module Giraffe.ViewEngine.Htmx /// Serialize a list of key/value pairs to JSON (very rudimentary) let private toJson (kvps : (string * string) list) = kvps |> (fun kvp -> sprintf "\"%s\": \"%s\"" (fst kvp) ((snd kvp).Replace ("\"", "\\\""))) |> String.concat ", " |> sprintf "{ %s }" /// Valid values for the `hx-encoding` attribute [] module HxEncoding = /// A standard HTTP form let Form = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" /// A multipart form (used for file uploads) let MultipartForm = "multipart/form-data" /// Helper to create the `hx-headers` attribute [] module HxHeaders = /// Create headers from a list of key/value pairs let From = toJson /// Values / helpers for the `hx-params` attribute [] module HxParams = /// Include all parameters let All = "*" /// Include no parameters let None = "none" /// Include the specified parameters let With fields = match fields with [] -> "" | _ -> fields |> List.reduce (fun acc it -> $"{acc},{it}") /// Exclude the specified parameters let Except fields = With fields |> sprintf "not %s" /// Helpers to define `hx-request` attribute values [] module HxRequest = /// Convert a boolean to its lowercase string equivalent let private toLowerBool (it : bool) = (string it).ToLowerInvariant () /// Configure the request with various options let Configure (opts : string list) = opts |> String.concat ", " |> sprintf "{ %s }" /// Set a timeout (in milliseconds) let Timeout (ms : int) = $"\"timeout\": {ms}" /// Include or exclude credentials from the request let Credentials = toLowerBool >> sprintf "\"credentials\": %s" /// Exclude or include headers from the request let NoHeaders = toLowerBool >> sprintf "\"noHeaders\": %s" /// Valid values for the `hx-swap` attribute (may be combined with swap/settle/scroll/show config) [] module HxSwap = /// The default, replace the inner html of the target element let InnerHtml = "innerHTML" /// Replace the entire target element with the response let OuterHtml = "outerHTML" /// Insert the response before the target element let BeforeBegin = "beforebegin" /// Insert the response before the first child of the target element let AfterBegin = "afterbegin" /// Insert the response after the last child of the target element let BeforeEnd = "beforeend" /// Insert the response after the target element let AfterEnd = "afterend" /// Does not append content from response (out of band items will still be processed). let None = "none" /// Helpers for the `hx-trigger` attribute [] module HxTrigger = /// Append a filter to a trigger let private appendFilter filter (trigger : string) = match trigger.Contains "[" with | true -> let parts = trigger.Split ('[', ']') $"{parts.[0]}[{parts.[1]}&&{filter}]" | false -> $"{trigger}[{filter}]" /// Trigger the event on a click let Click = "click" /// Trigger the event on page load let Load = "load" /// Trigger the event when the item is visible let Revealed = "revealed" /// Trigger this event every [timing declaration] let Every (duration : string) = $"every {duration}" /// Helpers for defining filters module Filter = /// Only trigger the event if the `ALT` key is pressed let Alt = appendFilter "altKey" /// Only trigger the event if the `CTRL` key is pressed let Ctrl = appendFilter "ctrlKey" /// Only trigger the event if the `SHIFT` key is pressed let Shift = appendFilter "shiftKey" /// Only trigger the event if `CTRL+ALT` are pressed let CtrlAlt = Ctrl >> Alt /// Only trigger the event if `CTRL+SHIFT` are pressed let CtrlShift = Ctrl >> Shift /// Only trigger the event if `CTRL+ALT+SHIFT` are pressed let CtrlAltShift = CtrlAlt >> Shift /// Only trigger the event if `ALT+SHIFT` are pressed let AltShift = Alt >> Shift /// Append a modifier to the current trigger let private appendModifier modifier current = match current with "" -> modifier | _ -> $"{current} {modifier}" /// Only trigger once let Once = appendModifier "once" /// Trigger when changed let Changed = appendModifier "changed" /// Delay execution; resets every time the event is seen let Delay = sprintf "delay:%s" >> appendModifier /// Throttle execution; ignore other events, fire when duration passes let Throttle = sprintf "throttle:%s" >> appendModifier /// Trigger this event from a CSS selector let From = sprintf "from:%s" >> appendModifier /// Trigger this event from the `document` object let FromDocument = From "document" /// Trigger this event from the `window` object let FromWindow = From "window" /// Trigger this event from the closest parent CSS selector let FromClosest = sprintf "closest %s" >> From /// Trigger this event from the closest child CSS selector let FromFind = sprintf "find %s" >> From /// Target the given CSS selector with the results of this event let Target = sprintf "target:%s" >> appendModifier /// Prevent any further events from occurring after this one fires let Consume = appendModifier "consume" /// Configure queueing when events fire when others are in flight; if unspecified, the default is "last" let Queue = sprintf "queue:%s" >> appendModifier /// Queue the first event, discard all others (i.e., a FIFO queue of 1) let QueueFirst = Queue "first" /// Queue the last event; discards current when another is received (i.e., a LIFO queue of 1) let QueueLast = Queue "last" /// Queue all events; discard none let QueueAll = Queue "all" /// Queue no events; discard all let QueueNone = Queue "none" /// Helper to create the `hx-vals` attribute [] module HxVals = /// Create values from a list of key/value pairs let From = toJson /// Attributes and flags for htmx [] module HtmxAttrs = /// Progressively enhances anchors and forms to use AJAX requests (use `_hxNoBoost` to set to false) let _hxBoost = attr "hx-boost" "true" /// Shows a confirm() dialog before issuing a request let _hxConfirm = attr "hx-confirm" /// Issues a DELETE to the specified URL let _hxDelete = attr "hx-delete" /// Disables htmx processing for the given node and any children nodes let _hxDisable = flag "hx-disable" /// Disinherit all ("*") or specific htmx attributes let _hxDisinherit = attr "hx-disinherit" /// Changes the request encoding type let _hxEncoding = attr "hx-encoding" /// Extensions to use for this element let _hxExt = attr "hx-ext" /// Issues a GET to the specified URL let _hxGet = attr "hx-get" /// Adds to the headers that will be submitted with the request let _hxHeaders = attr "hx-headers" /// The element to snapshot and restore during history navigation let _hxHistoryElt = flag "hx-history-elt" /// Includes additional data in AJAX requests let _hxInclude = attr "hx-include" /// The element to put the htmx-request class on during the AJAX request let _hxIndicator = attr "hx-indicator" /// Overrides a previous `hx-boost` let _hxNoBoost = attr "hx-boost" "false" /// Filters the parameters that will be submitted with a request let _hxParams = attr "hx-params" /// Issues a PATCH to the specified URL let _hxPatch = attr "hx-patch" /// Issues a POST to the specified URL let _hxPost = attr "hx-post" /// Preserves an element between requests let _hxPreserve = attr "hx-preserve" "true" /// Shows a prompt before submitting a request let _hxPrompt = attr "hx-prompt" /// Pushes the URL into the location bar, creating a new history entry let _hxPushUrl = flag "hx-push-url" /// Issues a PUT to the specified URL let _hxPut = attr "hx-put" /// Configures various aspects of the request let _hxRequest = attr "hx-request" /// Selects a subset of the server response to process let _hxSelect = attr "hx-select" /// Establishes and listens to Server Sent Event (SSE) sources for events let _hxSse = attr "hx-sse" /// Controls how the response content is swapped into the DOM (e.g. 'outerHTML' or 'beforeEnd') let _hxSwap = attr "hx-swap" /// Marks content in a response as being "Out of Band", i.e. swapped somewhere other than the target let _hxSwapOob = attr "hx-swap-oob" /// Synchronize events based on another element let _hxSync = attr "hx-sync" /// Specifies the target element to be swapped let _hxTarget = attr "hx-target" /// Specifies the event that triggers the request let _hxTrigger = attr "hx-trigger" /// Adds to the parameters that will be submitted with the request let _hxVals = attr "hx-vals" /// Establishes a WebSocket or sends information to one let _hxWs = attr "hx-ws" /// Script tags to pull htmx into an web page module Script = /// Script tag to load the minified version from let minified = script [ _src "" _integrity "sha384-EzBXYPt0/T6gxNp0nuPtLkmRpmDBbjg6WmCUZRLXBBwYYmwAUxzlSGej0ARHX0Bo" _crossorigin "anonymous" ] [] /// Script tag to load the unminified version from let unminified = script [ _src "" _integrity "sha384-ESk4PjE7dwjGkEciohREmmf8rLMX0E95MKwxM3bvC90sZ3XbF2TELnVk2w7bX0d9" _crossorigin "anonymous" ] []