Display items by feed #13

opened 2024-04-16 00:46:05 +00:00 by danieljsummers · 1 comment
  • Add a "Feeds" top menu item that will display a list of feeds. This list of feeds should provide a means to edit the feed, delete it, or view either unread items, all items, or bookmarked items (if any exist) for that feed.
  • Within the list of items on the home page, the name of the feed should be linked to the feed's unread item page.
  • Make the item display page return to the proper page (home, all bookmarked, feed unread, feed bookmarks, or feed all).
- Add a "Feeds" top menu item that will display a list of feeds. This list of feeds should provide a means to edit the feed, delete it, or view either unread items, all items, or bookmarked items (if any exist) for that feed. - Within the list of items on the home page, the name of the feed should be linked to the feed's unread item page. - Make the item display page return to the proper page (home, all bookmarked, feed unread, feed bookmarks, or feed all).
danieljsummers added this to the alpha6 milestone 2024-05-01 00:03:45 +00:00
danieljsummers self-assigned this 2024-05-01 00:03:52 +00:00

This has been completed and will be part of alpha 6

This has been completed and will be part of alpha 6
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