--- title: The Bit Badger Blog url: https://blog.bitbadger.solutions summary: Geek stuff from Bit Badger Solutions category: Static Sites frontPage: display: true order: 3 text: Technical information (“geek stuff”) from Bit Badger Solutions technologies: - Hexo: for: static site generation isCurrent: true - Azure: for: static site hosting isCurrent: true - GitHub: for: source code control isCurrent: true - Custom software: for: content management - WordPress: for: content management - BlogEngine.NET: for: content management - Orchard: for: content management - myWebLog: for: content management - Jekyll: for: static site generation - MySQL: for: data storage - SQL Server: for: data storage - RethinkDB: for: data storage --- ### The Problem Daniel needed a place to journal his learning journey with the Linux operating system, and thought that allowing others read this journal would help them learn as well. ### The Solution _The Bit Badger Blog_ contains that journal, plus tech tips and information for many different aspects of technology. It is written, maintained, and hosted by Bit Badger Solutions. The initial posts were titled “My Linux Adventure,” and existed as static files that were edited to add each post. Daniel then wrote a rudimentary system that stored the posts in a database, which meant that the entire site did not need manual changes – what a breakthrough! :) Over time, the _Bit Badger Blog_ (and the _DJS Consulting Tech Blog_ before it) has served as a place to support _(now inactive)_ WordPress plug-ins, and go in depth on servers, databases, programming languages, and open-source software. It has also served as a useful live website for learning and experimentation with different content management systems and blogging tools. It has existed in at least 8 different tools, with links preserved as systems change. It is currently a statically-generated site, utilizing [Hexo](https://hexo.io), and its code is [open source](https://github.com/bit-badger/blog.bitbadger.solutions). New posts are infrequent, but the information it has is good. It may have more behind-the-scenes posts about future open-source efforts. Stay tuned!