Lots more functions

Also, list -> seq in all parameters; it will be more flexible for the
caller, they will likely be small, and we can convert it when passing it
to the ReQL functions
This commit is contained in:
Daniel J. Summers 2017-07-17 21:03:51 -05:00
parent 43aefbef78
commit 73ca164077
2 changed files with 283 additions and 50 deletions

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@ -2,88 +2,321 @@
module RethinkDb.Driver.FSharp.Functions module RethinkDb.Driver.FSharp.Functions
open RethinkDb.Driver open RethinkDb.Driver
open RethinkDb.Driver.Ast
let private r = RethinkDB.R let private r = RethinkDB.R
/// Get a cursor with the results of an expression
let asyncCursor<'T> conn (expr : ReqlExpr) =
expr.RunCursorAsync<'T> conn
|> Async.AwaitTask
/// Get the result of a non-select ReQL expression
let asyncReqlResult conn (expr : ReqlExpr) =
expr.RunResultAsync conn
|> Async.AwaitTask
/// Get the results of an expression
let asyncResult<'T> conn (expr : ReqlExpr) =
expr.RunResultAsync<'T> conn
|> Async.AwaitTask
/// Get documents between a lower bound and an upper bound based on a primary key
let between lowerKey upperKey (expr : ReqlExpr) =
expr.Between (lowerKey, upperKey)
/// Get document between a lower bound and an upper bound, specifying one or more optional arguments
let betweenWithOptArgs lowerKey upperKey (args : (string * _) seq) (expr : ReqlExpr) =
|> List.ofSeq
|> List.fold (fun (btw : Between) arg -> btw.OptArg (fst arg, snd arg)) (between lowerKey upperKey expr)
/// Get documents between a lower bound and an upper bound based on an index
let betweenIndex lowerKey upperKey (index : string) (expr : ReqlExpr) =
betweenWithOptArgs lowerKey upperKey [ "index", index ] expr
/// Get a connection builder that can be used to create one RethinkDB connection /// Get a connection builder that can be used to create one RethinkDB connection
let connection () = let connection () =
r.Connection () r.Connection ()
/// Get the results of an expression /// Reference a database
let asyncResult<'T> conn (expr : Ast.ReqlExpr) = let db dbName =
expr.RunResultAsync<'T> conn r.Db dbName
|> Async.AwaitTask
/// Get the result of a non-select ReQL expression
let asyncReqlResult conn (expr : Ast.ReqlExpr) =
expr.RunResultAsync conn
|> Async.AwaitTask
/// Get a list of databases
let dbList conn =
r.DbList ()
|> asyncResult<string list> conn
/// Create a database /// Create a database
let dbCreate dbName conn = let dbCreate dbName conn =
r.DbCreate dbName r.DbCreate dbName
|> asyncReqlResult conn |> asyncReqlResult conn
/// Reference a database /// Drop a database
let db dbName = let dbDrop dbName conn =
r.Db dbName r.DbDrop dbName
|> asyncReqlResult conn
/// Get a list of databases
let dbList conn =
r.DbList ()
|> asyncResult<string list> conn
/// Reference the default database /// Reference the default database
let defaultDb = let defaultDb =
(fun () -> r.Db ()) () (fun () -> r.Db ()) ()
/// Get a list of tables for the given database /// Delete documents
let tableList conn (db : Ast.Db) = let delete (expr : ReqlExpr) =
db.TableList () expr.Delete ()
|> asyncResult<string list> conn
/// Create a table in the given database /// Delete documents, providing optional arguments
let tableCreate tableName conn (db : Ast.Db) = let deleteWithOptArgs args expr =
db.TableCreate tableName args
|> List.ofSeq
|> List.fold (fun (del : Delete) arg -> del.OptArg (fst arg, snd arg)) (delete expr)
/// EqJoin the left field on the right-hand table using its primary key
let eqJoin field (table : Table) (expr : ReqlExpr) =
expr.EqJoin (field :> obj, table)
/// EqJoin the left function on the right-hand table using its primary key
let eqJoinFunc (f : ReqlExpr -> 'T) (table : Table) (expr : ReqlExpr) =
expr.EqJoin (ReqlFunction1 (fun row -> upcast f row), table)
/// EqJoin the left function on the right-hand table using the specified index
let eqJoinFuncIndex f table (indexName : string) expr =
(eqJoinFunc f table expr).OptArg ("index", indexName)
/// EqJoin the left field on the right-hand table using the specified index
let eqJoinIndex field table (indexName : string) expr =
(eqJoin field table expr).OptArg ("index", indexName)
/// EqJoin the left JavaScript on the right-hand table using its primary key
let eqJoinJS (jsString : string) (table : Table) (expr : ReqlExpr) =
expr.EqJoin (Javascript (jsString :> obj), table)
/// EqJoin the left JavaScript on the right-hand table using the specified index
let eqJoinJSIndex jsString table (indexName : string) expr =
(eqJoinJS jsString table expr).OptArg ("index", indexName)
/// Filter documents
let filter filterSpec (expr : ReqlExpr) =
expr.Filter (filterSpec :> obj)
/// Filter documents, providing optional arguments
let filterWithOptArgs filterSpec args expr =
|> List.ofSeq
|> List.fold (fun (fil : Filter) arg -> fil.OptArg (fst arg, snd arg)) (filter filterSpec expr)
/// Filter documents using a function
let filterFunc (f : ReqlExpr -> 'T) (expr : ReqlExpr) =
expr.Filter (ReqlFunction1 (fun row -> upcast f row))
/// Filter documents using a function, providing optional arguments
let filterFuncWithOptArgs f args expr =
|> List.ofSeq
|> List.fold (fun (fil : Filter) arg -> fil.OptArg (fst arg, snd arg)) (filterFunc f expr)
/// Filter documents using JavaScript
let filterJS jsString (expr : ReqlExpr) =
expr.Filter (Javascript (jsString :> obj))
/// Filter documents using JavaScript, providing optional arguments
let filterJSWithOptArgs jsString args expr =
|> List.ofSeq
|> List.fold (fun (fil : Filter) arg -> fil.OptArg (fst arg, snd arg)) (filterJS jsString expr)
/// Get a document by its primary key
let get documentId (table : Table) =
table.Get documentId
/// Get all documents matching keys in the given index
let getAll (ids : 'T seq) indexName (table : Table) =
table.GetAll(Array.ofSeq ids).OptArg ("index", indexName)
/// Create an index on the given table
let indexCreate indexName conn (table : Table) =
table.IndexCreate indexName
|> asyncReqlResult conn |> asyncReqlResult conn
/// Create an index on the given table using a function
let indexCreateFunc indexName (f : ReqlExpr -> 'T) conn (table : Table) =
table.IndexCreate (indexName, ReqlFunction1 (fun row -> upcast f row))
|> asyncReqlResult conn
/// Create an index on the given table using JavaScript
let indexCreateJS indexName jsString conn (table : Table) =
table.IndexCreate (indexName, Javascript (jsString :> obj))
|> asyncReqlResult conn
/// Drop an index
let indexDrop indexName conn (table : Table) =
table.IndexDrop indexName
|> asyncReqlResult conn
/// Get a list of indexes for the given table
let indexList conn (table : Table) =
table.IndexList ()
|> asyncResult<string list> conn
/// Rename an index (overwrite will fail)
let indexRename oldName newName conn (table : Table) =
table.IndexRename (oldName, newName)
|> asyncReqlResult conn
/// Rename an index (overwrite will succeed)
let indexRenameWithOverwrite oldName newName conn (table : Table) =
table.IndexRename(oldName, newName).OptArg ("overwrite", true)
|> asyncReqlResult conn
/// Create an inner join between two sequences, specifying the join condition with a function
let innerJoinFunc otherSeq (f : ReqlExpr -> ReqlExpr -> 'T) (expr : ReqlExpr) =
expr.InnerJoin (otherSeq, ReqlFunction2 (fun leftRow rightRow -> upcast f leftRow rightRow))
/// Create an inner join between two sequences, specifying the join condition with JavaScript
let innerJoinJS otherSeq jsString (expr : ReqlExpr) =
expr.InnerJoin (otherSeq, Javascript (jsString :> obj))
/// Insert a single document (use insertMany for multiple)
let insert doc (table : Table) =
table.Insert doc
/// Insert multiple documents
let insertMany docs (table : Table) =
table.Insert <| Array.ofSeq docs
/// Insert a single document, providing optional arguments (use insertManyWithOptArgs for multiple)
let insertWithOptArgs doc (args : (string * _) seq) (table : Table) =
|> List.ofSeq
|> List.fold (fun (ins : Insert) arg -> ins.OptArg (fst arg, snd arg)) (insert doc table)
/// Insert multiple documents, providing optional arguments
let insertManyWithOptArgs docs (args : (string * _) seq) (table : Table) =
|> List.ofSeq
|> List.fold (fun (ins : Insert) arg -> ins.OptArg (fst arg, snd arg)) (insertMany docs table)
/// Test whether a sequence is empty
let isEmpty (expr : ReqlExpr) =
expr.IsEmpty ()
/// End a sequence after a given number of elements
let limit n (expr : ReqlExpr) =
expr.Limit n
/// Retrieve the nth element in a sequence
let nth n (expr : ReqlExpr) =
expr.Nth n
/// Create an outer join between two sequences, specifying the join condition with a function
let outerJoinFunc otherSeq (f : ReqlExpr -> ReqlExpr -> 'T) (expr : ReqlExpr) =
expr.OuterJoin (otherSeq, ReqlFunction2 (fun leftRow rightRow -> upcast f leftRow rightRow))
/// Create an outer join between two sequences, specifying the join condition with JavaScript
let outerJoinJS otherSeq jsString (expr : ReqlExpr) =
expr.OuterJoin (otherSeq, Javascript (jsString :> obj))
/// Select one or more attributes from an object or sequence
let pluck (fields : string seq) (expr : ReqlExpr) =
expr.Pluck (Array.ofSeq fields)
/// Replace documents
let replace replaceSpec (expr : ReqlExpr) =
expr.Replace (replaceSpec :> obj)
/// Replace documents, providing optional arguments
let replaceWithOptArgs replaceSpec args expr =
|> List.ofSeq
|> List.fold (fun (rep : Replace) arg -> rep.OptArg (fst arg, snd arg)) (replace replaceSpec expr)
/// Replace documents using a function
let replaceFunc (f : ReqlExpr -> 'T) (expr : ReqlExpr) =
expr.Replace (ReqlFunction1 (fun row -> upcast f row))
/// Replace documents using a function, providing optional arguments
let replaceFuncWithOptArgs f args expr =
|> List.ofSeq
|> List.fold (fun (rep : Replace) arg -> rep.OptArg (fst arg, snd arg)) (replaceFunc f expr)
/// Replace documents using JavaScript
let replaceJS jsString (expr : ReqlExpr) =
expr.Replace (Ast.Javascript (jsString :> obj))
/// Replace documents using JavaScript, providing optional arguments
let replaceJSWithOptArgs jsString args expr =
|> List.ofSeq
|> List.fold (fun (rep : Replace) arg -> rep.OptArg (fst arg, snd arg)) (replaceJS jsString expr)
/// Skip a number of elements from the head of a sequence
let skip n (expr : ReqlExpr) =
expr.Skip n
/// Ensure changes to a table are written to permanent storage
let sync (table : Table) =
table.Sync ()
/// Return all documents in a table (may be further refined) /// Return all documents in a table (may be further refined)
let table tableName (db : Ast.Db) = let table tableName (db : Db) =
db.Table tableName db.Table tableName
/// Return all documents in a table from the default database (may be further refined) /// Return all documents in a table from the default database (may be further refined)
let fromTable tableName = let fromTable tableName =
table tableName defaultDb table tableName defaultDb
/// Get a list of indexes for the given table /// Create a table in the given database
let indexList conn (table : Ast.Table) = let tableCreate tableName conn (db : Db) =
table.IndexList () db.TableCreate tableName
|> asyncReqlResult conn
/// Drop a table
let tableDrop tableName conn (db : Db) =
db.TableDrop tableName
|> asyncReqlResult conn
/// Get a list of tables for the given database
let tableList conn (db : Db) =
db.TableList ()
|> asyncResult<string list> conn |> asyncResult<string list> conn
/// Create an index on the given table /// Update documents
let indexCreate indexName conn (table : Ast.Table) = let update updateSpec (expr : ReqlExpr) =
table.IndexCreate indexName expr.Update (updateSpec :> obj)
|> asyncReqlResult conn
/// Create an index on the given table using a function /// Update documents, providing optional arguments
let indexCreateFunc indexName (f : Ast.ReqlExpr -> obj) conn (table : Ast.Table) = let updateWithOptArgs updateSpec args expr =
table.IndexCreate (indexName, Ast.ReqlFunction1 f) args
|> asyncReqlResult conn |> List.ofSeq
|> List.fold (fun (upd : Update) arg -> upd.OptArg (fst arg, snd arg)) (update updateSpec expr)
let indexCreateJS indexName jsString conn (table : Ast.Table) = /// Update documents using a function
table.IndexCreate (indexName, Ast.Javascript (jsString :> obj)) let updateFunc (f : ReqlExpr -> 'T) (expr : ReqlExpr) =
|> asyncReqlResult conn expr.Update (ReqlFunction1 (fun row -> upcast f row))
/// Get a document by its primary key /// Update documents using a function, providing optional arguments
let get documentId (table : Ast.Table) = let updateFuncWithOptArgs f args expr =
table.Get documentId args
|> List.ofSeq
|> List.fold (fun (upd : Update) arg -> upd.OptArg (fst arg, snd arg)) (updateFunc f expr)
/// Get all documents matching keys in the given index /// Update documents using JavaScript
let getAll (ids : 'T seq) indexName (table : Ast.Table) = let updateJS jsString (expr : ReqlExpr) =
table.GetAll(ids |> Array.ofSeq).OptArg("index", indexName) expr.Update (Ast.Javascript (jsString :> obj))
/// Update documents using JavaScript, providing optional arguments
let updateJSWithOptArgs jsString args expr =
|> List.ofSeq
|> List.fold (fun (upd : Update) arg -> upd.OptArg (fst arg, snd arg)) (updateJS jsString expr)
/// Get a cursor with the results of an expression /// Exclude fields from the result
let asyncCursor<'T> conn (expr : Ast.ReqlExpr) = let without (columns : string seq) (expr : ReqlExpr) =
expr.RunCursorAsync<'T> conn expr.Without (Array.ofSeq columns)
|> Async.AwaitTask
/// Merge the right-hand fields into the left-hand document of a sequence
let zip (expr : ReqlExpr) =
expr.Zip ()

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@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
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