Fix cache entry creation
This commit is contained in:
@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ let debug cacheOpts (log : ILogger) text =
if log.IsEnabled LogLevel.Debug then log.LogDebug $"[{table cacheOpts}] %s{text ()}"
/// Convert seconds to .NET ticks
let secondsToTicks seconds = int64 (seconds * 10000000)
let secondsToTicks (span : TimeSpan) = int64 ((int span.TotalSeconds) * 10000000)
/// Calculate ticks from now for the given number of seconds
let ticksFromNow seconds = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks + (secondsToTicks seconds)
let ticksFromNow seconds = DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks + (secondsToTicks (TimeSpan.FromSeconds seconds))
/// Ensure that the necessary environment exists for this cache
@ -77,9 +77,7 @@ module Environment =
/// Cache entry manipulation functions
module Entry =
open System.Text
open Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed
open RethinkDb.Driver.Model
/// RethinkDB
let r = RethinkDb.Driver.RethinkDB.R
@ -89,7 +87,7 @@ module Entry =
let table = table cacheOpts
match DateTime.UtcNow - lastCheck > cacheOpts.DeleteExpiredInterval with
| true ->
let tix = ticksFromNow 0
let tix = ticksFromNow 0.0
debug cacheOpts log <| fun () -> $"Purging expired entries (<= %i{tix})"
do! rethink {
withTable table
@ -102,37 +100,49 @@ module Entry =
/// Get the cache entry specified, refreshing sliding expiration then checking for expiration
let get cacheOpts (key : string) (cancelToken : CancellationToken) = backgroundTask {
let get cacheOpts log (key : string) (cancelToken : CancellationToken) = backgroundTask {
let table = table cacheOpts
let now = ticksFromNow 0
let! result = rethink<Result> {
let debug = debug cacheOpts log
debug <| fun () -> $"Retriving cache entry {key}"
match! rethink<CacheEntry> {
withTable table
get key
update (fun row ->
// If we have neither sliding nor absolute expiration, do not change the expiry time
// If the sliding expiry increment exceeds the absolute expiry, use the absolute
// Else adjust for the sliding expiry increment
row.G(slidingExp).Add(now))) :> obj) [ ReturnChanges All ]
write cancelToken; withRetryDefault cacheOpts.Connection
match result.Changes.Count with
| 0 -> return None
| _ ->
match (box >> Option.ofObj) (result.ChangesAs<CacheEntry>().[0].NewValue) with
| Some boxedEntry ->
let entry = unbox boxedEntry
return if entry.expiresAt > now then Some entry else None
| _ -> return None
resultOption cancelToken; withRetryOptionDefault cacheOpts.Connection
} with
| Some entry ->
debug <| fun () -> $"Refreshing cache entry {key}"
let now = ticksFromNow 0.0
let entry =
match true with
| _ when entry.absoluteExp = entry.expiresAt ->
// Already expired
| _ when entry.slidingExp <= 0L && entry.absoluteExp <= 0L ->
// Not enough information to adjust expiration
| _ when entry.absoluteExp > 0 && entry.expiresAt + entry.slidingExp > entry.absoluteExp ->
// Sliding update would push it past absolute; use absolute expiration
{ entry with expiresAt = entry.absoluteExp }
| _ ->
// Update sliding expiration
{ entry with expiresAt = now + entry.slidingExp }
do! rethink {
withTable table
get key
replace entry
write cancelToken; withRetryDefault; ignoreResult cacheOpts.Connection
debug <| fun () ->
let state = if entry.expiresAt > now then "valid" else "expired"
$"Cache entry {key} is {state}"
return (if entry.expiresAt > now then Some entry else None)
| None ->
debug <| fun () -> $"Cache entry {key} not found"
return None
let remove cacheOpts (key : string) (cancelToken : CancellationToken) = backgroundTask {
let remove cacheOpts log (key : string) (cancelToken : CancellationToken) = backgroundTask {
debug cacheOpts log <| fun () -> $"Deleting cache entry {key}"
let table = table cacheOpts
do! rethink {
withTable table
@ -143,27 +153,27 @@ module Entry =
/// Set a cache entry
let set cacheOpts (entryOpts : DistributedCacheEntryOptions) key (payload : byte[])
(cancelToken : CancellationToken) =
let set cacheOpts log (entryOpts : DistributedCacheEntryOptions) key payload (cancelToken : CancellationToken) =
backgroundTask {
debug cacheOpts log <| fun () -> $"Creating cache entry {key}"
let table = table cacheOpts
let addExpiration entry =
match true with
| _ when entryOpts.SlidingExpiration.HasValue ->
let expTicks = secondsToTicks entryOpts.SlidingExpiration.Value.Seconds
let expTicks = secondsToTicks entryOpts.SlidingExpiration.Value
{ entry with expiresAt = ticksFromNow 0 + expTicks; slidingExp = expTicks }
| _ when entryOpts.AbsoluteExpiration.HasValue ->
let exp = entryOpts.AbsoluteExpiration.Value.UtcTicks
{ entry with expiresAt = exp; absoluteExp = exp }
| _ when entryOpts.AbsoluteExpirationRelativeToNow.HasValue ->
let exp = entryOpts.AbsoluteExpirationRelativeToNow.Value.Seconds
let exp = ticksFromNow 0.0 + secondsToTicks entryOpts.AbsoluteExpirationRelativeToNow.Value
{ entry with expiresAt = exp; absoluteExp = exp }
| _ ->
let expTicks = secondsToTicks cacheOpts.DefaultSlidingExpiration.Seconds
{ entry with expiresAt = ticksFromNow 0 + expTicks; slidingExp = expTicks }
let expTicks = secondsToTicks cacheOpts.DefaultSlidingExpiration
{ entry with expiresAt = ticksFromNow 0.0 + expTicks; slidingExp = expTicks }
let entry =
{ id = key
payload = UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetString payload
payload = Convert.ToBase64String payload
expiresAt = Int64.MinValue
slidingExp = 0L
absoluteExp = 0L
@ -171,7 +181,7 @@ module Entry =
|> addExpiration
do! rethink {
withTable table
replace entry
insert entry [ OnConflict Replace ]
write cancelToken; withRetryDefault; ignoreResult cacheOpts.Connection
@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
namespace RethinkDB.DistributedCache
open System
open System.Text
open System.Threading
open System.Threading.Tasks
open Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Distributed
@ -49,34 +48,34 @@ type DistributedRethinkDBCache (options : IOptions<DistributedRethinkDBCacheOpti
/// Get the payload for the cache entry
let getEntry key cancelToken = backgroundTask {
do! checkEnvironment cancelToken
let! result = Cache.Entry.get opts key cancelToken
do! purgeExpired cancelToken
let! result = Cache.Entry.get opts log key cancelToken
do! purgeExpired cancelToken
match result with
| None ->
debug <| fun () -> $"Cache key {key} not found"
return null
| Some entry ->
debug <| fun () -> $"Cache key {key} found"
return UTF8Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes entry.payload
return Convert.FromBase64String entry.payload
/// Update the sliding expiration for a cache entry
let refreshEntry key cancelToken = backgroundTask {
do! checkEnvironment cancelToken
let! _ = Cache.Entry.get opts key cancelToken
let! _ = Cache.Entry.get opts log key cancelToken
do! purgeExpired cancelToken
/// Remove the specified cache entry
let removeEntry key cancelToken = backgroundTask {
do! checkEnvironment cancelToken
do! Cache.Entry.remove opts key cancelToken
do! Cache.Entry.remove opts log key cancelToken
do! purgeExpired cancelToken
/// Set the value of a cache entry
let setEntry key payload options cancelToken = backgroundTask {
do! Cache.Entry.set opts options key payload cancelToken
do! Cache.Entry.set opts log options key payload cancelToken
do! purgeExpired cancelToken
@ -85,11 +84,11 @@ type DistributedRethinkDBCache (options : IOptions<DistributedRethinkDBCacheOpti
task CancellationToken.None |> (Async.AwaitTask >> Async.RunSynchronously)
interface IDistributedCache with
member this.Get key = getEntry key |> runSync
member this.GetAsync (key, cancelToken) = getEntry key cancelToken
member this.Refresh key = refreshEntry key |> runSync
member this.RefreshAsync (key, cancelToken) = refreshEntry key cancelToken
member this.Remove key = removeEntry key |> runSync
member this.RemoveAsync (key, cancelToken) = removeEntry key cancelToken
member this.Set (key, value, options) = setEntry key value options |> runSync
member this.SetAsync (key, value, options, cancelToken) = setEntry key value options cancelToken
member _.Get key = getEntry key |> runSync
member _.GetAsync (key, cancelToken) = getEntry key cancelToken
member _.Refresh key = refreshEntry key |> runSync
member _.RefreshAsync (key, cancelToken) = refreshEntry key cancelToken
member _.Remove key = removeEntry key |> runSync
member _.RemoveAsync (key, cancelToken) = removeEntry key cancelToken
member _.Set (key, value, options) = setEntry key value options |> runSync
member _.SetAsync (key, value, options, cancelToken) = setEntry key value options cancelToken
@ -13,8 +13,8 @@
<PackageTags>RethinkDB IDistributedCache ASP.NET Core</PackageTags>
<Description>An IDistributedCache implementation utilizing RethinkDB for storage</Description>
<PackageReleaseNotes>Work toward starting a new session when encountering an expired one</PackageReleaseNotes>
<PackageReleaseNotes>Provider now stores successfully; do not use an earlier version</PackageReleaseNotes>
Reference in New Issue
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