using Expecto.CSharp; using Expecto; using Microsoft.Data.Sqlite; using BitBadger.Documents.Sqlite; namespace BitBadger.Documents.Tests.CSharp; using static Runner; /// /// C# tests for the extensions on the SqliteConnection class /// public static class SqliteCSharpExtensionTests { private static Task LoadDocs() => SqliteCSharpTests.LoadDocs(); /// /// Integration tests for the SQLite extension methods /// [Tests] public static readonly Test Integration = TestList("Sqlite.C#.Extensions", new[] { TestList("CustomSingle", new[] { TestCase("succeeds when a row is found", async () => { await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb(); await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn(); await LoadDocs(); var doc = await conn.CustomSingle($"SELECT data FROM {SqliteDb.TableName} WHERE data ->> 'Id' = @id", new[] { Parameters.Id("one") }, Results.FromData); Expect.isNotNull(doc, "There should have been a document returned"); Expect.equal(doc!.Id, "one", "The incorrect document was returned"); }), TestCase("succeeds when a row is not found", async () => { await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb(); await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn(); await LoadDocs(); var doc = await conn.CustomSingle($"SELECT data FROM {SqliteDb.TableName} WHERE data ->> 'Id' = @id", new[] { Parameters.Id("eighty") }, Results.FromData); Expect.isNull(doc, "There should not have been a document returned"); }) }), TestList("CustomList", new[] { TestCase("succeeds when data is found", async () => { await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb(); await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn(); await LoadDocs(); var docs = await conn.CustomList(Query.SelectFromTable(SqliteDb.TableName), Parameters.None, Results.FromData); Expect.equal(docs.Count, 5, "There should have been 5 documents returned"); }), TestCase("succeeds when data is not found", async () => { await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb(); await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn(); await LoadDocs(); var docs = await conn.CustomList( $"SELECT data FROM {SqliteDb.TableName} WHERE data ->> 'NumValue' > @value", new[] { new SqliteParameter("@value", 100) }, Results.FromData); Expect.isEmpty(docs, "There should have been no documents returned"); }) }), TestList("CustomNonQuery", new[] { TestCase("succeeds when operating on data", async () => { await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb(); await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn(); await LoadDocs(); await conn.CustomNonQuery($"DELETE FROM {SqliteDb.TableName}", Parameters.None); var remaining = await conn.CountAll(SqliteDb.TableName); Expect.equal(remaining, 0L, "There should be no documents remaining in the table"); }), TestCase("succeeds when no data matches where clause", async () => { await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb(); await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn(); await LoadDocs(); await conn.CustomNonQuery($"DELETE FROM {SqliteDb.TableName} WHERE data ->> 'NumValue' > @value", new[] { new SqliteParameter("@value", 100) }); var remaining = await conn.CountAll(SqliteDb.TableName); Expect.equal(remaining, 5L, "There should be 5 documents remaining in the table"); }) }), TestCase("CustomScalar succeeds", async () => { await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb(); await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn(); var nbr = await conn.CustomScalar("SELECT 5 AS test_value", Parameters.None, rdr => rdr.GetInt32(0)); Expect.equal(nbr, 5, "The query should have returned the number 5"); }), TestCase("EnsureTable succeeds", async () => { await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb(); await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn(); Func> itExists = async name => await conn.CustomScalar( $"SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM {SqliteDb.Catalog} WHERE name = @name) AS it", new SqliteParameter[] { new("@name", name) }, Results.ToExists); var exists = await itExists("ensured"); var alsoExists = await itExists("idx_ensured_key"); Expect.isFalse(exists, "The table should not exist already"); Expect.isFalse(alsoExists, "The key index should not exist already"); await conn.EnsureTable("ensured"); exists = await itExists("ensured"); alsoExists = await itExists("idx_ensured_key"); Expect.isTrue(exists, "The table should now exist"); Expect.isTrue(alsoExists, "The key index should now exist"); }), TestCase("EnsureFieldIndex succeeds", async () => { await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb(); await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn(); var indexExists = () => conn.CustomScalar( $"SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM {SqliteDb.Catalog} WHERE name = 'idx_ensured_test') AS it", Parameters.None, Results.ToExists); var exists = await indexExists(); Expect.isFalse(exists, "The index should not exist already"); await conn.EnsureTable("ensured"); await conn.EnsureFieldIndex("ensured", "test", new[] { "Id", "Category" }); exists = await indexExists(); Expect.isTrue(exists, "The index should now exist"); }), TestList("Insert", new[] { TestCase("succeeds", async () => { await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb(); await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn(); var before = await conn.FindAll(SqliteDb.TableName); Expect.isEmpty(before, "There should be no documents in the table"); await conn.Insert(SqliteDb.TableName, new JsonDocument { Id = "turkey", Sub = new() { Foo = "gobble", Bar = "gobble" } }); var after = await conn.FindAll(SqliteDb.TableName); Expect.equal(after.Count, 1, "There should have been one document inserted"); }), TestCase("fails for duplicate key", async () => { await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb(); await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn(); await conn.Insert(SqliteDb.TableName, new JsonDocument { Id = "test" }); try { await Document.Insert(SqliteDb.TableName, new JsonDocument { Id = "test" }); Expect.isTrue(false, "An exception should have been raised for duplicate document ID insert"); } catch (Exception) { // This is what is supposed to happen } }) }), TestList("Save", new[] { TestCase("succeeds when a document is inserted", async () => { await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb(); await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn(); var before = await conn.FindAll(SqliteDb.TableName); Expect.isEmpty(before, "There should be no documents in the table"); await conn.Save(SqliteDb.TableName, new JsonDocument { Id = "test", Sub = new() { Foo = "a", Bar = "b" } }); var after = await conn.FindAll(SqliteDb.TableName); Expect.equal(after.Count, 1, "There should have been one document inserted"); }), TestCase("succeeds when a document is updated", async () => { await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb(); await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn(); await conn.Insert(SqliteDb.TableName, new JsonDocument { Id = "test", Sub = new() { Foo = "a", Bar = "b" } }); var before = await conn.FindById(SqliteDb.TableName, "test"); Expect.isNotNull(before, "There should have been a document returned"); Expect.equal(before!.Id, "test", "The document is not correct"); Expect.isNotNull(before.Sub, "There should have been a sub-document"); Expect.equal(before.Sub!.Foo, "a", "The document is not correct"); Expect.equal(before.Sub.Bar, "b", "The document is not correct"); await conn.Save(SqliteDb.TableName, new JsonDocument { Id = "test" }); var after = await conn.FindById(SqliteDb.TableName, "test"); Expect.isNotNull(after, "There should have been a document returned post-update"); Expect.equal(after!.Id, "test", "The updated document is not correct"); Expect.isNull(after.Sub, "There should not have been a sub-document in the updated document"); }) }), TestCase("CountAll succeeds", async () => { await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb(); await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn(); await LoadDocs(); var theCount = await conn.CountAll(SqliteDb.TableName); Expect.equal(theCount, 5L, "There should have been 5 matching documents"); }), TestCase("CountByField succeeds", async () => { await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb(); await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn(); await LoadDocs(); var theCount = await conn.CountByField(SqliteDb.TableName, Field.EQ("Value", "purple")); Expect.equal(theCount, 2L, "There should have been 2 matching documents"); }), TestList("ExistsById", new[] { TestCase("succeeds when a document exists", async () => { await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb(); await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn(); await LoadDocs(); var exists = await conn.ExistsById(SqliteDb.TableName, "three"); Expect.isTrue(exists, "There should have been an existing document"); }), TestCase("succeeds when a document does not exist", async () => { await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb(); await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn(); await LoadDocs(); var exists = await conn.ExistsById(SqliteDb.TableName, "seven"); Expect.isFalse(exists, "There should not have been an existing document"); }) }), TestList("ExistsByField", new[] { TestCase("succeeds when documents exist", async () => { await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb(); await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn(); await LoadDocs(); var exists = await conn.ExistsByField(SqliteDb.TableName, Field.GE("NumValue", 10)); Expect.isTrue(exists, "There should have been existing documents"); }), TestCase("succeeds when no matching documents exist", async () => { await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb(); await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn(); await LoadDocs(); var exists = await conn.ExistsByField(SqliteDb.TableName, Field.EQ("Nothing", "none")); Expect.isFalse(exists, "There should not have been any existing documents"); }) }), TestList("FindAll", new[] { TestCase("succeeds when there is data", async () => { await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb(); await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn(); await conn.Insert(SqliteDb.TableName, new JsonDocument { Id = "one", Value = "two" }); await conn.Insert(SqliteDb.TableName, new JsonDocument { Id = "three", Value = "four" }); await conn.Insert(SqliteDb.TableName, new JsonDocument { Id = "five", Value = "six" }); var results = await conn.FindAll(SqliteDb.TableName); Expect.equal(results.Count, 3, "There should have been 3 documents returned"); }), TestCase("succeeds when there is no data", async () => { await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb(); await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn(); var results = await conn.FindAll(SqliteDb.TableName); Expect.isEmpty(results, "There should have been no documents returned"); }) }), TestList("FindById", new[] { TestCase("succeeds when a document is found", async () => { await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb(); await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn(); await LoadDocs(); var doc = await conn.FindById(SqliteDb.TableName, "two"); Expect.isNotNull(doc, "There should have been a document returned"); Expect.equal(doc!.Id, "two", "The incorrect document was returned"); }), TestCase("succeeds when a document is not found", async () => { await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb(); await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn(); await LoadDocs(); var doc = await conn.FindById(SqliteDb.TableName, "eighty-seven"); Expect.isNull(doc, "There should not have been a document returned"); }) }), TestList("FindByField", new[] { TestCase("succeeds when documents are found", async () => { await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb(); await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn(); await LoadDocs(); var docs = await conn.FindByField(SqliteDb.TableName, Field.GT("NumValue", 15)); Expect.equal(docs.Count, 2, "There should have been two documents returned"); }), TestCase("succeeds when documents are not found", async () => { await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb(); await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn(); await LoadDocs(); var docs = await conn.FindByField(SqliteDb.TableName, Field.EQ("Value", "mauve")); Expect.isEmpty(docs, "There should have been no documents returned"); }) }), TestList("FindFirstByField", new[] { TestCase("succeeds when a document is found", async () => { await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb(); await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn(); await LoadDocs(); var doc = await conn.FindFirstByField(SqliteDb.TableName, Field.EQ("Value", "another")); Expect.isNotNull(doc, "There should have been a document returned"); Expect.equal(doc!.Id, "two", "The incorrect document was returned"); }), TestCase("succeeds when multiple documents are found", async () => { await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb(); await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn(); await LoadDocs(); var doc = await conn.FindFirstByField(SqliteDb.TableName, Field.EQ("Sub.Foo", "green")); Expect.isNotNull(doc, "There should have been a document returned"); Expect.contains(new[] { "two", "four" }, doc!.Id, "An incorrect document was returned"); }), TestCase("succeeds when a document is not found", async () => { await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb(); await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn(); await LoadDocs(); var doc = await conn.FindFirstByField(SqliteDb.TableName, Field.EQ("Value", "absent")); Expect.isNull(doc, "There should not have been a document returned"); }) }), TestList("UpdateById", new[] { TestCase("succeeds when a document is updated", async () => { await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb(); await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn(); await LoadDocs(); var testDoc = new JsonDocument { Id = "one", Sub = new() { Foo = "blue", Bar = "red" } }; await conn.UpdateById(SqliteDb.TableName, "one", testDoc); var after = await conn.FindById(SqliteDb.TableName, "one"); Expect.isNotNull(after, "There should have been a document returned post-update"); Expect.equal(after.Id, "one", "The updated document is not correct"); Expect.isNotNull(after.Sub, "The updated document should have had a sub-document"); Expect.equal(after.Sub!.Foo, "blue", "The updated sub-document is not correct"); Expect.equal(after.Sub.Bar, "red", "The updated sub-document is not correct"); }), TestCase("succeeds when no document is updated", async () => { await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb(); await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn(); var before = await conn.FindAll(SqliteDb.TableName); Expect.isEmpty(before, "There should have been no documents returned"); // This not raising an exception is the test await conn.UpdateById(SqliteDb.TableName, "test", new JsonDocument { Id = "x", Sub = new() { Foo = "blue", Bar = "red" } }); }) }), TestList("UpdateByFunc", new[] { TestCase("succeeds when a document is updated", async () => { await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb(); await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn(); await LoadDocs(); await conn.UpdateByFunc(SqliteDb.TableName, doc => doc.Id, new JsonDocument { Id = "one", Value = "le un", NumValue = 1 }); var after = await conn.FindById(SqliteDb.TableName, "one"); Expect.isNotNull(after, "There should have been a document returned post-update"); Expect.equal(after.Id, "one", "The updated document is incorrect"); Expect.equal(after.Value, "le un", "The updated document is incorrect"); Expect.equal(after.NumValue, 1, "The updated document is incorrect"); Expect.isNull(after.Sub, "The updated document should not have a sub-document"); }), TestCase("succeeds when no document is updated", async () => { await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb(); await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn(); var before = await conn.FindAll(SqliteDb.TableName); Expect.isEmpty(before, "There should have been no documents returned"); // This not raising an exception is the test await conn.UpdateByFunc(SqliteDb.TableName, doc => doc.Id, new JsonDocument { Id = "one", Value = "le un", NumValue = 1 }); }) }), TestList("PatchById", new[] { TestCase("succeeds when a document is updated", async () => { await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb(); await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn(); await LoadDocs(); await conn.PatchById(SqliteDb.TableName, "one", new { NumValue = 44 }); var after = await conn.FindById(SqliteDb.TableName, "one"); Expect.isNotNull(after, "There should have been a document returned post-update"); Expect.equal(after.Id, "one", "The updated document is not correct"); Expect.equal(after.NumValue, 44, "The updated document is not correct"); }), TestCase("succeeds when no document is updated", async () => { await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb(); await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn(); var before = await conn.FindAll(SqliteDb.TableName); Expect.isEmpty(before, "There should have been no documents returned"); // This not raising an exception is the test await conn.PatchById(SqliteDb.TableName, "test", new { Foo = "green" }); }) }), TestList("PatchByField", new[] { TestCase("succeeds when a document is updated", async () => { await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb(); await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn(); await LoadDocs(); await conn.PatchByField(SqliteDb.TableName, Field.EQ("Value", "purple"), new { NumValue = 77 }); var after = await conn.CountByField(SqliteDb.TableName, Field.EQ("NumValue", 77)); Expect.equal(after, 2L, "There should have been 2 documents returned"); }), TestCase("succeeds when no document is updated", async () => { await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb(); await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn(); var before = await conn.FindAll(SqliteDb.TableName); Expect.isEmpty(before, "There should have been no documents returned"); // This not raising an exception is the test await conn.PatchByField(SqliteDb.TableName, Field.EQ("Value", "burgundy"), new { Foo = "green" }); }) }), TestList("RemoveFieldsById", new[] { TestCase("succeeds when fields are removed", async () => { await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb(); await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn(); await LoadDocs(); await conn.RemoveFieldsById(SqliteDb.TableName, "two", new[] { "Sub", "Value" }); var updated = await Find.ById(SqliteDb.TableName, "two"); Expect.isNotNull(updated, "The updated document should have been retrieved"); Expect.equal(updated.Value, "", "The string value should have been removed"); Expect.isNull(updated.Sub, "The sub-document should have been removed"); }), TestCase("succeeds when a field is not removed", async () => { await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb(); await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn(); await LoadDocs(); // This not raising an exception is the test await conn.RemoveFieldsById(SqliteDb.TableName, "two", new[] { "AFieldThatIsNotThere" }); }), TestCase("succeeds when no document is matched", async () => { await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb(); await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn(); // This not raising an exception is the test await conn.RemoveFieldsById(SqliteDb.TableName, "two", new[] { "Value" }); }) }), TestList("RemoveFieldsByField", new[] { TestCase("succeeds when a field is removed", async () => { await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb(); await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn(); await LoadDocs(); await conn.RemoveFieldsByField(SqliteDb.TableName, Field.EQ("NumValue", 17), new[] { "Sub" }); var updated = await Find.ById(SqliteDb.TableName, "four"); Expect.isNotNull(updated, "The updated document should have been retrieved"); Expect.isNull(updated.Sub, "The sub-document should have been removed"); }), TestCase("succeeds when a field is not removed", async () => { await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb(); await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn(); await LoadDocs(); // This not raising an exception is the test await conn.RemoveFieldsByField(SqliteDb.TableName, Field.EQ("NumValue", 17), new[] { "Nothing" }); }), TestCase("succeeds when no document is matched", async () => { await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb(); await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn(); // This not raising an exception is the test await conn.RemoveFieldsByField(SqliteDb.TableName, Field.NE("Abracadabra", "apple"), new[] { "Value" }); }) }), TestList("DeleteById", new[] { TestCase("succeeds when a document is deleted", async () => { await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb(); await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn(); await LoadDocs(); await conn.DeleteById(SqliteDb.TableName, "four"); var remaining = await conn.CountAll(SqliteDb.TableName); Expect.equal(remaining, 4L, "There should have been 4 documents remaining"); }), TestCase("succeeds when a document is not deleted", async () => { await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb(); await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn(); await LoadDocs(); await conn.DeleteById(SqliteDb.TableName, "thirty"); var remaining = await conn.CountAll(SqliteDb.TableName); Expect.equal(remaining, 5L, "There should have been 5 documents remaining"); }) }), TestList("DeleteByField", new[] { TestCase("succeeds when documents are deleted", async () => { await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb(); await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn(); await LoadDocs(); await conn.DeleteByField(SqliteDb.TableName, Field.NE("Value", "purple")); var remaining = await conn.CountAll(SqliteDb.TableName); Expect.equal(remaining, 2L, "There should have been 2 documents remaining"); }), TestCase("succeeds when documents are not deleted", async () => { await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb(); await using var conn = Sqlite.Configuration.DbConn(); await LoadDocs(); await conn.DeleteByField(SqliteDb.TableName, Field.EQ("Value", "crimson")); var remaining = await conn.CountAll(SqliteDb.TableName); Expect.equal(remaining, 5L, "There should have been 5 documents remaining"); }) }), TestCase("Clean up database", () => Sqlite.Configuration.UseConnectionString("data source=:memory:")) }); }