--- title: Maintain Requests --- From this page, you can add, edit, and delete your current requests. You can also restore requests that may have expired, but should be made active once again. ## Add a New Request To add a request, click the icon or text in the center of the page, below the title and above the list of requests for your group. ## Edit Request To edit a request, click the blue pencil icon; it's the first icon under the “Actions” column heading. ## Expire a Request For active requests, the second icon is an eye with a slash through it; clicking this icon will expire the request immediately. This is equivalent to editing the request, selecting “Expire Immediately”, and saving it. ## Restore an Inactive Request When the page is first displayed, it does not display inactive requests. However, clicking the link at the bottom of the page will refresh the page with the inactive requests shown. The middle icon will look like an eye; clicking it will restore the request as an active request. The last updated date will be current, and the request is set to expire normally. ## Delete a Request Deleting a request is contrary to the intent of PrayerTracker, as you can retrieve requests that have expired. However, if there is a request that needs to be deleted, clicking the blue trash can icon in the “Actions” column will allow you to do it. Use this option carefully, as these deletions cannot be undone; once a request is deleted, it is gone for good.