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4 Commits

8 changed files with 236 additions and 24 deletions

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@ -41,13 +41,15 @@ let fetchPost (postId : string) =
### A standard way to translate JSON into a strongly-typed configuration
### A standard way to translate JSON or a URI into a strongly-typed configuration
/// type: DataConfig
let config = DataConfig.fromJsonFile "data-config.json"
// OR
let config = DataConfig.fromConfiguration (config.GetSection "RethinkDB")
// OR
let config = DataConfig.fromUri (config.GetConnectionString "RethinkDB")
/// type: IConnection
let conn = config.Connect ()

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@ -80,6 +80,13 @@ type RethinkBuilder<'T> () =
| Some dbName, tblName -> this.Db (r, dbName) |> tableCreate tblName
| None, _ -> tableCreateInDefault tableName
/// Create a table, providing optional arguments (of form "dbName.tableName"; if no db name, uses default database)
[<CustomOperation "tableCreate">]
member this.TableCreate (r : RethinkDB, tableName : string, args : TableCreateOptArg list) =
match dbAndTable tableName with
| Some dbName, tblName -> this.Db (r, dbName) |> tableCreateWithOptArgs tblName args
| None, _ -> tableCreateInDefaultWithOptArgs tableName args
/// Drop a table (of form "dbName.tableName"; if no db name, uses default database)
[<CustomOperation "tableDrop">]
member this.TableDrop (r : RethinkDB, tableName : string) =
@ -934,6 +941,16 @@ type RethinkBuilder<'T> () =
member this.WithRetryOption (f : IConnection -> Task<'T option>, retries : float seq, conn : IConnection) =
this.WithRetryOption (f, retries) conn
/// Retries a variable number of times, waiting each time for the seconds specified
[<CustomOperation "withRetryCursor">]
member _.WithRetryCursor (f : IConnection -> Task<Cursor<'T>>, retries : float seq) =
withRetry<Cursor<'T>> retries f
/// Retries a variable number of times, waiting each time for the seconds specified
[<CustomOperation "withRetryCursor">]
member this.WithRetryCursor (f : IConnection -> Task<Cursor<'T>>, retries : float seq, conn : IConnection) =
this.WithRetryCursor (f, retries) conn
/// Retries a variable number of times, waiting each time for the seconds specified
[<CustomOperation "withAsyncRetry">]
member _.WithAsyncRetry (f : IConnection -> Async<'T>, retries : float seq) = withAsyncRetry<'T> retries f
@ -953,6 +970,16 @@ type RethinkBuilder<'T> () =
member this.WithAsyncRetryOption (f : IConnection -> Async<'T option>, retries : float seq, conn : IConnection) =
this.WithAsyncRetryOption (f, retries) conn
/// Retries a variable number of times, waiting each time for the seconds specified
[<CustomOperation "withAsyncRetryCursor">]
member _.WithAsyncRetryCursor (f : IConnection -> Async<Cursor<'T>>, retries : float seq) =
withAsyncRetry<Cursor<'T>> retries f
/// Retries a variable number of times, waiting each time for the seconds specified
[<CustomOperation "withAsyncRetryCursor">]
member this.WithAsyncRetryCursor (f : IConnection -> Async<Cursor<'T>>, retries : float seq, conn : IConnection) =
this.WithAsyncRetryCursor (f, retries) conn
/// Retries a variable number of times, waiting each time for the seconds specified
[<CustomOperation "withSyncRetry">]
member _.WithSyncRetry (f : IConnection -> 'T, retries : float seq) = withSyncRetry<'T> retries f
@ -972,6 +999,16 @@ type RethinkBuilder<'T> () =
member this.WithSyncRetryOption (f : IConnection -> 'T option, retries : float seq, conn : IConnection) =
this.WithSyncRetryOption (f, retries) conn
/// Retries a variable number of times, waiting each time for the seconds specified
[<CustomOperation "withSyncRetryCursor">]
member _.WithSyncRetryCursor (f : IConnection -> Cursor<'T>, retries : float seq) =
withSyncRetry<Cursor<'T>> retries f
/// Retries a variable number of times, waiting each time for the seconds specified
[<CustomOperation "withSyncRetryCursor">]
member this.WithSyncRetryCursor (f : IConnection -> Cursor<'T>, retries : float seq, conn : IConnection) =
this.WithSyncRetryCursor (f, retries) conn
/// Retries at 200ms, 500ms, and 1s
[<CustomOperation "withRetryDefault">]
member _.WithRetryDefault (f : IConnection -> Task<'T>) = withRetryDefault<'T> f
@ -989,6 +1026,15 @@ type RethinkBuilder<'T> () =
member this.WithRetryOptionDefault (f : IConnection -> Task<'T option>, conn : IConnection) =
this.WithRetryOptionDefault f conn
/// Retries at 200ms, 500ms, and 1s
[<CustomOperation "withRetryCursorDefault">]
member _.WithRetryCursorDefault (f : IConnection -> Task<Cursor<'T>>) = withRetryDefault<Cursor<'T>> f
/// Retries at 200ms, 500ms, and 1s
[<CustomOperation "withRetryCursorDefault">]
member this.WithRetryCursorDefault (f : IConnection -> Task<Cursor<'T>>, conn : IConnection) =
this.WithRetryCursorDefault f conn
/// Retries at 200ms, 500ms, and 1s
[<CustomOperation "withAsyncRetryDefault">]
member _.WithAsyncRetryDefault (f : IConnection -> Async<'T>) = withAsyncRetryDefault<'T> f
@ -1007,6 +1053,15 @@ type RethinkBuilder<'T> () =
member this.WithAsyncRetryOptionDefault (f : IConnection -> Async<'T option>, conn : IConnection) =
this.WithAsyncRetryOptionDefault f conn
/// Retries at 200ms, 500ms, and 1s
[<CustomOperation "withAsyncRetryCursorDefault">]
member _.WithAsyncRetryCursorDefault (f : IConnection -> Async<Cursor<'T>>) = withAsyncRetryDefault<Cursor<'T>> f
/// Retries at 200ms, 500ms, and 1s
[<CustomOperation "withAsyncRetryCursorDefault">]
member this.WithAsyncRetryCursorDefault (f : IConnection -> Async<Cursor<'T>>, conn : IConnection) =
this.WithAsyncRetryCursorDefault f conn
/// Retries at 200ms, 500ms, and 1s
[<CustomOperation "withSyncRetryDefault">]
member _.WithSyncRetryDefault (f : IConnection -> 'T) = withSyncRetryDefault<'T> f
@ -1024,6 +1079,15 @@ type RethinkBuilder<'T> () =
member this.WithSyncRetryOptionDefault (f : IConnection -> 'T option, conn : IConnection) =
this.WithSyncRetryOptionDefault f conn
/// Retries at 200ms, 500ms, and 1s
[<CustomOperation "withSyncRetryCursorDefault">]
member _.WithSyncRetryCursorDefault (f : IConnection -> Cursor<'T>) = withSyncRetryDefault<Cursor<'T>> f
/// Retries at 200ms, 500ms, and 1s
[<CustomOperation "withSyncRetryCursorDefault">]
member this.WithSyncRetryCursorDefault (f : IConnection -> Cursor<'T>, conn : IConnection) =
this.WithSyncRetryCursorDefault f conn
/// Retries once immediately
[<CustomOperation "withRetryOnce">]
member _.WithRetryOnce (f : IConnection -> Task<'T>) = withRetryOnce<'T> f
@ -1041,6 +1105,15 @@ type RethinkBuilder<'T> () =
member this.WithRetryOptionOnce (f : IConnection -> Task<'T option>, conn : IConnection) =
this.WithRetryOptionOnce f conn
/// Retries once immediately
[<CustomOperation "withRetryCursorOnce">]
member _.WithRetryCursorOnce (f : IConnection -> Task<Cursor<'T>>) = withRetryOnce<Cursor<'T>> f
/// Retries once immediately
[<CustomOperation "withRetryCursorOnce">]
member this.WithRetryCursorOnce (f : IConnection -> Task<Cursor<'T>>, conn : IConnection) =
this.WithRetryCursorOnce f conn
/// Retries once immediately
[<CustomOperation "withAsyncRetryOnce">]
member _.WithAsyncRetryOnce (f : IConnection -> Async<'T>) = withAsyncRetryOnce<'T> f
@ -1058,6 +1131,15 @@ type RethinkBuilder<'T> () =
member this.WithAsyncRetryOptionOnce (f : IConnection -> Async<'T option>, conn : IConnection) =
this.WithAsyncRetryOptionOnce f conn
/// Retries once immediately
[<CustomOperation "withAsyncRetryCursorOnce">]
member _.WithAsyncRetryCursorOnce (f : IConnection -> Async<Cursor<'T>>) = withAsyncRetryOnce<Cursor<'T>> f
/// Retries once immediately
[<CustomOperation "withAsyncRetryCursorOnce">]
member this.WithAsyncRetryCursorOnce (f : IConnection -> Async<Cursor<'T>>, conn : IConnection) =
this.WithAsyncRetryCursorOnce f conn
/// Retries once immediately
[<CustomOperation "withSyncRetryOnce">]
member _.WithSyncRetryOnce (f : IConnection -> 'T) = withSyncRetryOnce<'T> f
@ -1075,6 +1157,15 @@ type RethinkBuilder<'T> () =
member this.WithSyncRetryOptionOnce (f : IConnection -> 'T option, conn : IConnection) =
this.WithSyncRetryOptionOnce f conn
/// Retries once immediately
[<CustomOperation "withSyncRetryCursorOnce">]
member _.WithSyncRetryCursorOnce (f : IConnection -> Cursor<'T>) = withSyncRetryOnce<Cursor<'T>> f
/// Retries once immediately
[<CustomOperation "withSyncRetryCursorOnce">]
member this.WithSyncRetryCursorOnce (f : IConnection -> Cursor<'T>, conn : IConnection) =
this.WithSyncRetryCursorOnce f conn
/// RethinkDB computation expression
let rethink<'T> = RethinkBuilder<'T> ()

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@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
namespace RethinkDb.Driver.FSharp
open System
open Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration
open Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
open Newtonsoft.Json.Linq
open RethinkDb.Driver
open RethinkDb.Driver.Net
@ -36,17 +38,30 @@ type DataConfig =
static member empty =
{ Parameters = [] }
/// Create a RethinkDB connection
member this.CreateConnection () : IConnection =
/// Build the connection from the given parameters
member private this.BuildConnection () =
|> Seq.fold (RethinkDB.R.Connection ())
|> function builder -> builder.Connect ()
/// Create a RethinkDB connection
member this.CreateConnection () : IConnection =
(this.BuildConnection ()).Connect ()
/// Create a RethinkDB connection, logging the connection settings
member this.CreateConnection (log : ILogger) : IConnection =
let builder = this.BuildConnection ()
if not (isNull log) then log.LogInformation $"Connecting to {this.EffectiveUri}"
builder.Connect ()
/// Create a RethinkDB connection
member this.CreateConnectionAsync () : Task<Connection> =
|> Seq.fold (RethinkDB.R.Connection ())
|> function builder -> builder.ConnectAsync ()
(this.BuildConnection ()).ConnectAsync ()
/// Create a RethinkDB connection, logging the connection settings
member this.CreateConnectionAsync (log : ILogger) : Task<Connection> =
let builder = this.BuildConnection ()
if not (isNull log) then log.LogInformation $"Connecting to {this.EffectiveUri}"
builder.ConnectAsync ()
/// The effective hostname
member this.Hostname =
@ -72,6 +87,20 @@ type DataConfig =
| Some (Database x) -> x
| _ -> RethinkDBConstants.DefaultDbName
/// The effective configuration URI (excludes password / auth key)
member this.EffectiveUri =
seq {
match this.Parameters |> List.tryPick (fun x -> match x with User _ -> Some x | _ -> None) with
| Some (User (username, _)) -> $"{username}:***pw***@"
| _ ->
match this.Parameters |> List.tryPick (fun x -> match x with AuthKey _ -> Some x | _ -> None) with
| Some (AuthKey _) -> "****key****@"
| _ -> ()
|> String.concat ""
/// Parse settings from JSON
/// A sample JSON object with all the possible properties filled in:
@ -116,3 +145,26 @@ type DataConfig =
match cfg["username"], cfg["password"] with null, _ | _, null -> () | user -> User user
/// Parse settings from a URI
/// rethinkdb://user:password@host:port/database?timeout=##
/// OR
/// rethinkdb://authkey@host:port/database?timeout=##
/// Scheme and host are required; all other settings optional
static member FromUri (uri : string) =
let it = Uri uri
if it.Scheme <> "rethinkdb" then invalidArg "Scheme" $"""URI scheme must be "rethinkdb" (was {it.Scheme})"""
{ Parameters =
[ Hostname it.Host
if it.Port <> -1 then Port it.Port
if it.UserInfo <> "" then
if it.UserInfo.Contains ":" then
let parts = it.UserInfo.Split ':' |> Array.truncate 2
User (parts[0], parts[1])
else AuthKey it.UserInfo
if it.Segments.Length > 1 then Database it.Segments[1]
if it.Query.Contains "?timeout=" then Timeout (int it.Query[9..])

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@ -576,6 +576,14 @@ let tableCreate (tableName : string) (db : Db) =
let tableCreateInDefault (tableName : string) =
r.TableCreate tableName
/// Create a table in the connection-default database, providing optional arguments
let tableCreateInDefaultWithOptArgs (tableName : string) args =
r.TableCreate tableName |> TableCreateOptArg.apply args
/// Create a table in the given database, providing optional arguments
let tableCreateWithOptArgs (tableName : string) args (db : Db) =
db.TableCreate tableName |> TableCreateOptArg.apply args
/// Drop a table in the given database
let tableDrop (tableName : string) (db : Db) =
db.TableDrop tableName

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@ -418,6 +418,12 @@ val tableCreate : string -> Db -> TableCreate
/// Create a table in the connection-default database
val tableCreateInDefault : string -> TableCreate
/// Create a table in the connection-default database, providing optional arguments
val tableCreateInDefaultWithOptArgs : string -> TableCreateOptArg list -> TableCreate
/// Create a table in the given database, providing optional arguments
val tableCreateWithOptArgs : string -> TableCreateOptArg list -> Db -> TableCreate
/// Drop a table in the given database
val tableDrop : string -> Db -> TableDrop

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@ -299,6 +299,57 @@ module RunOptArg =
/// Definition of server tag/replica count
type ReplicaTag =
/// A tagged server replica, along with the number of replicas per shard for that server
| ReplicaTag of string * int
/// Definition of replicas per shard when creating a table
type ReplicaSpec =
/// Create this number of replicas per shard
| Number of int
/// Create the replicas across tagged servers, using the specified tag as the primary server
| WithTags of string * ReplicaTag list
/// Optional arguments for creating tables
type TableCreateOptArg =
/// The name of the primary key field (default is "id")
| PrimaryKey of string
/// The durability of the command
| Durability of Durability
/// The number of shards to create (1 to 64)
| Shards of int
/// The replicas per shard for this table
| Replicas of ReplicaSpec
/// Functions to support `tableCreate` optional arguments
module TableCreateOptArg =
/// Apply a list of optional arguments to a tableCreate statement
let apply opts (tc : TableCreate) =
|> List.fold (fun (tc : TableCreate) arg ->
match arg with
| PrimaryKey pk -> tc.OptArg ("primary_key", pk)
| Durability dur -> tc.OptArg dur.reql
| Shards sh -> tc.OptArg ("shards", sh)
| Replicas rep ->
match rep with
| Number count -> tc.OptArg ("replicas", count)
| WithTags (primary, all) ->
let (ReplicaTag (firstTag, firstCount)) = List.head all
let replica =
|> List.skip 1
|> List.fold (fun (h : Model.MapObject) arg ->
let (ReplicaTag (tag, count)) = arg
h.With (tag, count))
(RethinkDB.R.HashMap (firstTag, firstCount))
tc.OptArg("replicas", replica).OptArg ("primary_replica_tag", primary)
/// Optional arguments for the `update` statement
type UpdateOptArg =
/// The durability of the command

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@ -10,6 +10,8 @@ open RethinkDb.Driver.FSharp
let dataCfg = DataConfig.fromJson "rethink-config.json"
// - or -
let dataCfg = DataConfig.fromConfiguration [config-section]
// - or -
let dataCfg = DataConfig.fromUri [connection-string]
let conn = dataCfg.CreateConnection () // IConnection

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@ -14,9 +14,9 @@
<Copyright>See LICENSE</Copyright>
<PackageTags>RethinkDB document F#</PackageTags>
Add cursor / toList functions and DSL operations
Add URI config option and logging CreateConnection overloads