WIP on refreshing expired sessions
- Move RethinkDB operations to their own module - Incorporated cancellation tokens throughout
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
/// The implementation portion of this cache
module private RethinkDB.DistributedCache.Cache
open System
open System.Threading
open Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
open RethinkDB.DistributedCache
open RethinkDb.Driver.FSharp
/// The database name (blank uses connection default)
let db (cacheOpts : DistributedRethinkDBCacheOptions) = defaultArg (Option.ofObj cacheOpts.Database) ""
/// The table name; default to "Cache" if not provided
let tbl (cacheOpts : DistributedRethinkDBCacheOptions) =
match defaultArg (Option.ofObj cacheOpts.TableName) "" with "" -> "Cache" | tbl -> tbl
/// The name of the cache
let table cacheOpts = match db cacheOpts with "" -> tbl cacheOpts | d -> $"{d}.{tbl cacheOpts}"
/// Debug message
let debug cacheOpts (log : ILogger) text =
if log.IsEnabled LogLevel.Debug then log.LogDebug $"[{table cacheOpts}] %s{text ()}"
/// Convert seconds to .NET ticks
let secondsToTicks seconds = int64 (seconds * 10000000)
/// Calculate ticks from now for the given number of seconds
let ticksFromNow seconds = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks + (secondsToTicks seconds)
/// Ensure that the necessary environment exists for this cache
module Environment =
/// Make sure the RethinkDB database, table, expiration index exist
let check cacheOpts log (cancelToken : CancellationToken) = backgroundTask {
let debug = debug cacheOpts log
debug <| fun () -> "|> Checking for proper RethinkDB cache environment"
// Database
let db = db cacheOpts
match db with
| "" -> debug <| fun () -> " Skipping database check; using connection default"
| _ ->
debug <| fun () -> $" Checking for database {db} existence..."
let! dbs = rethink<string list> { dbList; result cancelToken; withRetryDefault cacheOpts.Connection }
if not (dbs |> List.contains db) then
debug <| fun () -> sprintf $" ...creating database {db}..."
do! rethink { dbCreate db; write cancelToken; withRetryDefault; ignoreResult cacheOpts.Connection }
debug <| fun () -> " ...done"
// Table
let tbl = tbl cacheOpts
let table = table cacheOpts
debug <| fun () -> sprintf $" Checking for table {tbl} existence..."
let! tables = rethink<string list> { tableList db; result cancelToken; withRetryDefault cacheOpts.Connection }
if not (tables |> List.contains tbl) then
debug <| fun () -> sprintf $" ...creating table {tbl}..."
do! rethink { tableCreate table; write cancelToken; withRetryDefault; ignoreResult cacheOpts.Connection }
debug <| fun () -> " ...done"
// Index
debug <| fun () -> sprintf $" Checking for index {tbl}.expiresAt..."
let! indexes = rethink<string list> {
withTable table
result cancelToken; withRetryDefault cacheOpts.Connection
if not (indexes |> List.contains expiresAt) then
debug <| fun () -> sprintf $" ...creating index {expiresAt} on table {tbl}..."
do! rethink {
withTable table
indexCreate expiresAt
write cancelToken; withRetryDefault; ignoreResult cacheOpts.Connection
debug <| fun () -> " ...done"
debug <| fun () -> "|> RethinkDB cache environment check complete. Carry on..."
/// Cache entry manipulation functions
module Entry =
open System.Text
open Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed
open RethinkDb.Driver.Ast
open RethinkDb.Driver.Model
/// RethinkDB
let r = RethinkDb.Driver.RethinkDB.R
/// Remove entries from the cache that are expired
let purge cacheOpts log lastCheck (cancelToken : CancellationToken) = backgroundTask {
let table = table cacheOpts
match DateTime.UtcNow - lastCheck > cacheOpts.DeleteExpiredInterval with
| true ->
let tix = ticksFromNow 0
debug cacheOpts log <| fun () -> $"Purging expired entries (<= %i{tix})"
do! rethink {
withTable table
between (r.Minval ()) tix [ BetweenOptArg.Index expiresAt ]
write cancelToken; withRetryDefault; ignoreResult cacheOpts.Connection
return DateTime.UtcNow
| false -> return lastCheck
/// Get the cache entry specified, refreshing sliding expiration then checking for expiration
let get cacheOpts (key : string) (cancelToken : CancellationToken) = backgroundTask {
let table = table cacheOpts
let now = ticksFromNow 0
let filters : (ReqlExpr -> obj) list = [
fun row -> row.G(expiresAt).Gt now
fun row -> row.G(slidingExp).Gt 0
fun row -> row.G(absoluteExp).Gt(0).Or(row.G(absoluteExp).Ne(row.G expiresAt))
let expiration (row : ReqlExpr) : obj =
r.Branch(row.G(expiresAt).Add(row.G(slidingExp)).Gt(row.G(absoluteExp)), row.G(absoluteExp),
let! result = rethink<Result> {
withTable table
get key
filter filters
update expiration [ ReturnChanges All ]
write cancelToken; withRetryDefault cacheOpts.Connection
match result.Changes.Count with
| 0 -> return None
| _ ->
match result.ChangesAs<CacheEntry>().[0].NewValue with
| entry when entry.expiresAt > now -> return Some entry
| _ -> return None
let remove cacheOpts (key : string) (cancelToken : CancellationToken) = backgroundTask {
let table = table cacheOpts
do! rethink {
withTable table
get key
write cancelToken; withRetryDefault; ignoreResult cacheOpts.Connection
/// Set a cache entry
let set cacheOpts (entryOpts : DistributedCacheEntryOptions) key (payload : byte[])
(cancelToken : CancellationToken) =
backgroundTask {
let table = table cacheOpts
let addExpiration entry =
match true with
| _ when entryOpts.SlidingExpiration.HasValue ->
let expTicks = secondsToTicks entryOpts.SlidingExpiration.Value.Seconds
{ entry with expiresAt = ticksFromNow 0 + expTicks; slidingExp = expTicks }
| _ when entryOpts.AbsoluteExpiration.HasValue ->
let exp = entryOpts.AbsoluteExpiration.Value.UtcTicks
{ entry with expiresAt = exp; absoluteExp = exp }
| _ when entryOpts.AbsoluteExpirationRelativeToNow.HasValue ->
let exp = entryOpts.AbsoluteExpirationRelativeToNow.Value.Seconds
{ entry with expiresAt = exp; absoluteExp = exp }
| _ ->
let expTicks = secondsToTicks cacheOpts.DefaultSlidingExpiration.Seconds
{ entry with expiresAt = ticksFromNow 0 + expTicks; slidingExp = expTicks }
let entry =
{ id = key
payload = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString payload
expiresAt = Int64.MinValue
slidingExp = 0L
absoluteExp = 0L
|> addExpiration
do! rethink {
withTable table
replace entry
write cancelToken; withRetryDefault; ignoreResult cacheOpts.Connection
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
namespace RethinkDB.DistributedCache
/// Persistence object for a cache entry
[<CLIMutable; NoComparison; NoEquality>]
type CacheEntry =
{ /// The ID for the cache entry
id : string
/// The payload for the cache entry (as a UTF-8 string)
payload : string
/// The ticks at which this entry expires
expiresAt : int64
/// The number of ticks in the sliding expiration
slidingExp : int64
/// The ticks for absolute expiration
absoluteExp : int64
/// Field names for the above
module private CacheEntry =
let expiresAt = "expiresAt"
let slidingExp = "slidingExp"
let absoluteExp = "absoluteExp"
@ -1,224 +1,84 @@
namespace RethinkDB.DistributedCache
open Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed
open Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
open Microsoft.Extensions.Options
open RethinkDb.Driver
open RethinkDb.Driver.FSharp
open System
open System.Text
open System.Threading
open System.Threading.Tasks
/// Persistence object for a cache entry
[<CLIMutable; NoComparison; NoEquality>]
type CacheEntry =
{ /// The ID for the cache entry
id : string
/// The payload for the cache entry (as a UTF-8 string)
payload : string
/// The ticks at which this entry expires
expiresAt : int64
/// The number of seconds in the sliding expiration
slidingExpiration : int
open Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed
open Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
open Microsoft.Extensions.Options
/// IDistributedCache implementation utilizing RethinkDB
type DistributedRethinkDBCache (options : IOptions<DistributedRethinkDBCacheOptions>,
log : ILogger<DistributedRethinkDBCache>) =
/// RethinkDB
static let r = RethinkDB.R
/// Whether the environment has been checked to ensure that the database, table, and relevant indexes exist
static let mutable environmentChecked = false
let mutable environmentChecked = false
/// The last time expired entries were deleted
let mutable lastExpiredCheck = DateTime.UtcNow - TimeSpan.FromDays 365.0
match options with
| null | _ when isNull options.Value -> nullArg "options"
| _ when isNull options.Value.Connection -> nullArg "Connection"
| _ -> ()
if isNull options then nullArg "options"
if isNull options.Value then nullArg "options"
let validity = options.Value.IsValid () |> Seq.fold (fun it err -> $"{it}\n{err}") ""
if validity <> "" then invalidArg "options" $"Options are invalid:{validity}"
/// Options
let opts = options.Value
/// The database name (blank uses connection default)
let db = defaultArg (Option.ofObj opts.Database) ""
/// The table name; default to "Cache" if not provided
let tbl = match defaultArg (Option.ofObj opts.TableName) "" with "" -> "Cache" | tbl -> tbl
/// The name of the cache
let table =
seq {
match db with "" -> () | _ -> $"{db}."
|> Seq.reduce (+)
/// Debug message
let dbug text =
if log.IsEnabled LogLevel.Debug then log.LogDebug $"[{table}] %s{text ()}"
let debug = Cache.debug opts log
/// Make sure the RethinkDB database, table, expiration index exist
let environmentCheck (_ : CancellationToken) =
backgroundTask {
dbug <| fun () -> "|> Checking for proper RethinkDB cache environment"
// Database
match db with
| "" -> dbug <| fun () -> " Skipping database check because it was not specified"
| _ ->
dbug <| fun () -> $" Checking for database {db} existence..."
let! dbs = rethink<string list> { dbList; result; withRetryDefault opts.Connection }
if not (dbs |> List.contains db) then
dbug <| fun () -> sprintf $" ...creating database {db}..."
do! rethink { dbCreate db; write; withRetryDefault; ignoreResult opts.Connection }
dbug <| fun () -> " ...done"
// Table
dbug <| fun () -> sprintf $" Checking for table {tbl} existence..."
let! tables = rethink<string list> { tableList db; result; withRetryDefault opts.Connection }
if not (tables |> List.contains tbl) then
dbug <| fun () -> sprintf $" ...creating table {tbl}..."
do! rethink { tableCreate table; write; withRetryDefault; ignoreResult opts.Connection }
dbug <| fun () -> " ...done"
// Index
dbug <| fun () -> sprintf $" Checking for index {tbl}.expiresAt..."
let! indexes = rethink<string list> {
withTable table
result; withRetryDefault opts.Connection
if not (indexes |> List.contains "expiresAt") then
dbug <| fun () -> sprintf $" ...creating index expiresAt on table {tbl}..."
do! rethink {
withTable table
indexCreate "expiresAt"
write; withRetryDefault; ignoreResult opts.Connection
dbug <| fun () -> " ...done"
dbug <| fun () -> "|> RethinkDB cache environment check complete. Carry on..."
let checkEnvironment cancelToken = backgroundTask {
match environmentChecked with
| true -> debug <| fun () -> "Skipping environment check because it has already been performed"
| false ->
do! Cache.Environment.check opts log cancelToken
environmentChecked <- true
/// Make sure the RethinkDB database, table, expiration index exist
let checkEnvironment (cnxToken : CancellationToken) =
backgroundTask {
match environmentChecked with
| true -> dbug <| fun () -> "Skipping environment check because it has already been performed"
| false -> do! environmentCheck cnxToken
/// Remove entries from the cache that are expired
let purgeExpired (_ : CancellationToken) =
backgroundTask {
let tix = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks - 1L
dbug <| fun () -> $"Purging expired entries (<= %i{tix})"
do! rethink {
withTable table
between (r.Minval ()) tix [ BetweenOptArg.Index "expiresAt" ]
write; withRetryDefault; ignoreResult opts.Connection
/// Calculate ticks from now for the given number of seconds
let ticksFromNow seconds = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks + int64 (seconds * 10000000)
/// Get the cache entry specified
let getCacheEntry (key : string) (_ : CancellationToken) =
rethink<CacheEntry> {
withTable table
get key
resultOption; withRetryDefault opts.Connection
/// Refresh (update expiration based on sliding expiration) the cache entry specified
let refreshCacheEntry (entry : CacheEntry) (_ : CancellationToken) =
backgroundTask {
if entry.slidingExpiration > 0 then
do! rethink {
withTable table
get entry.id
update [ "expiresAt", ticksFromNow entry.slidingExpiration :> obj ]
write; withRetryDefault; ignoreResult opts.Connection
let purgeExpired cancelToken = backgroundTask {
let! lastCheck = Cache.Entry.purge opts log lastExpiredCheck cancelToken
lastExpiredCheck <- lastCheck
/// Get the payload for the cache entry
let getEntry key (cnxToken : CancellationToken) =
backgroundTask {
cnxToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested ()
do! checkEnvironment cnxToken
do! purgeExpired cnxToken
match! getCacheEntry key cnxToken with
| None ->
dbug <| fun () -> $"Cache key {key} not found"
return null
| Some entry ->
dbug <| fun () -> $"Cache key {key} found"
do! refreshCacheEntry entry cnxToken
return UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes entry.payload
let getEntry key cancelToken = backgroundTask {
do! checkEnvironment cancelToken
let! result = Cache.Entry.get opts key cancelToken
do! purgeExpired cancelToken
match result with
| None ->
debug <| fun () -> $"Cache key {key} not found"
return null
| Some entry ->
debug <| fun () -> $"Cache key {key} found"
return UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes entry.payload
/// Update the sliding expiration for a cache entry
let refreshEntry key (cnxToken : CancellationToken) =
backgroundTask {
cnxToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested ()
do! checkEnvironment cnxToken
match! getCacheEntry key cnxToken with None -> () | Some entry -> do! refreshCacheEntry entry cnxToken
do! purgeExpired cnxToken
return ()
let refreshEntry key cancelToken = backgroundTask {
do! checkEnvironment cancelToken
let! _ = Cache.Entry.get opts key cancelToken
do! purgeExpired cancelToken
/// Remove the specified cache entry
let removeEntry (key : string) (cnxToken : CancellationToken) =
backgroundTask {
cnxToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested ()
do! checkEnvironment cnxToken
do! rethink {
withTable table
get key
write; withRetryDefault; ignoreResult opts.Connection
do! purgeExpired cnxToken
let removeEntry key cancelToken = backgroundTask {
do! checkEnvironment cancelToken
do! Cache.Entry.remove opts key cancelToken
do! purgeExpired cancelToken
/// Set the value of a cache entry
let setEntry key (payload : byte[]) (options : DistributedCacheEntryOptions) (cnxToken : CancellationToken) =
backgroundTask {
cnxToken.ThrowIfCancellationRequested ()
do! checkEnvironment cnxToken
do! purgeExpired cnxToken
let addExpiration entry =
match true with
| _ when options.SlidingExpiration.HasValue ->
{ entry with expiresAt = ticksFromNow options.SlidingExpiration.Value.Seconds
slidingExpiration = options.SlidingExpiration.Value.Seconds }
| _ when options.AbsoluteExpiration.HasValue ->
{ entry with expiresAt = options.AbsoluteExpiration.Value.UtcTicks }
| _ when options.AbsoluteExpirationRelativeToNow.HasValue ->
{ entry with expiresAt = ticksFromNow options.AbsoluteExpirationRelativeToNow.Value.Seconds }
| _ -> entry
let entry =
{ id = key
payload = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString payload
expiresAt = Int64.MaxValue
slidingExpiration = 0
|> addExpiration
do! rethink {
withTable table
replace entry
write; withRetryDefault; ignoreResult opts.Connection
let setEntry key payload options cancelToken = backgroundTask {
do! Cache.Entry.set opts options key payload cancelToken
do! purgeExpired cancelToken
/// Execute a task synchronously
let runSync (task : CancellationToken -> Task<'T>) =
@ -226,10 +86,10 @@ type DistributedRethinkDBCache (options : IOptions<DistributedRethinkDBCacheOpti
interface IDistributedCache with
member this.Get key = getEntry key |> runSync
member this.GetAsync (key, cnxToken) = getEntry key cnxToken
member this.GetAsync (key, cancelToken) = getEntry key cancelToken
member this.Refresh key = refreshEntry key |> runSync
member this.RefreshAsync (key, cnxToken) = refreshEntry key cnxToken
member this.RefreshAsync (key, cancelToken) = refreshEntry key cancelToken
member this.Remove key = removeEntry key |> runSync
member this.RemoveAsync (key, cnxToken) = removeEntry key cnxToken
member this.RemoveAsync (key, cancelToken) = removeEntry key cancelToken
member this.Set (key, value, options) = setEntry key value options |> runSync
member this.SetAsync (key, value, options, cnxToken) = setEntry key value options cnxToken
member this.SetAsync (key, value, options, cancelToken) = setEntry key value options cancelToken
@ -1,23 +1,36 @@
namespace RethinkDB.DistributedCache
open System
open Microsoft.Extensions.Options
open RethinkDb.Driver.Net
/// Options to use to configure the RethinkDB cache
type DistributedRethinkDBCacheOptions() =
type DistributedRethinkDBCacheOptions () =
/// The RethinkDB connection to use for caching operations
member val Connection : IConnection = null with get, set
/// The RethinkDB database to use (leave blank for connection default)
/// The RethinkDB database to use; leave blank for connection default
member val Database = "" with get, set
/// The RethinkDB table name to use for cache entries (defaults to "Cache")
/// The RethinkDB table name to use for cache entries; defaults to "Cache"
member val TableName = "" with get, set
/// How frequently we will delete expired cache items; default is 30 minutes
member val DeleteExpiredInterval = TimeSpan.FromMinutes 30.0 with get, set
/// The default sliding expiration for items, if none is provided; default is 20 minutes
member val DefaultSlidingExpiration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes 20.0 with get, set
/// Whether this configuration is valid
member this.IsValid () =
seq {
match this.Connection with null -> yield "Connection cannot be null" | _ -> ()
if isNull this.Connection then "Connection cannot be null"
if this.DeleteExpiredInterval <= TimeSpan.Zero then "DeleteExpiredInterval must be positive"
if this.DefaultSlidingExpiration <= TimeSpan.Zero then "DefaultSlidingExpiration must be positive"
interface IOptions<DistributedRethinkDBCacheOptions> with
member this.Value = this
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ type IServiceCollection with
if isNull options then nullArg "options"
this.AddOptions () |> ignore
this.Configure options |> ignore
this.Add (ServiceDescriptor.Transient<IDistributedCache, DistributedRethinkDBCache> ())
this.Add (ServiceDescriptor.Singleton<IDistributedCache, DistributedRethinkDBCache> ())
/// <summary>
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
@ -14,18 +13,22 @@
<PackageTags>RethinkDB IDistributedCache ASP.NET Core</PackageTags>
<Description>An IDistributedCache implementation utilizing RethinkDB for storage</Description>
<PackageReleaseNotes>Updated to .NET 6</PackageReleaseNotes>
<PackageReleaseNotes>Work toward starting a new session when encountering an expired one</PackageReleaseNotes>
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Abstractions" Version="6.0.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.Abstractions" Version="*" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Extensions.Options" Version="6.0.0" />
<PackageReference Include="RethinkDb.Driver.FSharp" Version="0.8.0-alpha-0003" />
<PackageReference Include="RethinkDb.Driver.FSharp" Version="0.8.0-alpha-0007" />
<PackageReference Update="FSharp.Core" Version="6.0.3" />
<Compile Include="DistributedRethinkDBCacheOptions.fs" />
<Compile Include="CacheEntry.fs" />
<Compile Include="Cache.fs" />
<Compile Include="DistributedRethinkDBCache.fs" />
<Compile Include="IServiceCollectionExtensions.fs" />
Reference in New Issue
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