Bookmark items #14

opened 2024-04-16 00:51:19 +00:00 by danieljsummers · 1 comment
  • Add a top menu link of "Bookmarked" when the user has any bookmarked items.
  • Add a button to the bottom of the item view page that will bookmark the item.
  • When viewing a list of bookmarked items, provide "remove bookmark" logic that will remove the item from the list of bookmarked items and make it eligible for purging.
- Add a top menu link of "Bookmarked" when the user has any bookmarked items. - Add a button to the bottom of the item view page that will bookmark the item. - When viewing a list of bookmarked items, provide "remove bookmark" logic that will remove the item from the list of bookmarked items and make it eligible for purging.
danieljsummers added this to the alpha7 milestone 2024-05-23 23:58:05 +00:00
danieljsummers self-assigned this 2024-05-23 23:58:12 +00:00

Rather that providing a "remove bookmark" link on lists, the bookmark toggle is in the header of each item. Items can be removed from being bookmarked by viewing the item and clicking the "remove bookmark" button.

This will be part of alpha 7.

Rather that providing a "remove bookmark" link on lists, the bookmark toggle is in the header of each item. Items can be removed from being bookmarked by viewing the item and clicking the "remove bookmark" button. This will be part of alpha 7.
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