RC4 changes #7
@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ type Comparison =
| NotEqual _ -> "<>"
| Between _ -> "BETWEEN"
| In _ -> "IN"
| InArray _ -> "|?" // PostgreSQL only; SQL needs a subquery for this
| InArray _ -> "?|" // PostgreSQL only; SQL needs a subquery for this
| Exists -> "IS NOT NULL"
| NotExists -> "IS NULL"
@ -120,20 +120,24 @@ with
/// Create a not equals (<>) field criterion (alias)
static member NE name (value: obj) = Field.NotEqual name value
/// Create a BETWEEN field criterion
/// Create a Between field criterion
static member Between name (min: obj) (max: obj) =
Field.Where name (Between(min, max))
/// Create a BETWEEN field criterion (alias)
/// Create a Between field criterion (alias)
static member BT name (min: obj) (max: obj) = Field.Between name min max
/// Create an IN field criterion
/// Create an In field criterion
static member In name (values: obj seq) =
Field.Where name (In values)
/// Create an IN field criterion (alias)
/// Create an In field criterion (alias)
static member IN name (values: obj seq) = Field.In name values
/// Create an InArray field criterion
static member InArray name tableName (values: obj seq) =
Field.Where name (InArray(tableName, values))
/// Create an exists (IS NOT NULL) field criterion
static member Exists name =
Field.Where name Exists
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ public static class CommonCSharpTests
TestCase("InArray succeeds", () =>
Expect.equal(Comparison.NewInArray("", []).OpSql, "|?", "The InArray SQL was not correct");
Expect.equal(Comparison.NewInArray("", []).OpSql, "?|", "The InArray SQL was not correct");
TestCase("Exists succeeds", () =>
@ -125,6 +125,15 @@ public static class CommonCSharpTests
Expect.isTrue(field.Comparison.IsIn, "Comparison incorrect");
Expect.sequenceEqual(((Comparison.In)field.Comparison).Values, [8, 16, 32], "Value incorrect");
TestCase("InArray succeeds", () =>
var field = Field.InArray("ArrayField", "table", ["x", "y", "z"]);
Expect.equal(field.Name, "ArrayField", "Field name incorrect");
Expect.isTrue(field.Comparison.IsInArray, "Comparison incorrect");
var it = (Comparison.InArray)field.Comparison;
Expect.equal(it.Table, "table", "Table name incorrect");
Expect.sequenceEqual(it.Values, ["x", "y", "z"], "Value incorrect");
TestCase("Exists succeeds", () =>
var field = Field.Exists("Groovy");
@ -184,40 +184,40 @@ public static class PostgresCSharpTests
TestCase("succeeds for a single field when a logical operator is passed", () =>
TestCase("succeeds for a single field when a logical comparison is passed", () =>
[Field.Greater("theField", "0").WithParameterName("@test")]),
"data->>'theField' > @test", "WHERE clause not correct");
TestCase("succeeds for a single field when an existence operator is passed", () =>
TestCase("succeeds for a single field when an existence comparison is passed", () =>
Expect.equal(Postgres.Query.WhereByFields(FieldMatch.Any, [Field.NotExists("thatField")]),
"data->>'thatField' IS NULL", "WHERE clause not correct");
TestCase("succeeds for a single field when a between operator is passed with numeric values", () =>
TestCase("succeeds for a single field when a between comparison is passed with numeric values", () =>
[Field.Between("aField", 50, 99).WithParameterName("@range")]),
"(data->>'aField')::numeric BETWEEN @rangemin AND @rangemax", "WHERE clause not correct");
TestCase("succeeds for a single field when a between operator is passed with non-numeric values", () =>
TestCase("succeeds for a single field when a between comparison is passed with non-numeric values", () =>
[Field.Between("field0", "a", "b").WithParameterName("@alpha")]),
"data->>'field0' BETWEEN @alphamin AND @alphamax", "WHERE clause not correct");
TestCase("succeeds for all multiple fields with logical operators", () =>
TestCase("succeeds for all multiple fields with logical comparisons", () =>
[Field.Equal("theFirst", "1"), Field.Equal("numberTwo", "2")]),
"data->>'theFirst' = @field0 AND data->>'numberTwo' = @field1", "WHERE clause not correct");
TestCase("succeeds for any multiple fields with an existence operator", () =>
TestCase("succeeds for any multiple fields with an existence comparison", () =>
@ -225,13 +225,19 @@ public static class PostgresCSharpTests
"data->>'thatField' IS NULL OR (data->>'thisField')::numeric >= @field0",
"WHERE clause not correct");
TestCase("succeeds for all multiple fields with between operators", () =>
TestCase("succeeds for all multiple fields with between comparisons", () =>
[Field.Between("aField", 50, 99), Field.Between("anotherField", "a", "b")]),
"(data->>'aField')::numeric BETWEEN @field0min AND @field0max AND data->>'anotherField' BETWEEN @field1min AND @field1max",
"WHERE clause not correct");
TestCase("succeeds for a field with an InArray comparison", () =>
Postgres.Query.WhereByFields(FieldMatch.All, [Field.InArray("theField", "the_table", ["q", "r"])]),
"data->'theField' ?| @field0", "WHERE clause not correct");
@ -890,6 +896,26 @@ public static class PostgresCSharpTests
var docs = await Find.ByFields<JsonDocument>(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.Equal("Value", "mauve")]);
Expect.isEmpty(docs, "There should have been no documents returned");
TestCase("succeeds for InArray when matching documents exist", async () =>
await using var db = PostgresDb.BuildDb();
await Definition.EnsureTable(PostgresDb.TableName);
foreach (var doc in ArrayDocument.TestDocuments) await Document.Insert(PostgresDb.TableName, doc);
var docs = await Find.ByFields<ArrayDocument>(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.All,
[Field.InArray("Values", PostgresDb.TableName, ["c"])]);
Expect.hasLength(docs, 2, "There should have been two document returned");
TestCase("succeeds for InArray when no matching documents exist", async () =>
await using var db = PostgresDb.BuildDb();
await Definition.EnsureTable(PostgresDb.TableName);
foreach (var doc in ArrayDocument.TestDocuments) await Document.Insert(PostgresDb.TableName, doc);
var docs = await Find.ByFields<ArrayDocument>(PostgresDb.TableName, FieldMatch.All,
[Field.InArray("Values", PostgresDb.TableName, ["j"])]);
Expect.isEmpty(docs, "There should have been no documents returned");
@ -59,6 +59,18 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpTests
[Field.Between("aField", 50, 99), Field.Between("anotherField", "a", "b")]),
"data->>'aField' BETWEEN @field0min AND @field0max AND data->>'anotherField' BETWEEN @field1min AND @field1max",
"WHERE clause not correct");
TestCase("succeeds for a field with an In comparison", () =>
Expect.equal(Sqlite.Query.WhereByFields(FieldMatch.All, [Field.In("this", ["a", "b", "c"])]),
"data->>'this' IN (@field0_0, @field0_1, @field0_2)", "WHERE clause not correct");
TestCase("succeeds for a field with an InArray comparison", () =>
Sqlite.Query.WhereByFields(FieldMatch.All, [Field.InArray("this", "the_table", ["a", "b"])]),
"EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM json_each(the_table.data, '$.this') WHERE value IN (@field0_0, @field0_1))",
"WHERE clause not correct");
TestCase("WhereById succeeds", () =>
@ -619,6 +631,26 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpTests
var docs = await Find.ByFields<JsonDocument>(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.Any,
[Field.Equal("Value", "mauve")]);
Expect.isEmpty(docs, "There should have been no documents returned");
TestCase("succeeds for InArray when matching documents exist", async () =>
await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb();
await Definition.EnsureTable(SqliteDb.TableName);
foreach (var doc in ArrayDocument.TestDocuments) await Document.Insert(SqliteDb.TableName, doc);
var docs = await Find.ByFields<ArrayDocument>(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.All,
[Field.InArray("Values", SqliteDb.TableName, ["c"])]);
Expect.hasLength(docs, 2, "There should have been two document returned");
TestCase("succeeds for InArray when no matching documents exist", async () =>
await using var db = await SqliteDb.BuildDb();
await Definition.EnsureTable(SqliteDb.TableName);
foreach (var doc in ArrayDocument.TestDocuments) await Document.Insert(SqliteDb.TableName, doc);
var docs = await Find.ByFields<ArrayDocument>(SqliteDb.TableName, FieldMatch.All,
[Field.InArray("Values", SqliteDb.TableName, ["j"])]);
Expect.isEmpty(docs, "There should have been no documents returned");
@ -31,3 +31,19 @@ public class JsonDocument
new() { Id = "five", Value = "purple", NumValue = 18 }
public class ArrayDocument
public string Id { get; set; } = "";
public string[] Values { get; set; } = [];
/// <summary>
/// A set of documents used for integration tests
/// </summary>
public static readonly List<ArrayDocument> TestDocuments =
new() { Id = "first", Values = ["a", "b", "c"] },
new() { Id = "second", Values = ["c", "d", "e"] },
new() { Id = "third", Values = ["x", "y", "z"] }
@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ let comparisonTests = testList "Comparison.OpSql" [
Expect.equal (In []).OpSql "IN" "The In SQL was not correct"
test "InArray succeeds" {
Expect.equal (InArray("", [])).OpSql "|?" "The InArray SQL was not correct"
Expect.equal (InArray("", [])).OpSql "?|" "The InArray SQL was not correct"
test "Exists succeeds" {
Expect.equal Exists.OpSql "IS NOT NULL" "The Exists SQL was not correct"
@ -101,6 +101,13 @@ let fieldTests = testList "Field" [
Expect.isNone field.ParameterName "The default parameter name should be None"
Expect.isNone field.Qualifier "The default table qualifier should be None"
test "InArray succeeds" {
let field = Field.InArray "ArrayField" "table" [| "z" |]
Expect.equal field.Name "ArrayField" "Field name incorrect"
Expect.equal field.Comparison (InArray("table", [| "z" |])) "Comparison incorrect"
Expect.isNone field.ParameterName "The default parameter name should be None"
Expect.isNone field.Qualifier "The default table qualifier should be None"
test "Exists succeeds" {
let field = Field.Exists "Groovy"
Expect.equal field.Name "Groovy" "Field name incorrect"
@ -135,60 +135,66 @@ let parametersTests = testList "Parameters" [
/// Unit tests for the Query module of the PostgreSQL library
let queryTests = testList "Query" [
testList "whereByFields" [
test "succeeds for a single field when a logical operator is passed" {
test "succeeds for a single field when a logical comparison is passed" {
(Query.whereByFields Any [ { Field.Greater "theField" "0" with ParameterName = Some "@test" } ])
"data->>'theField' > @test"
"WHERE clause not correct"
test "succeeds for a single field when an existence operator is passed" {
test "succeeds for a single field when an existence comparison is passed" {
(Query.whereByFields Any [ Field.NotExists "thatField" ])
"data->>'thatField' IS NULL"
"WHERE clause not correct"
test "succeeds for a single field when a between operator is passed with numeric values" {
test "succeeds for a single field when a between comparison is passed with numeric values" {
(Query.whereByFields All [ { Field.Between "aField" 50 99 with ParameterName = Some "@range" } ])
"(data->>'aField')::numeric BETWEEN @rangemin AND @rangemax"
"WHERE clause not correct"
test "succeeds for a single field when a between operator is passed with non-numeric values" {
test "succeeds for a single field when a between comparison is passed with non-numeric values" {
(Query.whereByFields Any [ { Field.Between "field0" "a" "b" with ParameterName = Some "@alpha" } ])
"data->>'field0' BETWEEN @alphamin AND @alphamax"
"WHERE clause not correct"
test "succeeds for all multiple fields with logical operators" {
test "succeeds for all multiple fields with logical comparisons" {
(Query.whereByFields All [ Field.Equal "theFirst" "1"; Field.Equal "numberTwo" "2" ])
"data->>'theFirst' = @field0 AND data->>'numberTwo' = @field1"
"WHERE clause not correct"
test "succeeds for any multiple fields with an existence operator" {
test "succeeds for any multiple fields with an existence comparisons" {
(Query.whereByFields Any [ Field.NotExists "thatField"; Field.GreaterOrEqual "thisField" 18 ])
"data->>'thatField' IS NULL OR (data->>'thisField')::numeric >= @field0"
"WHERE clause not correct"
test "succeeds for all multiple fields with between operators" {
test "succeeds for all multiple fields with between comparisons" {
(Query.whereByFields All [ Field.Between "aField" 50 99; Field.Between "anotherField" "a" "b" ])
"(data->>'aField')::numeric BETWEEN @field0min AND @field0max AND data->>'anotherField' BETWEEN @field1min AND @field1max"
"WHERE clause not correct"
test "succeeds for a field with an IN operator with alphanumeric values" {
test "succeeds for a field with an In comparison with alphanumeric values" {
(Query.whereByFields All [ Field.In "this" [ "a"; "b"; "c" ] ])
"data->>'this' IN (@field0_0, @field0_1, @field0_2)"
"WHERE clause not correct"
test "succeeds for a field with an IN operator with numeric values" {
test "succeeds for a field with an In comparison with numeric values" {
(Query.whereByFields All [ Field.In "this" [ 7; 14; 21 ] ])
"(data->>'this')::numeric IN (@field0_0, @field0_1, @field0_2)"
"WHERE clause not correct"
test "succeeds for a field with an InArray comparison" {
(Query.whereByFields All [ Field.InArray "theField" "the_table" [ "q", "r" ] ])
"data->'theField' ?| @field0"
"WHERE clause not correct"
testList "whereById" [
test "succeeds for numeric ID" {
@ -740,6 +746,26 @@ let findTests = testList "Find" [
PostgresDb.TableName All [ Field.Equal "Value" "mauve"; Field.NotEqual "NumValue" 40 ]
Expect.isEmpty docs "There should have been no documents returned"
testTask "succeeds for InArray when matching documents exist" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
do! Definition.ensureTable PostgresDb.TableName
for doc in ArrayDocument.TestDocuments do do! insert PostgresDb.TableName doc
let! docs =
PostgresDb.TableName All [ Field.InArray "Values" PostgresDb.TableName [ "c" ] ]
Expect.hasLength docs 2 "There should have been two documents returned"
testTask "succeeds for InArray when no matching documents exist" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
do! Definition.ensureTable PostgresDb.TableName
for doc in ArrayDocument.TestDocuments do do! insert PostgresDb.TableName doc
let! docs =
PostgresDb.TableName All [ Field.InArray "Values" PostgresDb.TableName [ "j" ] ]
Expect.isEmpty docs "There should have been no documents returned"
testList "byFieldsOrdered" [
testTask "succeeds when sorting ascending" {
@ -15,48 +15,54 @@ open Types
/// Unit tests for the Query module of the SQLite library
let queryTests = testList "Query" [
testList "whereByFields" [
test "succeeds for a single field when a logical operator is passed" {
test "succeeds for a single field when a logical comparison is passed" {
(Query.whereByFields Any [ { Field.Greater "theField" 0 with ParameterName = Some "@test" } ])
"data->>'theField' > @test"
"WHERE clause not correct"
test "succeeds for a single field when an existence operator is passed" {
test "succeeds for a single field when an existence comparison is passed" {
(Query.whereByFields Any [ Field.NotExists "thatField" ])
"data->>'thatField' IS NULL"
"WHERE clause not correct"
test "succeeds for a single field when a between operator is passed" {
test "succeeds for a single field when a between comparison is passed" {
(Query.whereByFields All [ { Field.Between "aField" 50 99 with ParameterName = Some "@range" } ])
"data->>'aField' BETWEEN @rangemin AND @rangemax"
"WHERE clause not correct"
test "succeeds for all multiple fields with logical operators" {
test "succeeds for all multiple fields with logical comparisons" {
(Query.whereByFields All [ Field.Equal "theFirst" "1"; Field.Equal "numberTwo" "2" ])
"data->>'theFirst' = @field0 AND data->>'numberTwo' = @field1"
"WHERE clause not correct"
test "succeeds for any multiple fields with an existence operator" {
test "succeeds for any multiple fields with an existence comparison" {
(Query.whereByFields Any [ Field.NotExists "thatField"; Field.GreaterOrEqual "thisField" 18 ])
"data->>'thatField' IS NULL OR data->>'thisField' >= @field0"
"WHERE clause not correct"
test "succeeds for all multiple fields with between operators" {
test "succeeds for all multiple fields with between comparisons" {
(Query.whereByFields All [ Field.Between "aField" 50 99; Field.Between "anotherField" "a" "b" ])
"data->>'aField' BETWEEN @field0min AND @field0max AND data->>'anotherField' BETWEEN @field1min AND @field1max"
"WHERE clause not correct"
test "succeeds for a field with an IN operator" {
test "succeeds for a field with an In comparison" {
(Query.whereByFields All [ Field.In "this" [ "a"; "b"; "c" ] ])
"data->>'this' IN (@field0_0, @field0_1, @field0_2)"
"WHERE clause not correct"
test "succeeds for a field with an InArray comparison" {
(Query.whereByFields All [ Field.InArray "this" "the_table" [ "a"; "b" ] ])
"EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM json_each(the_table.data, '$.this') WHERE value IN (@field0_0, @field0_1))"
"WHERE clause not correct"
test "whereById succeeds" {
Expect.equal (Query.whereById "@id") "data->>'Id' = @id" "WHERE clause not correct"
@ -531,6 +537,26 @@ let findTests = testList "Find" [
let! docs = Find.byFields<JsonDocument> SqliteDb.TableName Any [ Field.Greater "NumValue" 100 ]
Expect.isTrue (List.isEmpty docs) "There should have been no documents returned"
testTask "succeeds for InArray when matching documents exist" {
use! db = SqliteDb.BuildDb()
do! Definition.ensureTable SqliteDb.TableName
for doc in ArrayDocument.TestDocuments do do! insert SqliteDb.TableName doc
let! docs =
SqliteDb.TableName All [ Field.InArray "Values" SqliteDb.TableName [ "c" ] ]
Expect.hasLength docs 2 "There should have been two documents returned"
testTask "succeeds for InArray when no matching documents exist" {
use! db = SqliteDb.BuildDb()
do! Definition.ensureTable SqliteDb.TableName
for doc in ArrayDocument.TestDocuments do do! insert SqliteDb.TableName doc
let! docs =
SqliteDb.TableName All [ Field.InArray "Values" SqliteDb.TableName [ "j" ] ]
Expect.isEmpty docs "There should have been no documents returned"
testList "byFieldsOrdered" [
testTask "succeeds when sorting ascending" {
@ -8,20 +8,32 @@ type SubDocument =
{ Foo: string
Bar: string }
type ArrayDocument =
{ Id: string
Values: string list }
/// <summary>
/// A set of documents used for integration tests
/// </summary>
static member TestDocuments =
[ { Id = "first"; Values = [ "a"; "b"; "c" ] }
{ Id = "second"; Values = [ "c"; "d"; "e" ] }
{ Id = "third"; Values = [ "x"; "y"; "z" ] } ]
type JsonDocument =
{ Id: string
Value: string
NumValue: int
Sub: SubDocument option }
/// An empty JsonDocument
let emptyDoc = { Id = ""; Value = ""; NumValue = 0; Sub = None }
/// Documents to use for testing
let testDocuments = [
{ Id = "one"; Value = "FIRST!"; NumValue = 0; Sub = None }
{ Id = "two"; Value = "another"; NumValue = 10; Sub = Some { Foo = "green"; Bar = "blue" } }
{ Id = "three"; Value = ""; NumValue = 4; Sub = None }
{ Id = "four"; Value = "purple"; NumValue = 17; Sub = Some { Foo = "green"; Bar = "red" } }
{ Id = "five"; Value = "purple"; NumValue = 18; Sub = None }
let testDocuments =
[ { Id = "one"; Value = "FIRST!"; NumValue = 0; Sub = None }
{ Id = "two"; Value = "another"; NumValue = 10; Sub = Some { Foo = "green"; Bar = "blue" } }
{ Id = "three"; Value = ""; NumValue = 4; Sub = None }
{ Id = "four"; Value = "purple"; NumValue = 17; Sub = Some { Foo = "green"; Bar = "red" } }
{ Id = "five"; Value = "purple"; NumValue = 18; Sub = None } ]
Reference in New Issue
Block a user