namespace PrayerTracker.Entities open FSharp.EFCore.OptionConverter open Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore open NodaTime open System open System.Collections.Generic (*-- CONSTANTS --*) /// Constants to use for the e-mail type parameter [] module EmailType = /// HTML e-mail [] let Html = "Html" /// Plain Text e-mail [] let PlainText = "PlainText" /// E-mail with the list as an attached PDF [] let AttachedPdf = "AttachedPdf" /// These values match those in the RequestType document store [] module RequestType = /// Current Requests (follow expiration rules) let Current = "Current" /// Long-Term / Recurring Requests (do not automatically expire) let Recurring = "Recurring" /// Praise Reports (follow expiration rules) let Praise = "Praise" /// Expectant Mothers (do not automatically expire) let Expecting = "Expecting" /// Announcements (follow expiration rules) let Announcement = "Announcement" (*-- SUPPORT TYPES --*) /// Statistics for churches [] type ChurchStats = { /// The number of small groups in the church smallGroups : int /// The number of prayer requests in the church prayerRequests : int /// The number of users who can access small groups in the church users : int } /// PK type for the Church entity type ChurchId = Guid /// PK type for the Member entity type MemberId = Guid /// PK type for the PrayerRequest entity type PrayerRequestId = Guid /// PK type for the SmallGroup entity type SmallGroupId = Guid /// PK type for the TimeZone entity type TimeZoneId = string /// PK type for the User entity type UserId = Guid /// PK for User/SmallGroup cross-reference table type UserSmallGroupKey = { userId : UserId smallGroupId : SmallGroupId } (*-- ENTITIES --*) /// This represents a church type [] Church = { /// The Id of this church churchId : ChurchId /// The name of the church name : string /// The city where the church is city : string /// The state where the church is st : string /// Does this church have an active interface with Virtual Prayer Room? hasInterface : bool /// The address for the interface interfaceAddress : string option /// Small groups for this church smallGroups : ICollection } with /// An empty church // aww... how sad :( static member empty = { churchId = Guid.Empty name = "" city = "" st = "" hasInterface = false interfaceAddress = None smallGroups = List () } /// Configure EF for this entity static member internal configureEF (mb : ModelBuilder) = mb.Entity ( fun m -> m.ToTable "Church" |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.churchId).HasColumnName "ChurchId" |> ignore m.Property(fun e ->"Name").IsRequired () |> ignore m.Property(fun e ->"City").IsRequired () |> ignore m.Property(fun e ->"ST").IsRequired().HasMaxLength 2 |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.hasInterface).HasColumnName "HasVirtualPrayerRoomInterface" |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.interfaceAddress).HasColumnName "InterfaceAddress" |> ignore) |> ignore mb.Model.FindEntityType(typeof).FindProperty("interfaceAddress") .SetValueConverter(OptionConverter ()) /// Preferences for the form and format of the prayer request list and [] ListPreferences = { /// The Id of the small group to which these preferences belong smallGroupId : SmallGroupId /// The days after which regular requests expire daysToExpire : int /// The number of days a new or updated request is considered new daysToKeepNew : int /// The number of weeks after which long-term requests are flagged for follow-up longTermUpdateWeeks : int /// The name from which e-mails are sent emailFromName : string /// The e-mail address from which e-mails are sent emailFromAddress : string /// The fonts to use in generating the list of prayer requests listFonts : string /// The color for the prayer request list headings headingColor : string /// The color for the lines offsetting the prayer request list headings lineColor : string /// The font size for the headings on the prayer request list headingFontSize : int /// The font size for the text on the prayer request list textFontSize : int /// The order in which the prayer requests are sorted requestSort : string /// The password used for "small group login" (view-only request list) groupPassword : string /// The default e-mail type for this class defaultEmailType : string /// Whether this class makes its request list public isPublic : bool /// The time zone which this class uses (use tzdata names) timeZoneId : TimeZoneId /// The time zone information timeZone : TimeZone } with /// A set of preferences with their default values static member empty = { smallGroupId = Guid.Empty daysToExpire = 14 daysToKeepNew = 7 longTermUpdateWeeks = 4 emailFromName = "PrayerTracker" emailFromAddress = "" listFonts = "Century Gothic,Tahoma,Luxi Sans,sans-serif" headingColor = "maroon" lineColor = "navy" headingFontSize = 16 textFontSize = 12 requestSort = "D" groupPassword = "" defaultEmailType = EmailType.Html isPublic = false timeZoneId = "America/Denver" timeZone = TimeZone.empty } /// Configure EF for this entity static member internal configureEF (mb : ModelBuilder) = mb.Entity ( fun m -> m.ToTable "ListPreference" |> ignore m.HasKey (fun e -> e.smallGroupId :> obj) |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.smallGroupId).HasColumnName "SmallGroupId" |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.daysToKeepNew) .HasColumnName("DaysToKeepNew") .IsRequired() .HasDefaultValue(7) |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.daysToExpire) .HasColumnName("DaysToExpire") .IsRequired() .HasDefaultValue(14) |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.longTermUpdateWeeks) .HasColumnName("LongTermUpdateWeeks") .IsRequired() .HasDefaultValue(4) |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.emailFromName) .HasColumnName("EmailFromName") .IsRequired() .HasDefaultValue("PrayerTracker") |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.emailFromAddress) .HasColumnName("EmailFromAddress") .IsRequired() .HasDefaultValue("") |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.listFonts) .HasColumnName("ListFonts") .IsRequired() .HasDefaultValue("Century Gothic,Tahoma,Luxi Sans,sans-serif") |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.headingColor) .HasColumnName("HeadingColor") .IsRequired() .HasDefaultValue("maroon") |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.lineColor) .HasColumnName("LineColor") .IsRequired() .HasDefaultValue("navy") |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.headingFontSize) .HasColumnName("HeadingFontSize") .IsRequired() .HasDefaultValue(16) |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.textFontSize) .HasColumnName("TextFontSize") .IsRequired() .HasDefaultValue(12) |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.requestSort) .HasColumnName("RequestSort") .IsRequired() .HasMaxLength(1) .HasDefaultValue("D") |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.groupPassword) .HasColumnName("GroupPassword") .IsRequired() .HasDefaultValue("") |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.defaultEmailType) .HasColumnName("DefaultEmailType") .IsRequired() .HasDefaultValue(EmailType.Html) |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.isPublic) .HasColumnName("IsPublic") .IsRequired() .HasDefaultValue(false) |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.timeZoneId) .HasColumnName("TimeZoneId") .IsRequired() .HasDefaultValue("America/Denver") |> ignore) |> ignore /// A member of a small group and [] Member = { /// The Id of the member memberId : MemberId /// The Id of the small group to which this member belongs smallGroupId : SmallGroupId /// The name of the member memberName : string /// The e-mail address for the member email : string /// The type of e-mail preferred by this member (see constants) format : string option /// The small group to which this member belongs smallGroup : SmallGroup } with /// An empty member static member empty = { memberId = Guid.Empty smallGroupId = Guid.Empty memberName = "" email = "" format = None smallGroup = SmallGroup.empty } /// Configure EF for this entity static member internal configureEF (mb : ModelBuilder) = mb.Entity ( fun m -> m.ToTable "Member" |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.memberId).HasColumnName "MemberId" |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.smallGroupId).HasColumnName "SmallGroupId" |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.memberName).HasColumnName("MemberName").IsRequired() |> ignore m.Property(fun e ->"Email").IsRequired() |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.format).HasColumnName "Format" |> ignore) |> ignore mb.Model.FindEntityType(typeof).FindProperty("format").SetValueConverter(OptionConverter ()) /// This represents a single prayer request and [] PrayerRequest = { /// The Id of this request prayerRequestId : PrayerRequestId /// The type of the request requestType : string /// The user who entered the request userId : UserId /// The small group to which this request belongs smallGroupId : SmallGroupId /// The date/time on which this request was entered enteredDate : DateTime /// The date/time this request was last updated updatedDate : DateTime /// The name of the requestor or subject, or title of announcement requestor : string option /// The text of the request text : string /// Whether this request is exempt from standard expiration rules doNotExpire : bool /// Whether the chaplain should be notified for this request notifyChaplain : bool /// Whether this request has been expired manually isManuallyExpired : bool /// The user who entered this request user : User /// The small group to which this request belongs smallGroup : SmallGroup } with /// An empty request static member empty = { prayerRequestId = Guid.Empty requestType = RequestType.Current userId = Guid.Empty smallGroupId = Guid.Empty enteredDate = DateTime.MinValue updatedDate = DateTime.MinValue requestor = None text = "" doNotExpire = false notifyChaplain = false isManuallyExpired = false user = User.empty smallGroup = SmallGroup.empty } /// Is this request expired? member this.isExpired (curr : DateTime) expDays = match this.isManuallyExpired with | true -> true // Manual expiration | false -> let nonExpiringTypes = [ RequestType.Recurring; RequestType.Expecting ] match this.doNotExpire || List.contains this.requestType nonExpiringTypes with | true -> false // No expiration | false -> curr.AddDays(-(float expDays)) > this.updatedDate // Automatic expiration /// Is an update required for this long-term request? member this.updateRequired curr expDays updWeeks = match this.isExpired curr expDays with | true -> false | _ -> curr.AddDays(-(float (updWeeks * 7))) > this.updatedDate /// Configure EF for this entity static member internal configureEF (mb : ModelBuilder) = mb.Entity ( fun m -> m.ToTable "PrayerRequest" |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.prayerRequestId).HasColumnName "PrayerRequestId" |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.requestType).HasColumnName("RequestType").IsRequired() |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.userId).HasColumnName "UserId" |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.smallGroupId).HasColumnName "SmallGroupId" |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.enteredDate).HasColumnName "EnteredDate" |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.updatedDate).HasColumnName "UpdatedDate" |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.requestor).HasColumnName "Requestor" |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.text).HasColumnName("Text").IsRequired() |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.doNotExpire).HasColumnName "DoNotExpire" |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.notifyChaplain).HasColumnName "NotifyChaplain" |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.isManuallyExpired).HasColumnName "IsManuallyExpired" |> ignore) |> ignore mb.Model.FindEntityType(typeof).FindProperty("requestor") .SetValueConverter(OptionConverter ()) /// This represents a small group (Sunday School class, Bible study group, etc.) and [] SmallGroup = { /// The Id of this small group smallGroupId : SmallGroupId /// The church to which this group belongs churchId : ChurchId /// The name of the group name : string /// The church to which this small group belongs church : Church /// The preferences for the request list preferences : ListPreferences /// The members of the group members : ICollection /// Prayer requests for this small group prayerRequests : ICollection /// The users authorized to manage this group users : ICollection } with /// An empty small group static member empty = { smallGroupId = Guid.Empty churchId = Guid.Empty name = "" church = Church.empty preferences = ListPreferences.empty members = List () prayerRequests = List () users = List () } /// Get the local date for this group member this.localTimeNow (clock : IClock) = match clock with null -> nullArg "clock" | _ -> () let tz = match DateTimeZoneProviders.Tzdb.Ids.Contains this.preferences.timeZoneId with | true -> DateTimeZoneProviders.Tzdb.[this.preferences.timeZoneId] | false -> DateTimeZone.Utc clock.GetCurrentInstant().InZone(tz).ToDateTimeUnspecified() /// Get the local date for this group member this.localDateNow clock = (this.localTimeNow clock).Date /// Configure EF for this entity static member internal configureEF (mb : ModelBuilder) = mb.Entity ( fun m -> m.ToTable "SmallGroup" |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.smallGroupId).HasColumnName "SmallGroupId" |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.churchId).HasColumnName "ChurchId" |> ignore m.Property(fun e ->"Name").IsRequired() |> ignore m.HasOne(fun e -> e.preferences) |> ignore) |> ignore /// This represents a time zone in which a class may reside and [] TimeZone = { /// The Id for this time zone (uses tzdata names) timeZoneId : TimeZoneId /// The description of this time zone description : string /// The order in which this timezone should be displayed sortOrder : int /// Whether this timezone is active isActive : bool } with /// An empty time zone static member empty = { timeZoneId = "" description = "" sortOrder = 0 isActive = false } /// Configure EF for this entity static member internal configureEF (mb : ModelBuilder) = mb.Entity ( fun m -> m.ToTable "TimeZone" |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.timeZoneId).HasColumnName "TimeZoneId" |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.description).HasColumnName("Description").IsRequired() |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.sortOrder).HasColumnName "SortOrder" |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.isActive).HasColumnName "IsActive" |> ignore) |> ignore /// This represents a user of PrayerTracker and [] User = { /// The Id of this user userId : UserId /// The first name of this user firstName : string /// The last name of this user lastName : string /// The e-mail address of the user emailAddress : string /// Whether this user is a PrayerTracker system administrator isAdmin : bool /// The user's hashed password passwordHash : string /// The salt for the user's hashed password salt : Guid option /// The small groups which this user is authorized smallGroups : ICollection } with /// An empty user static member empty = { userId = Guid.Empty firstName = "" lastName = "" emailAddress = "" isAdmin = false passwordHash = "" salt = None smallGroups = List () } /// The full name of the user member this.fullName = sprintf "%s %s" this.firstName this.lastName /// Configure EF for this entity static member internal configureEF (mb : ModelBuilder) = mb.Entity ( fun m -> m.ToTable "User" |> ignore m.Ignore(fun e -> e.fullName :> obj) |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.userId).HasColumnName "UserId" |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.firstName).HasColumnName("FirstName").IsRequired() |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.lastName).HasColumnName("LastName").IsRequired() |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.emailAddress).HasColumnName("EmailAddress").IsRequired() |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.isAdmin).HasColumnName "IsSystemAdmin" |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.passwordHash).HasColumnName("PasswordHash").IsRequired() |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.salt).HasColumnName "Salt" |> ignore) |> ignore mb.Model.FindEntityType(typeof).FindProperty("salt") .SetValueConverter(OptionConverter ()) /// Cross-reference between user and small group and [] UserSmallGroup = { /// The Id of the user who has access to the small group userId : UserId /// The Id of the small group to which the user has access smallGroupId : SmallGroupId /// The user who has access to the small group user : User /// The small group to which the user has access smallGroup : SmallGroup } with /// An empty user/small group xref static member empty = { userId = Guid.Empty smallGroupId = Guid.Empty user = User.empty smallGroup = SmallGroup.empty } /// Configure EF for this entity static member internal configureEF (mb : ModelBuilder) = mb.Entity ( fun m -> m.ToTable "User_SmallGroup" |> ignore m.HasKey(fun e -> { userId = e.userId; smallGroupId = e.smallGroupId } :> obj) |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.userId).HasColumnName "UserId" |> ignore m.Property(fun e -> e.smallGroupId).HasColumnName "SmallGroupId" |> ignore m.HasOne(fun e -> e.user) .WithMany(fun e -> e.smallGroups :> IEnumerable) .HasForeignKey(fun e -> e.userId :> obj) |> ignore m.HasOne(fun e -> e.smallGroup) .WithMany(fun e -> e.users :> IEnumerable) .HasForeignKey(fun e -> e.smallGroupId :> obj) |> ignore) |> ignore