Version 4 #6
@ -308,6 +308,11 @@ module Query =
let parts = it.Name.Split ' '
{ it with Name = parts[0] }, Some $" {parts[1]}"
else it, None)
|> (fun (field, direction) -> field.Path dialect + defaultArg direction "")
|> (fun (field, direction) ->
let path =
if dialect = PostgreSQL && field.Name.StartsWith "n:" then
$"({ { field with Name = field.Name[2..] }.Path dialect})::numeric"
else field.Path dialect
path + defaultArg direction "")
|> String.concat ", "
|> function it -> $" ORDER BY {it}"
@ -602,12 +602,12 @@ let integrationTests =
Expect.equal results [] "There should have been no documents returned"
testList "allOrdered" [
ptestTask "succeeds when ordering numerically" {
ftestList "allOrdered" [
testTask "succeeds when ordering numerically" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
do! loadDocs ()
let! results = Find.allOrdered<JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName [ Field.EQ "NumValue" 0 ]
let! results = Find.allOrdered<JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName [ Field.Named "n:NumValue" ]
Expect.hasLength results 5 "There should have been 5 documents returned"
(results |> _.Id |> String.concat "|")
Reference in New Issue
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