Remove generics from filter/insert/update
This commit is contained in:
@ -104,11 +104,11 @@ type RethinkBuilder<'T> () =
/// Create an index for a table, using a function to calculate the index
[<CustomOperation "indexCreate">]
member _.IndexCreate (tbl, index, f) = indexCreateFunc<'T> index f tbl
member _.IndexCreate (tbl, index, f) = indexCreateFunc index f tbl
/// Create an index for a table, using a function to calculate the index
[<CustomOperation "indexCreate">]
member _.IndexCreate (tbl, index, f, opts) = indexCreateFuncWithOptArgs<'T> index f opts tbl
member _.IndexCreate (tbl, index, f, opts) = indexCreateFuncWithOptArgs index f opts tbl
/// Create an index for a table, using a JavaScript function to calculate the index
[<CustomOperation "indexCreate">]
@ -294,19 +294,19 @@ type RethinkBuilder<'T> () =
/// Insert a document into the given table
[<CustomOperation "insert">]
member _.Insert (tbl, doc) = insert<'T> doc tbl
member _.Insert (tbl, doc : obj) = insert doc tbl
/// Insert multiple documents into the given table
[<CustomOperation "insert">]
member _.Insert (tbl, doc) = insertMany<'T> (Seq.ofList doc) tbl
member _.Insert (tbl, doc) = insertMany (Seq.ofList doc) tbl
/// Insert a document into the given table, using optional arguments
[<CustomOperation "insert">]
member _.Insert (tbl, docs, opts) = insertWithOptArgs<'T> docs opts tbl
member _.Insert (tbl, docs : obj, opts) = insertWithOptArgs docs opts tbl
/// Insert multiple documents into the given table, using optional arguments
[<CustomOperation "insert">]
member _.Insert (tbl, docs, opts) = insertManyWithOptArgs<'T> (Seq.ofList docs) opts tbl
member _.Insert (tbl, docs, opts) = insertManyWithOptArgs (Seq.ofList docs) opts tbl
/// Update specific fields in a document
[<CustomOperation "update">]
@ -318,11 +318,11 @@ type RethinkBuilder<'T> () =
/// Update specific fields in a document using a function
[<CustomOperation "update">]
member _.Update (expr, f) = updateFunc<'T> f expr
member _.Update (expr, f) = updateFunc f expr
/// Update specific fields in a document using a function, with optional arguments
[<CustomOperation "update">]
member _.Update (expr, f, args) = updateFuncWithOptArgs<'T> f args expr
member _.Update (expr, f, args) = updateFuncWithOptArgs f args expr
/// Update specific fields in a document using a JavaScript function
[<CustomOperation "update">]
@ -334,19 +334,19 @@ type RethinkBuilder<'T> () =
/// Replace the current query with the specified document
[<CustomOperation "replace">]
member _.Replace (expr, doc) = replace<'T> doc expr
member _.Replace (expr, doc : obj) = replace doc expr
/// Replace the current query with the specified document, using optional arguments
[<CustomOperation "replace">]
member _.Replace (expr, doc, args) = replaceWithOptArgs<'T> doc args expr
member _.Replace (expr, doc : obj, args) = replaceWithOptArgs doc args expr
/// Replace the current query with document(s) created by a function
[<CustomOperation "replace">]
member _.Replace (expr, f) = replaceFunc<'T> f expr
member _.Replace (expr, f) = replaceFunc f expr
/// Replace the current query with document(s) created by a function, using optional arguments
[<CustomOperation "replace">]
member _.Replace (expr, f, args) = replaceFuncWithOptArgs<'T> f args expr
member _.Replace (expr, f, args) = replaceFuncWithOptArgs f args expr
/// Replace the current query with document(s) created by a JavaScript function
[<CustomOperation "replace">]
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ module private Helpers =
/// Create a Javascript object from a string (used mostly for type inference)
let toJS (js : string) = Javascript js
// ~~ EXECUTION ~~
/// Get a cursor with the results of an expression
let asyncCursor<'T> conn (expr : ReqlExpr) =
@ -132,6 +133,8 @@ let syncResult<'T> conn expr =
let syncResultWithOptArgs<'T> args conn expr =
asyncResultWithOptArgs<'T> args conn expr |> Async.RunSynchronously
/// Get documents between a lower bound and an upper bound based on a primary key
let between (lowerKey : obj) (upperKey : obj) (expr : ReqlExpr) =
expr.Between (lowerKey, upperKey)
@ -217,15 +220,15 @@ let filterWithOptArgs (filterSpec : obj) arg expr =
filter filterSpec expr |> FilterOptArg.apply arg
/// Filter documents using a function
let filterFunc (f : ReqlExpr -> bool) (expr : ReqlExpr) =
expr.Filter (ReqlFunction1 (fun row -> f row :> obj))
let filterFunc f (expr : ReqlExpr) =
expr.Filter (ReqlFunction1 f)
/// Filter documents using a function, providing optional arguments
let filterFuncWithOptArgs f arg expr =
filterFunc f expr |> FilterOptArg.apply arg
/// Filter documents using multiple functions (has the effect of ANDing them)
let filterFuncAll (fs : (ReqlExpr -> bool) list) (expr : ReqlExpr) =
let filterFuncAll fs expr =
(fs |> List.fold (fun (e : ReqlExpr) f -> filterFunc f e) expr) :?> Filter
/// Filter documents using multiple functions (has the effect of ANDing them), providing optional arguments
@ -261,11 +264,11 @@ let indexCreateWithOptArgs (indexName : string) args (table : Table) =
indexCreate indexName table |> IndexCreateOptArg.apply args
/// Create an index on the given table using a function
let indexCreateFunc<'T> (indexName : string) (f : ReqlExpr -> 'T) (table : Table) =
table.IndexCreate (indexName, ReqlFunction1 (fun row -> f row :> obj))
let indexCreateFunc (indexName : string) f (table : Table) =
table.IndexCreate (indexName, ReqlFunction1 f)
/// Create an index on the given table using a function, including optional arguments
let indexCreateFuncWithOptArgs<'T> indexName (f : ReqlExpr -> 'T) args table =
let indexCreateFuncWithOptArgs indexName f args table =
indexCreateFunc indexName f table |> IndexCreateOptArg.apply args
/// Create an index on the given table using JavaScript
@ -317,19 +320,19 @@ let innerJoinJS (otherSeq : obj) js (expr : ReqlExpr) =
expr.InnerJoin (otherSeq, toJS js)
/// Insert a single document (use insertMany for multiple)
let insert<'T> (doc : 'T) (table : Table) =
let insert (doc : obj) (table : Table) =
table.Insert doc
/// Insert multiple documents
let insertMany<'T> (docs : 'T seq) (table : Table) =
let insertMany (docs : obj seq) (table : Table) =
table.Insert (Array.ofSeq docs)
/// Insert a single document, providing optional arguments (use insertManyWithOptArgs for multiple)
let insertWithOptArgs<'T> (doc : 'T) args table =
let insertWithOptArgs (doc : obj) args table =
insert doc table |> InsertOptArg.apply args
/// Insert multiple documents, providing optional arguments
let insertManyWithOptArgs<'T> (docs : 'T seq) args table =
let insertManyWithOptArgs (docs : obj seq) args table =
insertMany docs table |> InsertOptArg.apply args
/// Test whether a sequence is empty
@ -409,19 +412,19 @@ let pluck (fields : string seq) (expr : ReqlExpr) =
expr.Pluck (Array.ofSeq fields)
/// Replace documents
let replace<'T> (replaceSpec : 'T) (expr : ReqlExpr) =
let replace (replaceSpec : obj) (expr : ReqlExpr) =
expr.Replace replaceSpec
/// Replace documents, providing optional arguments
let replaceWithOptArgs<'T> (replaceSpec : 'T) args expr =
let replaceWithOptArgs (replaceSpec : obj) args expr =
replace replaceSpec expr |> ReplaceOptArg.apply args
/// Replace documents using a function
let replaceFunc<'T> (f : ReqlExpr -> 'T) (expr : ReqlExpr) =
expr.Replace (ReqlFunction1 (fun row -> f row :> obj))
let replaceFunc f (expr : ReqlExpr) =
expr.Replace (ReqlFunction1 f)
/// Replace documents using a function, providing optional arguments
let replaceFuncWithOptArgs<'T> (f : ReqlExpr -> 'T) args expr =
let replaceFuncWithOptArgs f args expr =
replaceFunc f expr |> ReplaceOptArg.apply args
/// Replace documents using JavaScript
@ -473,19 +476,19 @@ let tableListFromDefault () =
r.TableList ()
/// Update documents
let update<'T> (updateSpec : 'T) (expr : ReqlExpr) =
let update (updateSpec : obj) (expr : ReqlExpr) =
expr.Update updateSpec
/// Update documents, providing optional arguments
let updateWithOptArgs<'T> (updateSpec : 'T) args expr =
let updateWithOptArgs (updateSpec : obj) args expr =
update updateSpec expr |> UpdateOptArg.apply args
/// Update documents using a function
let updateFunc<'T> (f : ReqlExpr -> 'T) (expr : ReqlExpr) =
expr.Update (ReqlFunction1 (fun row -> f row :> obj))
let updateFunc f (expr : ReqlExpr) =
expr.Update (ReqlFunction1 f)
/// Update documents using a function, providing optional arguments
let updateFuncWithOptArgs<'T> (f : ReqlExpr -> 'T) args expr =
let updateFuncWithOptArgs f args expr =
updateFunc f expr |> UpdateOptArg.apply args
/// Update documents using JavaScript
@ -504,7 +507,6 @@ let without (columns : string seq) (expr : ReqlExpr) =
let zip (expr : ReqlExpr) =
expr.Zip ()
// ~~ RETRY ~~
open RethinkDb.Driver.Net
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
<Copyright>See LICENSE</Copyright>
<PackageTags>RethinkDB document F#</PackageTags>
<PackageReleaseNotes>Alpha; use at your own risk</PackageReleaseNotes>
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