @return FeedItem A feed item constructed from the given node
public static function fromRSS(DOMNode $node): FeedItem {
$itemGuid = Feed::rssValue($node, 'guid');
$updNodes = $node->getElementsByTagNameNS(Feed::ATOM_NS, 'updated');
$encNodes = $node->getElementsByTagNameNS(Feed::CONTENT_NS, 'encoded');
$item = new FeedItem();
$item->guid = $itemGuid == 'guid not found' ? Feed::rssValue($node, 'link') : $itemGuid;
$item->title = Feed::rssValue($node, 'title');
$item->link = Feed::rssValue($node, 'link');
$item->publishedOn = Data::formatDate(Feed::rssValue($node, 'pubDate'));
$item->updatedOn = Data::formatDate($updNodes->length > 0 ? $updNodes->item(0)->textContent : null);
$item->content = $encNodes->length > 0
? $encNodes->item(0)->textContent
: Feed::rssValue($node, 'description');
return $item;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user