v3 RC1 #1
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# Default ignored files
# Rider ignored files
# Editor-based HTTP Client requests
# Datasource local storage ignored files
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Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
# Visual Studio Version 17
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Project("{F2A71F9B-5D33-465A-A702-920D77279786}") = "BitBadger.Documents.Tests", "Tests\BitBadger.Documents.Tests.fsproj", "{45D5D503-9FD0-4ADB-ABC6-C8FDAD82B848}"
Project("{F2A71F9B-5D33-465A-A702-920D77279786}") = "BitBadger.Documents.Sqlite", "Sqlite\BitBadger.Documents.Sqlite.fsproj", "{B8A82483-1E72-46D2-B29A-1C371AC5DD20}"
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{E52D624A-2A1F-4D38-82B6-115907D9CB1A}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{E52D624A-2A1F-4D38-82B6-115907D9CB1A}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{0419E91C-2CC5-4FCC-BAB6-1074EFD9C073}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{0419E91C-2CC5-4FCC-BAB6-1074EFD9C073}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{0419E91C-2CC5-4FCC-BAB6-1074EFD9C073}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{0419E91C-2CC5-4FCC-BAB6-1074EFD9C073}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{45D5D503-9FD0-4ADB-ABC6-C8FDAD82B848}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{45D5D503-9FD0-4ADB-ABC6-C8FDAD82B848}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{45D5D503-9FD0-4ADB-ABC6-C8FDAD82B848}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
{45D5D503-9FD0-4ADB-ABC6-C8FDAD82B848}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Release|Any CPU
{B8A82483-1E72-46D2-B29A-1C371AC5DD20}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU
{B8A82483-1E72-46D2-B29A-1C371AC5DD20}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU
{B8A82483-1E72-46D2-B29A-1C371AC5DD20}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Release|Any CPU
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namespace BitBadger.Documents
/// The types of logical operations available for JSON fields
type Op =
/// Equals (=)
| EQ
/// Greater Than (>)
| GT
/// Greater Than or Equal To (>=)
| GE
/// Less Than (<)
| LT
/// Less Than or Equal To (<=)
| LE
/// Not Equal to (<>)
| NE
/// Exists (IS NOT NULL)
| EX
/// Does Not Exist (IS NULL)
override this.ToString() =
match this with
| EQ -> "="
| GT -> ">"
| GE -> ">="
| LT -> "<"
| LE -> "<="
| NE -> "<>"
| NEX -> "IS NULL"
/// The required document serialization implementation
type IDocumentSerializer =
/// Serialize an object to a JSON string
abstract Serialize<'T> : 'T -> string
/// Deserialize a JSON string into an object
abstract Deserialize<'T> : string -> 'T
/// Document serializer defaults
module DocumentSerializer =
open System.Text.Json
open System.Text.Json.Serialization
/// The default JSON serializer options to use with the stock serializer
let private jsonDefaultOpts =
let o = JsonSerializerOptions()
/// The default JSON serializer
[<CompiledName "Default">]
let ``default`` =
{ new IDocumentSerializer with
member _.Serialize<'T>(it: 'T) : string =
JsonSerializer.Serialize(it, jsonDefaultOpts)
member _.Deserialize<'T>(it: string) : 'T =
JsonSerializer.Deserialize<'T>(it, jsonDefaultOpts)
/// Configuration for document handling
module Configuration =
/// The serializer to use for document manipulation
let mutable private serializerValue = DocumentSerializer.``default``
/// Register a serializer to use for translating documents to domain types
[<CompiledName "UseSerializer">]
let useSerializer ser =
serializerValue <- ser
/// Retrieve the currently configured serializer
[<CompiledName "Serializer">]
let serializer () =
/// The serialized name of the ID field for documents
let mutable idFieldValue = "Id"
/// Specify the name of the ID field for documents
[<CompiledName "UseIdField">]
let useIdField it =
idFieldValue <- it
/// Retrieve the currently configured ID field for documents
[<CompiledName "IdField">]
let idField () =
/// Query construction functions
module Query =
/// Create a SELECT clause to retrieve the document data from the given table
[<CompiledName "SelectFromTable">]
let selectFromTable tableName =
$"SELECT data FROM %s{tableName}"
/// Create a WHERE clause fragment to implement a comparison on a field in a JSON document
[<CompiledName "WhereByField">]
let whereByField fieldName op paramName =
let theRest =
match op with
| EX | NEX -> string op
| _ -> $"{op} %s{paramName}"
$"data ->> '%s{fieldName}' {theRest}"
/// Create a WHERE clause fragment to implement an ID-based query
[<CompiledName "WhereById">]
let whereById paramName =
whereByField (Configuration.idField ()) EQ paramName
/// Query to insert a document
[<CompiledName "Insert">]
let insert tableName =
$"INSERT INTO %s{tableName} VALUES (@data)"
/// Query to save a document, inserting it if it does not exist and updating it if it does (AKA "upsert")
[<CompiledName "Save">]
let save tableName =
"INSERT INTO %s VALUES (@data) ON CONFLICT ((data ->> '%s')) DO UPDATE SET data = EXCLUDED.data"
tableName (Configuration.idField ())
/// Queries for counting documents
module Count =
/// Query to count all documents in a table
[<CompiledName "All">]
let all tableName =
$"SELECT COUNT(*) AS it FROM %s{tableName}"
/// Query to count matching documents using a text comparison on a JSON field
[<CompiledName "ByField">]
let byField tableName fieldName op =
$"""SELECT COUNT(*) AS it FROM %s{tableName} WHERE {whereByField fieldName op "@field"}"""
/// Queries for determining document existence
module Exists =
/// Query to determine if a document exists for the given ID
[<CompiledName "ById">]
let byId tableName =
$"""SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM %s{tableName} WHERE {whereById "@id"}) AS it"""
/// Query to determine if documents exist using a comparison on a JSON field
[<CompiledName "ByField">]
let byField tableName fieldName op =
$"""SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM %s{tableName} WHERE {whereByField fieldName op "@field"}) AS it"""
/// Queries for retrieving documents
module Find =
/// Query to retrieve a document by its ID
[<CompiledName "ById">]
let byId tableName =
$"""{selectFromTable tableName} WHERE {whereById "@id"}"""
/// Query to retrieve documents using a comparison on a JSON field
[<CompiledName "ByField">]
let byField tableName fieldName op =
$"""{selectFromTable tableName} WHERE {whereByField fieldName op "@field"}"""
/// Queries to update documents
module Update =
/// Query to update a document
[<CompiledName "Full">]
let full tableName =
$"""UPDATE %s{tableName} SET data = @data WHERE {whereById "@id"}"""
/// Query to update a partial document by its ID
[<CompiledName "PartialById">]
let partialById tableName =
$"""UPDATE %s{tableName} SET data = json_patch(data, json(@data)) WHERE {whereById "@id"}"""
/// Query to update a partial document via a comparison on a JSON field
[<CompiledName "PartialByField">]
let partialByField tableName fieldName op =
"UPDATE %s SET data = json_patch(data, json(@data)) WHERE %s"
tableName (whereByField fieldName op "@field")
/// Queries to delete documents
module Delete =
/// Query to delete a document by its ID
[<CompiledName "ById">]
let byId tableName =
$"""DELETE FROM %s{tableName} WHERE {whereById "@id"}"""
/// Query to delete documents using a comparison on a JSON field
[<CompiledName "ByField">]
let byField tableName fieldName op =
$"""DELETE FROM %s{tableName} WHERE {whereByField fieldName op "@field"}"""
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@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
<PackageReleaseNotes>Initial release with F# support</PackageReleaseNotes>
<Company>Bit Badger Solutions</Company>
<Copyright>MIT License</Copyright>
<PackageTags>SQLite JSON document</PackageTags>
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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<Compile Include="Library.fs" />
<PackageReference Include="FSharp.SystemTextJson" Version="1.2.42" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Data.Sqlite" Version="8.0.0" />
<AssemblyAttribute Include="System.Runtime.CompilerServices.InternalsVisibleToAttribute">
<ProjectReference Include="..\Common\BitBadger.Documents.Common.fsproj" />
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@ -0,0 +1,494 @@
module BitBadger.Documents.Sqlite
open BitBadger.Documents
open Microsoft.Data.Sqlite
/// Configuration for document handling
module Configuration =
/// The connection string to use for query execution
let mutable internal connectionString: string option = None
/// Register a connection string to use for query execution (enables foreign keys)
let useConnectionString connStr =
let builder = SqliteConnectionStringBuilder(connStr)
builder.ForeignKeys <- Option.toNullable (Some true)
connectionString <- Some (string builder)
/// Retrieve the currently configured data source
let dbConn () =
match connectionString with
| Some connStr ->
let conn = new SqliteConnection(connStr)
| None -> invalidOp "Please provide a connection string before attempting data access"
/// Execute a non-query command
let internal write (cmd: SqliteCommand) = backgroundTask {
let! _ = cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync()
/// Data definition
module Definition =
/// SQL statement to create a document table
let createTable name =
/// SQL statement to create a key index for a document table
let createKey name =
$"CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_%s{name}_key ON {name} ((data ->> '{Configuration.idField ()}'))"
/// Definitions that take a SqliteConnection as their last parameter
module WithConn =
/// Create a document table
let ensureTable name (conn: SqliteConnection) = backgroundTask {
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand()
cmd.CommandText <- createTable name
do! write cmd
cmd.CommandText <- createKey name
do! write cmd
/// Create a document table
let ensureTable name =
use conn = Configuration.dbConn ()
WithConn.ensureTable name conn
/// Add a parameter to a SQLite command, ignoring the return value (can still be accessed on cmd via indexing)
let addParam (cmd: SqliteCommand) name (value: obj) =
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(name, value) |> ignore
let addIdParam (cmd: SqliteCommand) (key: 'TKey) =
addParam cmd "@id" (string key)
/// Add a JSON document parameter to a command
let addJsonParam (cmd: SqliteCommand) name (it: 'TJson) =
addParam cmd name (Configuration.serializer().Serialize it)
/// Add ID (@id) and document (@data) parameters to a command
let addIdAndDocParams cmd (docId: 'TKey) (doc: 'TDoc) =
addIdParam cmd docId
addJsonParam cmd "@data" doc
/// Create a domain item from a document, specifying the field in which the document is found
let fromDocument<'TDoc> field (rdr: SqliteDataReader) : 'TDoc =
/// Create a domain item from a document
let fromData<'TDoc> rdr =
fromDocument<'TDoc> "data" rdr
/// Create a list of items for the results of the given command, using the specified mapping function
let toCustomList<'TDoc> (cmd: SqliteCommand) (mapFunc: SqliteDataReader -> 'TDoc) = backgroundTask {
use! rdr = cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync()
let mutable it = Seq.empty<'TDoc>
while! rdr.ReadAsync() do
it <- Seq.append it (Seq.singleton (mapFunc rdr))
return List.ofSeq it
/// Create a list of items for the results of the given command
let toDocumentList<'TDoc> (cmd: SqliteCommand) =
toCustomList<'TDoc> cmd fromData
/// Execute a non-query statement to manipulate a document
let private executeNonQuery query (document: 'T) (conn: SqliteConnection) =
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand()
cmd.CommandText <- query
addJsonParam cmd "@data" document
write cmd
/// Execute a non-query statement to manipulate a document with an ID specified
let private executeNonQueryWithId query (docId: 'TKey) (document: 'TDoc) (conn: SqliteConnection) =
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand()
cmd.CommandText <- query
addIdAndDocParams cmd docId document
write cmd
open System.Threading.Tasks
/// Versions of queries that accept a SqliteConnection as the last parameter
module WithConn =
/// Insert a new document
let insert<'TDoc> tableName (document: 'TDoc) conn =
executeNonQuery (Query.insert tableName) document conn
/// Save a document, inserting it if it does not exist and updating it if it does (AKA "upsert")
let save<'TDoc> tableName (document: 'TDoc) conn =
executeNonQuery (Query.save tableName) document conn
/// Commands to count documents
module Count =
/// Count all documents in a table
let all tableName (conn: SqliteConnection) : Task<int64> = backgroundTask {
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand()
cmd.CommandText <- Query.Count.all tableName
let! result = cmd.ExecuteScalarAsync()
return result :?> int64
/// Count matching documents using a comparison on a JSON field
let byField tableName fieldName op (value: obj) (conn: SqliteConnection) : Task<int64> = backgroundTask {
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand()
cmd.CommandText <- Query.Count.byField tableName fieldName op
addParam cmd "@field" value
let! result = cmd.ExecuteScalarAsync()
return result :?> int64
/// Commands to determine if documents exist
module Exists =
/// Determine if a document exists for the given ID
let byId tableName (docId: 'TKey) (conn: SqliteConnection) : Task<bool> = backgroundTask {
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand()
cmd.CommandText <- Query.Exists.byId tableName
addIdParam cmd docId
let! result = cmd.ExecuteScalarAsync()
return (result :?> int64) > 0
/// Determine if a document exists using a comparison on a JSON field
let byField tableName fieldName op (value: obj) (conn: SqliteConnection) : Task<bool> = backgroundTask {
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand()
cmd.CommandText <- Query.Exists.byField tableName fieldName op
addParam cmd "@field" value
let! result = cmd.ExecuteScalarAsync()
return (result :?> int64) > 0
/// Commands to retrieve documents
module Find =
/// Retrieve all documents in the given table
let all<'TDoc> tableName (conn: SqliteConnection) : Task<'TDoc list> =
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand()
cmd.CommandText <- Query.selectFromTable tableName
toDocumentList<'TDoc> cmd
/// Retrieve a document by its ID
let byId<'TKey, 'TDoc> tableName (docId: 'TKey) (conn: SqliteConnection) : Task<'TDoc option> = backgroundTask {
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand()
cmd.CommandText <- Query.Find.byId tableName
addIdParam cmd docId
let! results = toDocumentList<'TDoc> cmd
return List.tryHead results
/// Retrieve documents via a comparison on a JSON field
let byField<'TDoc> tableName fieldName op (value: obj) (conn: SqliteConnection) : Task<'TDoc list> =
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand()
cmd.CommandText <- Query.Find.byField tableName fieldName op
addParam cmd "@field" value
toDocumentList<'TDoc> cmd
/// Retrieve documents via a comparison on a JSON field, returning only the first result
let firstByField<'TDoc> tableName fieldName op (value: obj) (conn: SqliteConnection)
: Task<'TDoc option> = backgroundTask {
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand()
cmd.CommandText <- $"{Query.Find.byField tableName fieldName op} LIMIT 1"
addParam cmd "@field" value
let! results = toDocumentList<'TDoc> cmd
return List.tryHead results
/// Commands to update documents
module Update =
/// Update an entire document
let full tableName (docId: 'TKey) (document: 'TDoc) conn =
executeNonQueryWithId (Query.Update.full tableName) docId document conn
/// Update an entire document
let fullFunc tableName (idFunc: 'TDoc -> 'TKey) (document: 'TDoc) conn =
full tableName (idFunc document) document conn
/// Update a partial document
let partialById tableName (docId: 'TKey) (partial: 'TPatch) conn =
executeNonQueryWithId (Query.Update.partialById tableName) docId partial conn
/// Update partial documents using a comparison on a JSON field
let partialByField tableName fieldName op (value: obj) (partial: 'TPatch) (conn: SqliteConnection) =
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand()
cmd.CommandText <- Query.Update.partialByField tableName fieldName op
addParam cmd "@field" value
addJsonParam cmd "@data" partial
write cmd
/// Commands to delete documents
module Delete =
/// Delete a document by its ID
let byId tableName (docId: 'TKey) conn =
executeNonQueryWithId (Query.Delete.byId tableName) docId {||} conn
/// Delete documents by matching a comparison on a JSON field
let byField tableName fieldName op (value: obj) (conn: SqliteConnection) =
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand()
cmd.CommandText <- Query.Delete.byField tableName fieldName op
addParam cmd "@field" value
write cmd
/// Commands to execute custom SQL queries
module Custom =
/// Execute a query that returns a list of results
let list<'TDoc> query (parameters: SqliteParameter seq) (mapFunc: SqliteDataReader -> 'TDoc)
(conn: SqliteConnection) =
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand()
cmd.CommandText <- query
cmd.Parameters.AddRange parameters
toCustomList<'TDoc> cmd mapFunc
/// Execute a query that returns one or no results
let single<'TDoc> query parameters (mapFunc: SqliteDataReader -> 'TDoc) conn = backgroundTask {
let! results = list query parameters mapFunc conn
return List.tryHead results
/// Execute a query that does not return a value
let nonQuery query (parameters: SqliteParameter seq) (conn: SqliteConnection) =
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand()
cmd.CommandText <- query
cmd.Parameters.AddRange parameters
write cmd
/// Execute a query that returns a scalar value
let scalar<'T when 'T : struct> query (parameters: SqliteParameter seq) (mapFunc: SqliteDataReader -> 'T)
(conn: SqliteConnection) = backgroundTask {
use cmd = conn.CreateCommand()
cmd.CommandText <- query
cmd.Parameters.AddRange parameters
use! rdr = cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync()
let! isFound = rdr.ReadAsync()
return if isFound then mapFunc rdr else Unchecked.defaultof<'T>
/// Insert a new document
let insert<'TDoc> tableName (document: 'TDoc) =
use conn = Configuration.dbConn ()
WithConn.insert tableName document conn
/// Save a document, inserting it if it does not exist and updating it if it does (AKA "upsert")
let save<'TDoc> tableName (document: 'TDoc) =
use conn = Configuration.dbConn ()
WithConn.save tableName document conn
/// Commands to count documents
module Count =
/// Count all documents in a table
let all tableName =
use conn = Configuration.dbConn ()
WithConn.Count.all tableName conn
/// Count matching documents using a comparison on a JSON field
let byField tableName fieldName op (value: obj) =
use conn = Configuration.dbConn ()
WithConn.Count.byField tableName fieldName op value conn
/// Commands to determine if documents exist
module Exists =
/// Determine if a document exists for the given ID
let byId tableName (docId: 'TKey) =
use conn = Configuration.dbConn ()
WithConn.Exists.byId tableName docId conn
/// Determine if a document exists using a comparison on a JSON field
let byField tableName fieldName op (value: obj) =
use conn = Configuration.dbConn ()
WithConn.Exists.byField tableName fieldName op value conn
/// Commands to determine if documents exist
module Find =
/// Retrieve all documents in the given table
let all<'TDoc> tableName =
use conn = Configuration.dbConn ()
WithConn.Find.all<'TDoc> tableName conn
/// Retrieve a document by its ID
let byId<'TKey, 'TDoc> tableName docId =
use conn = Configuration.dbConn ()
WithConn.Find.byId<'TKey, 'TDoc> tableName docId conn
/// Retrieve documents via a comparison on a JSON field
let byField<'TDoc> tableName fieldName op value =
use conn = Configuration.dbConn ()
WithConn.Find.byField<'TDoc> tableName fieldName op value conn
/// Retrieve documents via a comparison on a JSON field, returning only the first result
let firstByField<'TDoc> tableName fieldName op value =
use conn = Configuration.dbConn ()
WithConn.Find.firstByField<'TDoc> tableName fieldName op value conn
/// Commands to update documents
module Update =
/// Update an entire document
let full tableName (docId: 'TKey) (document: 'TDoc) =
use conn = Configuration.dbConn ()
WithConn.Update.full tableName docId document conn
/// Update an entire document
let fullFunc tableName (idFunc: 'TDoc -> 'TKey) (document: 'TDoc) =
use conn = Configuration.dbConn ()
WithConn.Update.fullFunc tableName idFunc document conn
/// Update a partial document
let partialById tableName (docId: 'TKey) (partial: 'TPatch) =
use conn = Configuration.dbConn ()
WithConn.Update.partialById tableName docId partial conn
/// Update partial documents using a comparison on a JSON field in the WHERE clause
let partialByField tableName fieldName op (value: obj) (partial: 'TPatch) =
use conn = Configuration.dbConn ()
WithConn.Update.partialByField tableName fieldName op value partial conn
/// Commands to delete documents
module Delete =
/// Delete a document by its ID
let byId tableName (docId: 'TKey) =
use conn = Configuration.dbConn ()
WithConn.Delete.byId tableName docId conn
/// Delete documents by matching a comparison on a JSON field
let byField tableName fieldName op (value: obj) =
use conn = Configuration.dbConn ()
WithConn.Delete.byField tableName fieldName op value conn
/// Commands to execute custom SQL queries
module Custom =
/// Execute a query that returns a list of results
let list<'TDoc> query parameters (mapFunc: SqliteDataReader -> 'TDoc) =
use conn = Configuration.dbConn ()
WithConn.Custom.list<'TDoc> query parameters mapFunc conn
/// Execute a query that returns one or no results
let single<'TDoc> query parameters (mapFunc: SqliteDataReader -> 'TDoc) =
use conn = Configuration.dbConn ()
WithConn.Custom.single<'TDoc> query parameters mapFunc conn
/// Execute a query that does not return a value
let nonQuery query parameters =
use conn = Configuration.dbConn ()
WithConn.Custom.nonQuery query parameters conn
/// Execute a query that returns a scalar value
let scalar<'T when 'T : struct> query parameters (mapFunc: SqliteDataReader -> 'T) =
use conn = Configuration.dbConn ()
WithConn.Custom.scalar<'T> query parameters mapFunc conn
module Extensions =
type SqliteConnection with
/// Create a document table
member conn.ensureTable name =
Definition.WithConn.ensureTable name conn
/// Insert a new document
member conn.insert<'TDoc> tableName (document: 'TDoc) =
WithConn.insert<'TDoc> tableName document conn
/// Save a document, inserting it if it does not exist and updating it if it does (AKA "upsert")
member conn.save<'TDoc> tableName (document: 'TDoc) =
WithConn.save tableName document conn
/// Count all documents in a table
member conn.countAll tableName =
WithConn.Count.all tableName conn
/// Count matching documents using a comparison on a JSON field
member conn.countByField tableName fieldName op (value: obj) =
WithConn.Count.byField tableName fieldName op value conn
/// Determine if a document exists for the given ID
member conn.existsById tableName (docId: 'TKey) =
WithConn.Exists.byId tableName docId conn
/// Determine if a document exists using a comparison on a JSON field
member conn.existsByField tableName fieldName op (value: obj) =
WithConn.Exists.byField tableName fieldName op value conn
/// Retrieve all documents in the given table
member conn.findAll<'TDoc> tableName =
WithConn.Find.all<'TDoc> tableName conn
/// Retrieve a document by its ID
member conn.findById<'TKey, 'TDoc> tableName (docId: 'TKey) =
WithConn.Find.byId<'TKey, 'TDoc> tableName docId conn
/// Retrieve documents via a comparison on a JSON field
member conn.findByField<'TDoc> tableName fieldName op (value: obj) =
WithConn.Find.byField<'TDoc> tableName fieldName op value conn
/// Retrieve documents via a comparison on a JSON field, returning only the first result
member conn.findFirstByField<'TDoc> tableName fieldName op (value: obj) =
WithConn.Find.firstByField<'TDoc> tableName fieldName op value conn
/// Update an entire document
member conn.updateFull tableName (docId: 'TKey) (document: 'TDoc) =
WithConn.Update.full tableName docId document conn
/// Update an entire document
member conn.updateFullFunc tableName (idFunc: 'TDoc -> 'TKey) (document: 'TDoc) =
WithConn.Update.fullFunc tableName idFunc document conn
/// Update a partial document
member conn.updatePartialById tableName (docId: 'TKey) (partial: 'TPatch) =
WithConn.Update.partialById tableName docId partial conn
/// Update partial documents using a comparison on a JSON field
member conn.updatePartialByField tableName fieldName op (value: obj) (partial: 'TPatch) =
WithConn.Update.partialByField tableName fieldName op value partial conn
/// Delete a document by its ID
member conn.deleteById tableName (docId: 'TKey) =
WithConn.Delete.byId tableName docId conn
/// Delete documents by matching a comparison on a JSON field
member conn.deleteByField tableName fieldName op (value: obj) =
WithConn.Delete.byField tableName fieldName op value conn
/// Execute a query that returns a list of results
member conn.customList<'TDoc> query parameters mapFunc =
WithConn.Custom.list<'TDoc> query parameters mapFunc conn
/// Execute a query that returns one or no results
member conn.customSingle<'TDoc> query parameters mapFunc =
WithConn.Custom.single<'TDoc> query parameters mapFunc conn
/// Execute a query that does not return a value
member conn.customNonQuery query parameters =
WithConn.Custom.nonQuery query parameters conn
/// Execute a query that returns a scalar value
member conn.customScalar<'T when 'T: struct> query parameters mapFunc =
WithConn.Custom.scalar<'T> query parameters mapFunc conn
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namespace Test;
using BitBadger.Documents;
public class Class1
public void Toot()
var ticket = Query.WhereByField("test", Op.GE, "");
var others = Query.Count.All("howdy");
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<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<ProjectReference Include="..\Common\BitBadger.Documents.Common.fsproj" />
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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<Compile Include="CommonTests.fs" />
<Compile Include="SqliteTests.fs" />
<Compile Include="Program.fs" />
<PackageReference Include="Expecto" Version="10.1.0" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\Common\BitBadger.Documents.Common.fsproj" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\Sqlite\BitBadger.Documents.Sqlite.fsproj" />
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module CommonTests
open BitBadger.Documents
open Expecto
/// Test table name
let tbl = "test_table"
/// Tests which do not hit the database
let all =
testList "Common" [
testList "Op" [
test "EQ succeeds" {
Expect.equal (string EQ) "=" "The equals operator was not correct"
test "GT succeeds" {
Expect.equal (string GT) ">" "The greater than operator was not correct"
test "GE succeeds" {
Expect.equal (string GE) ">=" "The greater than or equal to operator was not correct"
test "LT succeeds" {
Expect.equal (string LT) "<" "The less than operator was not correct"
test "LE succeeds" {
Expect.equal (string LE) "<=" "The less than or equal to operator was not correct"
test "NE succeeds" {
Expect.equal (string NE) "<>" "The not equal to operator was not correct"
test "EX succeeds" {
Expect.equal (string EX) "IS NOT NULL" """The "exists" operator ws not correct"""
test "NEX succeeds" {
Expect.equal (string NEX) "IS NULL" """The "not exists" operator ws not correct"""
testList "Query" [
test "selectFromTable succeeds" {
Expect.equal (Query.selectFromTable tbl) $"SELECT data FROM {tbl}" "SELECT statement not correct"
test "whereById succeeds" {
Expect.equal (Query.whereById "@id") "data ->> 'Id' = @id" "WHERE clause not correct"
testList "whereByField" [
test "succeeds when a logical operator is passed" {
(Query.whereByField "theField" GT "@test")
"data ->> 'theField' > @test"
"WHERE clause not correct"
test "succeeds when an existence operator is passed" {
(Query.whereByField "thatField" NEX "")
"data ->> 'thatField' IS NULL"
"WHERE clause not correct"
test "insert succeeds" {
Expect.equal (Query.insert tbl) $"INSERT INTO {tbl} VALUES (@data)" "INSERT statement not correct"
test "save succeeds" {
(Query.save tbl)
$"INSERT INTO {tbl} VALUES (@data) ON CONFLICT ((data ->> 'Id')) DO UPDATE SET data = EXCLUDED.data"
"INSERT ON CONFLICT UPDATE statement not correct"
testList "Count" [
test "all succeeds" {
Expect.equal (Query.Count.all tbl) $"SELECT COUNT(*) AS it FROM {tbl}" "Count query not correct"
test "byField succeeds" {
(Query.Count.byField tbl "thatField" EQ)
$"SELECT COUNT(*) AS it FROM {tbl} WHERE data ->> 'thatField' = @field"
"JSON field text comparison count query not correct"
testList "Exists" [
test "byId succeeds" {
(Query.Exists.byId tbl)
$"SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM {tbl} WHERE data ->> 'Id' = @id) AS it"
"ID existence query not correct"
test "byField succeeds" {
(Query.Exists.byField tbl "Test" LT)
$"SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM {tbl} WHERE data ->> 'Test' < @field) AS it"
"JSON field text comparison exists query not correct"
testList "Find" [
test "byId succeeds" {
(Query.Find.byId tbl)
$"SELECT data FROM {tbl} WHERE data ->> 'Id' = @id"
"SELECT by ID query not correct"
test "byField succeeds" {
(Query.Find.byField tbl "Golf" GE)
$"SELECT data FROM {tbl} WHERE data ->> 'Golf' >= @field"
"SELECT by JSON comparison query not correct"
testList "Update" [
test "full succeeds" {
(Query.Update.full tbl)
$"UPDATE {tbl} SET data = @data WHERE data ->> 'Id' = @id"
"UPDATE full statement not correct"
test "partialById succeeds" {
(Query.Update.partialById tbl)
$"UPDATE {tbl} SET data = json_patch(data, json(@data)) WHERE data ->> 'Id' = @id"
"UPDATE partial by ID statement not correct"
test "partialByField succeeds" {
(Query.Update.partialByField tbl "Part" NE)
$"UPDATE {tbl} SET data = json_patch(data, json(@data)) WHERE data ->> 'Part' <> @field"
"UPDATE partial by JSON comparison query not correct"
testList "Delete" [
test "byId succeeds" {
(Query.Delete.byId tbl)
$"DELETE FROM {tbl} WHERE data ->> 'Id' = @id"
"DELETE by ID query not correct"
test "byField succeeds" {
(Query.Delete.byField tbl "gone" NEX)
$"DELETE FROM {tbl} WHERE data ->> 'gone' IS NULL"
"DELETE by JSON comparison query not correct"
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open Expecto
let allTests = testList "BitBadger.Documents" [ CommonTests.all; SqliteTests.all ]
let main args = runTestsWithCLIArgs [] args allTests
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Load Diff
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