[] module PrayerTracker.DataAccess open FSharp.Control.Tasks.ContextInsensitive open Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore open Microsoft.FSharpLu open PrayerTracker.Entities open System.Collections.Generic open System.Linq type AppDbContext with (*-- DISCONNECTED DATA EXTENSIONS --*) /// Add an entity entry to the tracked data context with the status of Added member this.AddEntry<'TEntity when 'TEntity : not struct> (e : 'TEntity) = this.Entry<'TEntity>(e).State <- EntityState.Added /// Add an entity entry to the tracked data context with the status of Updated member this.UpdateEntry<'TEntity when 'TEntity : not struct> (e : 'TEntity) = this.Entry<'TEntity>(e).State <- EntityState.Modified /// Add an entity entry to the tracked data context with the status of Deleted member this.RemoveEntry<'TEntity when 'TEntity : not struct> (e : 'TEntity) = this.Entry<'TEntity>(e).State <- EntityState.Deleted (*-- CHURCH EXTENSIONS --*) /// Find a church by its Id member this.TryChurchById cId = task { let! church = this.Churches.AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefaultAsync (fun c -> c.churchId = cId) return Option.fromObject church } /// Find all churches member this.AllChurches () = task { let! churches = this.Churches.AsNoTracking().OrderBy(fun c -> c.name).ToListAsync () return List.ofSeq churches } (*-- MEMBER EXTENSIONS --*) /// Get a small group member by its Id member this.TryMemberById mId = task { let! mbr = this.Members.AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefaultAsync (fun m -> m.memberId = mId) return Option.fromObject mbr } /// Find all members for a small group member this.AllMembersForSmallGroup gId = task { let! mbrs = this.Members.AsNoTracking() .Where(fun m -> m.smallGroupId = gId) .OrderBy(fun m -> m.memberName) .ToListAsync () return List.ofSeq mbrs } /// Count members for a small group member this.CountMembersForSmallGroup gId = this.Members.CountAsync (fun m -> m.smallGroupId = gId) (*-- PRAYER REQUEST EXTENSIONS *) /// Get a prayer request by its Id member this.TryRequestById reqId = task { let! req = this.PrayerRequests.AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefaultAsync (fun pr -> pr.prayerRequestId = reqId) return Option.fromObject req } /// Get all (or active) requests for a small group as of now or the specified date member this.AllRequestsForSmallGroup (grp : SmallGroup) clock listDate activeOnly : PrayerRequest seq = let theDate = match listDate with Some dt -> dt | _ -> grp.localDateNow clock upcast ( this.PrayerRequests.AsNoTracking().Where(fun pr -> pr.smallGroupId = grp.smallGroupId) |> function // Filter | query when activeOnly -> let asOf = theDate.AddDays(-(float grp.preferences.daysToExpire)).Date query.Where(fun pr -> (pr.updatedDate > asOf || pr.doNotExpire || RequestType.Recurring = pr.requestType || RequestType.Expecting = pr.requestType) && not pr.isManuallyExpired) | query -> query |> function // Sort | query when grp.preferences.requestSort = "D" -> query.OrderByDescending(fun pr -> pr.updatedDate) .ThenByDescending(fun pr -> pr.enteredDate) .ThenBy(fun pr -> pr.requestor) | query -> query.OrderBy(fun pr -> pr.requestor) .ThenByDescending(fun pr -> pr.updatedDate) .ThenByDescending(fun pr -> pr.enteredDate)) /// Count prayer requests for the given small group Id member this.CountRequestsBySmallGroup gId = this.PrayerRequests.CountAsync (fun pr -> pr.smallGroupId = gId) /// Count prayer requests for the given church Id member this.CountRequestsByChurch cId = this.PrayerRequests.CountAsync (fun pr -> pr.smallGroup.churchId = cId) (*-- SMALL GROUP EXTENSIONS --*) /// Find a small group by its Id member this.TryGroupById gId = task { let! grp = this.SmallGroups.AsNoTracking() .Include(fun sg -> sg.preferences) .FirstOrDefaultAsync (fun sg -> sg.smallGroupId = gId) return Option.fromObject grp } /// Get small groups that are public or password protected member this.PublicAndProtectedGroups () = task { let! grps = this.SmallGroups.AsNoTracking() .Include(fun sg -> sg.preferences) .Include(fun sg -> sg.church) .Where(fun sg -> sg.preferences.isPublic || (sg.preferences.groupPassword <> null && sg.preferences.groupPassword <> "")) .OrderBy(fun sg -> sg.church.name) .ThenBy(fun sg -> sg.name) .ToListAsync () return List.ofSeq grps } /// Get small groups that are password protected member this.ProtectedGroups () = task { let! grps = this.SmallGroups.AsNoTracking() .Include(fun sg -> sg.church) .Where(fun sg -> sg.preferences.groupPassword <> null && sg.preferences.groupPassword <> "") .OrderBy(fun sg -> sg.church.name) .ThenBy(fun sg -> sg.name) .ToListAsync () return List.ofSeq grps } /// Get all small groups member this.AllGroups () = task { let! grps = this.SmallGroups.AsNoTracking() .Include(fun sg -> sg.church) .Include(fun sg -> sg.preferences) .Include(fun sg -> sg.preferences.timeZone) .OrderBy(fun sg -> sg.name) .ToListAsync () return List.ofSeq grps } /// Get a small group list by their Id, with their church prepended to their name member this.GroupList () = task { let! grps = this.SmallGroups.AsNoTracking() .Include(fun sg -> sg.church) .OrderBy(fun sg -> sg.church.name) .ThenBy(fun sg -> sg.name) .ToListAsync () return grps |> Seq.map (fun grp -> grp.smallGroupId.ToString "N", sprintf "%s | %s" grp.church.name grp.name) |> List.ofSeq } /// Log on a small group member this.TryGroupLogOnByPassword gId pw = task { let! grp = this.TryGroupById gId match grp with | None -> return None | Some g -> match pw = g.preferences.groupPassword with | true -> return grp | _ -> return None } /// Check a cookie log on for a small group member this.TryGroupLogOnByCookie gId pwHash (hasher : string -> string) = task { let! grp = this.TryGroupById gId match grp with | None -> return None | Some g -> match pwHash = hasher g.preferences.groupPassword with | true -> return grp | _ -> return None } /// Count small groups for the given church Id member this.CountGroupsByChurch cId = this.SmallGroups.CountAsync (fun sg -> sg.churchId = cId) (*-- TIME ZONE EXTENSIONS --*) /// Get a time zone by its Id member this.TryTimeZoneById tzId = task { let! tz = this.TimeZones.FirstOrDefaultAsync (fun t -> t.timeZoneId = tzId) return Option.fromObject tz } /// Get all time zones member this.AllTimeZones () = task { let! tzs = this.TimeZones.OrderBy(fun t -> t.sortOrder).ToListAsync () return List.ofSeq tzs } (*-- USER EXTENSIONS --*) /// Find a user by its Id member this.TryUserById uId = task { let! user = this.Users.AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefaultAsync (fun u -> u.userId = uId) return Option.fromObject user } /// Find a user by its e-mail address and authorized small group member this.TryUserByEmailAndGroup email gId = task { let! user = this.Users.AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefaultAsync (fun u -> u.emailAddress = email && u.smallGroups.Any (fun xref -> xref.smallGroupId = gId)) return Option.fromObject user } /// Find a user by its Id (tracked entity), eagerly loading the user's groups member this.TryUserByIdWithGroups uId = task { let! user = this.Users.Include(fun u -> u.smallGroups).FirstOrDefaultAsync (fun u -> u.userId = uId) return Option.fromObject user } /// Get a list of all users member this.AllUsers () = task { let! usrs = this.Users.AsNoTracking().OrderBy(fun u -> u.lastName).ThenBy(fun u -> u.firstName).ToListAsync () return List.ofSeq usrs } /// Get all PrayerTracker users as members (used to send e-mails) member this.AllUsersAsMembers () = task { let! usrs = this.Users.AsNoTracking().OrderBy(fun u -> u.lastName).ThenBy(fun u -> u.firstName).ToListAsync () return usrs |> Seq.map (fun u -> { Member.empty with email = u.emailAddress; memberName = u.fullName }) |> List.ofSeq } /// Find a user based on their credentials member this.TryUserLogOnByPassword email pwHash gId = task { let! user = this.Users.FirstOrDefaultAsync (fun u -> u.emailAddress = email && u.passwordHash = pwHash && u.smallGroups.Any (fun xref -> xref.smallGroupId = gId)) return Option.fromObject user } /// Find a user based on credentials stored in a cookie member this.TryUserLogOnByCookie uId gId pwHash = task { let! user = this.TryUserByIdWithGroups uId match user with | None -> return None | Some u -> match pwHash = u.passwordHash && u.smallGroups |> Seq.exists (fun xref -> xref.smallGroupId = gId) with | true -> this.Entry(u).State <- EntityState.Detached return Some { u with passwordHash = ""; salt = None; smallGroups = List() } | _ -> return None } /// Count the number of users for a small group member this.CountUsersBySmallGroup gId = this.Users.CountAsync (fun u -> u.smallGroups.Any (fun xref -> xref.smallGroupId = gId)) /// Count the number of users for a church member this.CountUsersByChurch cId = this.Users.CountAsync (fun u -> u.smallGroups.Any (fun xref -> xref.smallGroup.churchId = cId))