v3 RC1 #1
@ -210,18 +210,6 @@ module Query =
let full tableName =
$"""UPDATE %s{tableName} SET data = @data WHERE {whereById "@id"}"""
/// Query to update a partial document by its ID
[<CompiledName "PartialById">]
let partialById tableName =
$"""UPDATE %s{tableName} SET data = json_patch(data, json(@data)) WHERE {whereById "@id"}"""
/// Query to update a partial document via a comparison on a JSON field
[<CompiledName "PartialByField">]
let partialByField tableName fieldName op =
"UPDATE %s SET data = json_patch(data, json(@data)) WHERE %s"
tableName (whereByField fieldName op "@field")
/// Queries to delete documents
module Delete =
@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
namespace BitBadger.Documents.Postgres
open Npgsql
/// The type of index to generate for the document
type DocumentIndex =
@ -91,14 +93,20 @@ module Definition =
module Query =
/// Create a SELECT clause to retrieve the document data from the given table
let selectFromTable tableName =
$"SELECT data FROM %s{tableName}"
/// Create a WHERE clause fragment to implement an ID-based query
let whereById paramName =
$"data ->> '{Configuration.idField ()}' = %s{paramName}"
module Definition =
/// SQL statement to create a document table
[<CompiledName "EnsureTable">]
let ensureTable name =
Query.Definition.ensureTableFor name "JSONB"
/// SQL statement to create an index on JSON documents in the specified table
[<CompiledName "EnsureJsonIndex">]
let ensureJsonIndex (name : string) idxType =
let extraOps = match idxType with Full -> "" | Optimized -> " jsonb_path_ops"
let tableName = name.Split '.' |> Array.last
$"CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_{tableName} ON {name} USING GIN (data{extraOps})"
/// Create a WHERE clause fragment to implement a @> (JSON contains) condition
let whereDataContains paramName =
$"data @> %s{paramName}"
@ -127,10 +135,6 @@ module Query =
/// Queries for counting documents
module Count =
/// Query to count all documents in a table
let all tableName =
$"SELECT COUNT(*) AS it FROM %s{tableName}"
/// Query to count matching documents using a JSON containment query (@>)
let byContains tableName =
$"""SELECT COUNT(*) AS it FROM %s{tableName} WHERE {whereDataContains "@criteria"}"""
@ -142,10 +146,6 @@ module Query =
/// Queries for determining document existence
module Exists =
/// Query to determine if a document exists for the given ID
let byId tableName =
$"""SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM %s{tableName} WHERE {whereById "@id"}) AS it"""
/// Query to determine if documents exist using a JSON containment query (@>)
let byContains tableName =
$"""SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM %s{tableName} WHERE {whereDataContains "@criteria"}) AS it"""
@ -157,28 +157,24 @@ module Query =
/// Queries for retrieving documents
module Find =
/// Query to retrieve a document by its ID
let byId tableName =
$"""{selectFromTable tableName} WHERE {whereById "@id"}"""
/// Query to retrieve documents using a JSON containment query (@>)
let byContains tableName =
$"""{selectFromTable tableName} WHERE {whereDataContains "@criteria"}"""
$"""{Query.selectFromTable tableName} WHERE {whereDataContains "@criteria"}"""
/// Query to retrieve documents using a JSON Path match (@?)
let byJsonPath tableName =
$"""{selectFromTable tableName} WHERE {whereJsonPathMatches "@path"}"""
$"""{Query.selectFromTable tableName} WHERE {whereJsonPathMatches "@path"}"""
/// Queries to update documents
module Update =
/// Query to update a document
let full tableName =
$"""UPDATE %s{tableName} SET data = @data WHERE {whereById "@id"}"""
/// Query to update a document
let partialById tableName =
$"""UPDATE %s{tableName} SET data = data || @data WHERE {whereById "@id"}"""
$"""UPDATE %s{tableName} SET data = data || @data WHERE {Query.whereById "@id"}"""
/// Query to update a document
let partialByField tableName fieldName op =
$"""UPDATE %s{tableName} SET data = data || @data WHERE {Query.whereByField fieldName op "@field"}"""
/// Query to update partial documents matching a JSON containment query (@>)
let partialByContains tableName =
@ -191,10 +187,6 @@ module Query =
/// Queries to delete documents
module Delete =
/// Query to delete a document by its ID
let byId tableName =
$"""DELETE FROM %s{tableName} WHERE {whereById "@id"}"""
/// Query to delete documents using a JSON containment query (@>)
let byContains tableName =
$"""DELETE FROM %s{tableName} WHERE {whereDataContains "@criteria"}"""
@ -204,6 +196,31 @@ module Query =
$"""DELETE FROM %s{tableName} WHERE {whereJsonPathMatches "@path"}"""
/// Functions for creating parameters
module Parameters =
/// Create an ID parameter (name "@id", key will be treated as a string)
[<CompiledName "Id">]
let idParam (key: 'TKey) =
"@id", Sql.string (string key)
/// Create a parameter with a JSON value
[<CompiledName "Json">]
let jsonParam (name: string) (it: 'TJson) =
name, Sql.jsonb (Configuration.serializer().Serialize it)
/// Create a JSON field parameter (name "@field")
[<CompiledName "Field">]
let fieldParam (value: obj) =
"@field", Sql.parameter (NpgsqlParameter("@field", value))
/// An empty parameter sequence
[<CompiledName "None">]
let noParams =
Seq.empty<string * SqlValue>
/// Functions for dealing with results
module Results =
@ -215,11 +232,69 @@ module Results =
/// Create a domain item from a document
let fromData<'T> row : 'T =
fromDocument "data" row
/// Extract a count from the column "it"
let toCount (row: RowReader) =
row.int "it"
/// Extract a true/false value from the column "it"
let toExists (row: RowReader) =
row.bool "it"
/// Versions of queries that accept SqlProps as the last parameter
module WithProps =
/// Commands to execute custom SQL queries
module Custom =
/// Execute a query that returns a list of results
[<CompiledName "FSharpList">]
let list<'T> query parameters (mapFunc: RowReader -> 'T) sqlProps =
Sql.query query sqlProps
|> Sql.parameters parameters
|> Sql.executeAsync mapFunc
/// Execute a query that returns a list of results
let List<'T>(query, parameters, mapFunc: System.Func<RowReader, 'T>, sqlProps) = backgroundTask {
let! results = list query (List.ofSeq parameters) mapFunc.Invoke sqlProps
return ResizeArray results
/// Execute a query that returns one or no results (returns None if not found)
[<CompiledName "FSharpSingle">]
let single<'T> query parameters mapFunc sqlProps = backgroundTask {
let! results = list<'T> query parameters mapFunc sqlProps
return FSharp.Collections.List.tryHead results
/// Execute a query that returns one or no results (returns null if not found)
let Single<'T when 'T: null>(
query, parameters, mapFunc: System.Func<RowReader, 'T>, sqlProps) = backgroundTask {
let! result = single<'T> query (FSharp.Collections.List.ofSeq parameters) mapFunc.Invoke sqlProps
return Option.toObj result
/// Execute a query that returns no results
[<CompiledName "NonQuery">]
let nonQuery query parameters sqlProps =
Sql.query query sqlProps
|> Sql.parameters (FSharp.Collections.List.ofSeq parameters)
|> Sql.executeNonQueryAsync
|> ignoreTask
/// Execute a query that returns a scalar value
[<CompiledName "FSharpScalar">]
let scalar<'T when 'T: struct> query parameters (mapFunc: RowReader -> 'T) sqlProps =
Sql.query query sqlProps
|> Sql.parameters parameters
|> Sql.executeRowAsync mapFunc
/// Execute a query that returns a scalar value
let Scalar<'T when 'T: struct>(query, parameters, mapFunc: System.Func<RowReader, 'T>, sqlProps) =
scalar<'T> query (FSharp.Collections.List.ofSeq parameters) mapFunc.Invoke sqlProps
/// Execute a non-query statement to manipulate a document
let private executeNonQuery query (document: 'T) sqlProps =
@ -236,208 +311,283 @@ module WithProps =
|> Sql.executeNonQueryAsync
|> ignoreTask
/// Insert a new document
let insert<'T> tableName (document: 'T) sqlProps =
executeNonQuery (Query.insert tableName) document sqlProps
/// Commands to add documents
module Document =
/// Insert a new document
[<CompiledName "Insert">]
let insert<'TDoc> tableName (document: 'TDoc) sqlProps =
Custom.nonQuery (Query.insert tableName) [ jsonParam "@data" document ] sqlProps
/// Save a document, inserting it if it does not exist and updating it if it does (AKA "upsert")
let save<'T> tableName (document: 'T) sqlProps =
executeNonQuery (Query.save tableName) document sqlProps
/// Save a document, inserting it if it does not exist and updating it if it does (AKA "upsert")
[<CompiledName "Save">]
let save<'TDoc> tableName (document: 'TDoc) sqlProps =
Custom.nonQuery (Query.save tableName) [ jsonParam "@data" document ] sqlProps
/// Commands to count documents
module Count =
/// Count all documents in a table
[<CompiledName "All">]
let all tableName sqlProps =
|> Sql.query (Query.Count.all tableName)
|> Sql.executeRowAsync (fun row -> row.int "it")
Custom.scalar (Query.Count.all tableName) [] toCount sqlProps
/// Count matching documents using a JSON field comparison (->> =)
[<CompiledName "ByField">]
let byField tableName fieldName op (value: obj) sqlProps =
Custom.scalar (Query.Count.byField tableName fieldName op) [ fieldParam value ] toCount sqlProps
/// Count matching documents using a JSON containment query (@>)
let byContains tableName (criteria: obj) sqlProps =
|> Sql.query (Query.Count.byContains tableName)
|> Sql.parameters [ "@criteria", Query.jsonbDocParam criteria ]
|> Sql.executeRowAsync (fun row -> row.int "it")
[<CompiledName "ByContains">]
let byContains tableName (criteria: 'TContains) sqlProps =
Custom.scalar (Query.Count.byContains tableName) [ jsonParam "@criteria" criteria ] toCount sqlProps
/// Count matching documents using a JSON Path match query (@?)
[<CompiledName "ByJsonPath">]
let byJsonPath tableName jsonPath sqlProps =
|> Sql.query (Query.Count.byJsonPath tableName)
|> Sql.parameters [ "@path", Sql.string jsonPath ]
|> Sql.executeRowAsync (fun row -> row.int "it")
Custom.scalar (Query.Count.byJsonPath tableName) [ "@path", Sql.string jsonPath ] toCount sqlProps
/// Commands to determine if documents exist
module Exists =
/// Determine if a document exists for the given ID
let byId tableName docId sqlProps =
|> Sql.query (Query.Exists.byId tableName)
|> Sql.parameters [ "@id", Sql.string docId ]
|> Sql.executeRowAsync (fun row -> row.bool "it")
[<CompiledName "ById">]
let byId tableName (docId: 'TKey) sqlProps =
Custom.scalar (Query.Exists.byId tableName) [ idParam docId ] toExists sqlProps
/// Determine if a document exists using a JSON field comparison (->> =)
[<CompiledName "ByField">]
let byField tableName fieldName op (value: obj) sqlProps =
Custom.scalar (Query.Exists.byField tableName fieldName op) [ fieldParam value ] toExists sqlProps
/// Determine if a document exists using a JSON containment query (@>)
let byContains tableName (criteria: obj) sqlProps =
|> Sql.query (Query.Exists.byContains tableName)
|> Sql.parameters [ "@criteria", Query.jsonbDocParam criteria ]
|> Sql.executeRowAsync (fun row -> row.bool "it")
[<CompiledName "ByContains">]
let byContains tableName (criteria: 'TContains) sqlProps =
Custom.scalar (Query.Exists.byContains tableName) [ jsonParam "@criteria" criteria ] toExists sqlProps
/// Determine if a document exists using a JSON Path match query (@?)
[<CompiledName "ByJsonPath">]
let byJsonPath tableName jsonPath sqlProps =
|> Sql.query (Query.Exists.byJsonPath tableName)
|> Sql.parameters [ "@path", Sql.string jsonPath ]
|> Sql.executeRowAsync (fun row -> row.bool "it")
Custom.scalar (Query.Exists.byJsonPath tableName) [ "@path", Sql.string jsonPath ] toExists sqlProps
/// Commands to determine if documents exist
module Find =
/// Retrieve all documents in the given table
let all<'T> tableName sqlProps =
|> Sql.query (Query.selectFromTable tableName)
|> Sql.executeAsync fromData<'T>
[<CompiledName "FSharpAll">]
let all<'TDoc> tableName sqlProps =
Custom.list<'TDoc> (Query.selectFromTable tableName) [] fromData<'TDoc> sqlProps
/// Retrieve a document by its ID
let byId<'T> tableName docId sqlProps = backgroundTask {
let! results =
|> Sql.query (Query.Find.byId tableName)
|> Sql.parameters [ "@id", Sql.string docId ]
|> Sql.executeAsync fromData<'T>
return List.tryHead results
/// Retrieve all documents in the given table
let All<'TDoc>(tableName, sqlProps) =
Custom.List<'TDoc>(Query.selectFromTable tableName, [], fromData<'TDoc>, sqlProps)
/// Execute a JSON containment query (@>)
let byContains<'T> tableName (criteria: obj) sqlProps =
|> Sql.query (Query.Find.byContains tableName)
|> Sql.parameters [ "@criteria", Query.jsonbDocParam criteria ]
|> Sql.executeAsync fromData<'T>
/// Retrieve a document by its ID (returns None if not found)
[<CompiledName "FSharpById">]
let byId<'TKey, 'TDoc> tableName (docId: 'TKey) sqlProps =
Custom.single (Query.Find.byId tableName) [ idParam docId ] fromData<'TDoc> sqlProps
/// Execute a JSON Path match query (@?)
let byJsonPath<'T> tableName jsonPath sqlProps =
|> Sql.query (Query.Find.byJsonPath tableName)
|> Sql.parameters [ "@path", Sql.string jsonPath ]
|> Sql.executeAsync fromData<'T>
/// Retrieve a document by its ID (returns null if not found)
let ById<'TKey, 'TDoc when 'TDoc: null>(tableName, docId: 'TKey, sqlProps) =
Custom.Single<'TDoc>(Query.Find.byId tableName, [ idParam docId ], fromData<'TDoc>, sqlProps)
/// Retrieve documents matching a JSON field comparison (->> =)
[<CompiledName "FSharpByField">]
let byField<'TDoc> tableName fieldName op (value: obj) sqlProps =
Custom.list<'TDoc> (Query.Find.byField tableName fieldName op) [ fieldParam value ] fromData<'TDoc> sqlProps
/// Execute a JSON containment query (@>), returning only the first result
let firstByContains<'T> tableName (criteria: obj) sqlProps = backgroundTask {
let! results = byContains<'T> tableName criteria sqlProps
return List.tryHead results
/// Retrieve documents matching a JSON field comparison (->> =)
let ByField<'TDoc>(tableName, fieldName, op, value: obj, sqlProps) =
Query.Find.byField tableName fieldName op, [ fieldParam value ], fromData<'TDoc>, sqlProps)
/// Retrieve documents matching a JSON containment query (@>)
[<CompiledName "FSharpByContains">]
let byContains<'TDoc> tableName (criteria: obj) sqlProps =
(Query.Find.byContains tableName) [ jsonParam "@criteria" criteria ] fromData<'TDoc> sqlProps
/// Execute a JSON Path match query (@?), returning only the first result
let firstByJsonPath<'T> tableName jsonPath sqlProps = backgroundTask {
let! results = byJsonPath<'T> tableName jsonPath sqlProps
return List.tryHead results
/// Retrieve documents matching a JSON containment query (@>)
let ByContains<'TDoc>(tableName, criteria: obj, sqlProps) =
Query.Find.byContains tableName, [ jsonParam "@criteria" criteria ], fromData<'TDoc>, sqlProps)
/// Retrieve documents matching a JSON Path match query (@?)
[<CompiledName "FSharpByJsonPath">]
let byJsonPath<'TDoc> tableName jsonPath sqlProps =
(Query.Find.byJsonPath tableName) [ "@path", Sql.string jsonPath ] fromData<'TDoc> sqlProps
/// Retrieve documents matching a JSON Path match query (@?)
let ByJsonPath<'TDoc>(tableName, jsonPath, sqlProps) =
Query.Find.byJsonPath tableName, [ "@path", Sql.string jsonPath ], fromData<'TDoc>, sqlProps)
/// Retrieve the first document matching a JSON field comparison (->> =); returns None if not found
[<CompiledName "FSharpFirstByField">]
let firstByField<'TDoc> tableName fieldName op (value: obj) sqlProps =
$"{Query.Find.byField tableName fieldName op} LIMIT 1" [ fieldParam value ] fromData<'TDoc> sqlProps
/// Retrieve the first document matching a JSON field comparison (->> =); returns null if not found
let FirstByField<'TDoc when 'TDoc: null>(tableName, fieldName, op, value: obj, sqlProps) =
$"{Query.Find.byField tableName fieldName op} LIMIT 1", [ fieldParam value ], fromData<'TDoc>, sqlProps)
/// Retrieve the first document matching a JSON containment query (@>); returns None if not found
[<CompiledName "FSharpFirstByContains">]
let firstByContains<'TDoc> tableName (criteria: obj) sqlProps =
$"{Query.Find.byContains tableName} LIMIT 1" [ jsonParam "@criteria" criteria ] fromData<'TDoc> sqlProps
/// Retrieve the first document matching a JSON containment query (@>); returns null if not found
let FirstByContains<'TDoc when 'TDoc: null>(tableName, criteria: obj, sqlProps) =
$"{Query.Find.byContains tableName} LIMIT 1",
[ jsonParam "@criteria" criteria ],
/// Retrieve the first document matching a JSON Path match query (@?); returns None if not found
[<CompiledName "FSharpFirstByJsonPath">]
let firstByJsonPath<'TDoc> tableName jsonPath sqlProps =
$"{Query.Find.byJsonPath tableName} LIMIT 1" [ "@path", Sql.string jsonPath ] fromData<'TDoc> sqlProps
/// Retrieve the first document matching a JSON Path match query (@?); returns null if not found
let FirstByJsonPath<'TDoc when 'TDoc: null>(tableName, jsonPath, sqlProps) =
$"{Query.Find.byJsonPath tableName} LIMIT 1",
[ "@path", Sql.string jsonPath ],
/// Commands to update documents
module Update =
/// Update an entire document
let full<'T> tableName docId (document: 'T) sqlProps =
executeNonQueryWithId (Query.Update.full tableName) docId document sqlProps
[<CompiledName "Full">]
let full tableName (docId: 'TKey) (document: 'TDoc) sqlProps =
Custom.nonQuery (Query.Update.full tableName) [ idParam docId; jsonParam "@data" document ] sqlProps
/// Update an entire document
let fullFunc<'T> tableName (idFunc: 'T -> string) (document: 'T) sqlProps =
[<CompiledName "FSharpFullFunc">]
let fullFunc tableName (idFunc: 'TDoc -> 'TKey) (document: 'TDoc) sqlProps =
full tableName (idFunc document) document sqlProps
/// Update an entire document
let FullFunc(tableName, idFunc: System.Func<'TDoc, 'TKey>, document: 'TDoc, sqlProps) =
fullFunc tableName idFunc.Invoke document sqlProps
/// Update a partial document
let partialById tableName docId (partial: obj) sqlProps =
executeNonQueryWithId (Query.Update.partialById tableName) docId partial sqlProps
[<CompiledName "PartialById">]
let partialById tableName (docId: 'TKey) (partial: 'TPartial) sqlProps =
Custom.nonQuery (Query.Update.partialById tableName) [ idParam docId; jsonParam "@data" partial ] sqlProps
/// Update partial documents using a JSON field comparison query in the WHERE clause (->> =)
[<CompiledName "PartialByField">]
let partialByField tableName fieldName op (value: obj) (partial: 'TPartial) sqlProps =
(Query.Update.partialByField tableName fieldName op)
[ jsonParam "@data" partial; fieldParam value ]
/// Update partial documents using a JSON containment query in the WHERE clause (@>)
let partialByContains tableName (criteria: obj) (partial: obj) sqlProps =
|> Sql.query (Query.Update.partialByContains tableName)
|> Sql.parameters [ "@data", Query.jsonbDocParam partial; "@criteria", Query.jsonbDocParam criteria ]
|> Sql.executeNonQueryAsync
|> ignoreTask
[<CompiledName "PartialByContains">]
let partialByContains tableName (criteria: 'TContains) (partial: 'TPartial) sqlProps =
(Query.Update.partialByContains tableName)
[ jsonParam "@data" partial; jsonParam "@criteria" criteria ]
/// Update partial documents using a JSON Path match query in the WHERE clause (@?)
let partialByJsonPath tableName jsonPath (partial: obj) sqlProps =
|> Sql.query (Query.Update.partialByJsonPath tableName)
|> Sql.parameters [ "@data", Query.jsonbDocParam partial; "@path", Sql.string jsonPath ]
|> Sql.executeNonQueryAsync
|> ignoreTask
[<CompiledName "PartialByJsonPath">]
let partialByJsonPath tableName jsonPath (partial: 'TPartial) sqlProps =
(Query.Update.partialByJsonPath tableName)
[ jsonParam "@data" partial; "@path", Sql.string jsonPath ]
/// Commands to delete documents
module Delete =
/// Delete a document by its ID
let byId tableName docId sqlProps =
executeNonQueryWithId (Query.Delete.byId tableName) docId {||} sqlProps
[<CompiledName "ById">]
let byId tableName (docId: 'TKey) sqlProps =
Custom.nonQuery (Query.Delete.byId tableName) [ idParam docId ] sqlProps
/// Delete documents by matching a JSON field comparison query (->> =)
[<CompiledName "ByField">]
let byField tableName fieldName op (value: obj) sqlProps =
Custom.nonQuery (Query.Delete.byField tableName fieldName op) [ fieldParam value ] sqlProps
/// Delete documents by matching a JSON contains query (@>)
let byContains tableName (criteria: obj) sqlProps =
|> Sql.query (Query.Delete.byContains tableName)
|> Sql.parameters [ "@criteria", Query.jsonbDocParam criteria ]
|> Sql.executeNonQueryAsync
|> ignoreTask
[<CompiledName "ByContains">]
let byContains tableName (criteria: 'TCriteria) sqlProps =
Custom.nonQuery (Query.Delete.byContains tableName) [ jsonParam "@criteria" criteria ] sqlProps
/// Delete documents by matching a JSON Path match query (@?)
[<CompiledName "ByJsonPath">]
let byJsonPath tableName path sqlProps =
|> Sql.query (Query.Delete.byJsonPath tableName)
|> Sql.parameters [ "@path", Sql.string path ]
|> Sql.executeNonQueryAsync
|> ignoreTask
Custom.nonQuery (Query.Delete.byJsonPath tableName) [ "@path", Sql.string path ] sqlProps
/// Commands to execute custom SQL queries
module Custom =
/// Commands to execute custom SQL queries
module Custom =
/// Execute a query that returns one or no results
let single<'T> query parameters (mapFunc: RowReader -> 'T) sqlProps = backgroundTask {
let! results =
Sql.query query sqlProps
|> Sql.parameters parameters
|> Sql.executeAsync mapFunc
return List.tryHead results
/// Execute a query that returns a list of results
[<CompiledName "FSharpList">]
let list<'TDoc> query parameters (mapFunc: RowReader -> 'TDoc) =
WithProps.Custom.list<'TDoc> query parameters mapFunc (fromDataSource ())
/// Execute a query that returns a list of results
let list<'T> query parameters (mapFunc: RowReader -> 'T) sqlProps =
Sql.query query sqlProps
|> Sql.parameters parameters
|> Sql.executeAsync mapFunc
/// Execute a query that returns a list of results
let List<'TDoc>(query, parameters, mapFunc: System.Func<RowReader, 'TDoc>) =
WithProps.Custom.List<'TDoc>(query, parameters, mapFunc, fromDataSource ())
/// Execute a query that returns no results
let nonQuery query parameters sqlProps =
Sql.query query sqlProps
|> Sql.parameters (List.ofSeq parameters)
|> Sql.executeNonQueryAsync
|> ignoreTask
/// Execute a query that returns a scalar value
let scalar<'T when 'T : struct> query parameters (mapFunc: RowReader -> 'T) sqlProps =
Sql.query query sqlProps
|> Sql.parameters parameters
|> Sql.executeRowAsync mapFunc
/// Execute a query that returns one or no results; returns None if not found
[<CompiledName "FSharpSingle">]
let single<'TDoc> query parameters (mapFunc: RowReader -> 'TDoc) =
WithProps.Custom.single<'TDoc> query parameters mapFunc (fromDataSource ())
/// Execute a query that returns one or no results; returns null if not found
let Single<'TDoc when 'TDoc: null>(query, parameters, mapFunc: System.Func<RowReader, 'TDoc>) =
WithProps.Custom.Single<'TDoc>(query, parameters, mapFunc, fromDataSource ())
/// Execute a query that returns no results
[<CompiledName "NonQuery">]
let nonQuery query parameters =
WithProps.Custom.nonQuery query parameters (fromDataSource ())
/// Execute a query that returns a scalar value
[<CompiledName "FSharpScalar">]
let scalar<'T when 'T: struct> query parameters (mapFunc: RowReader -> 'T) =
WithProps.Custom.scalar query parameters mapFunc (fromDataSource ())
/// Execute a query that returns a scalar value
let Scalar<'T when 'T: struct>(query, parameters, mapFunc: System.Func<RowReader, 'T>) =
WithProps.Custom.Scalar<'T>(query, parameters, mapFunc, fromDataSource ())
/// Document writing functions
module Document =
/// Insert a new document
let insert<'T> tableName (document: 'T) =
WithProps.insert tableName document (fromDataSource ())
[<CompiledName "Insert">]
let insert<'TDoc> tableName (document: 'TDoc) =
WithProps.Document.insert<'TDoc> tableName document (fromDataSource ())
/// Save a document, inserting it if it does not exist and updating it if it does (AKA "upsert")
let save<'T> tableName (document: 'T) =
WithProps.save<'T> tableName document (fromDataSource ())
[<CompiledName "Save">]
let save<'TDoc> tableName (document: 'TDoc) =
WithProps.Document.save<'TDoc> tableName document (fromDataSource ())
/// Queries to count documents
@ -445,14 +595,22 @@ module Document =
module Count =
/// Count all documents in a table
[<CompiledName "All">]
let all tableName =
WithProps.Count.all tableName (fromDataSource ())
/// Count matching documents using a JSON field comparison query (->> =)
[<CompiledName "ByField">]
let byField tableName fieldName op (value: obj) =
WithProps.Count.byField tableName fieldName op value (fromDataSource ())
/// Count matching documents using a JSON containment query (@>)
[<CompiledName "ByContains">]
let byContains tableName criteria =
WithProps.Count.byContains tableName criteria (fromDataSource ())
/// Count matching documents using a JSON Path match query (@?)
[<CompiledName "ByJsonPath">]
let byJsonPath tableName jsonPath =
WithProps.Count.byJsonPath tableName jsonPath (fromDataSource ())
@ -462,14 +620,22 @@ module Count =
module Exists =
/// Determine if a document exists for the given ID
[<CompiledName "ById">]
let byId tableName docId =
WithProps.Exists.byId tableName docId (fromDataSource ())
/// Determine if a document exists using a JSON containment query (@>)
/// Determine if documents exist using a JSON field comparison query (->> =)
[<CompiledName "ByField">]
let byField tableName fieldName op (value: obj) =
WithProps.Exists.byField tableName fieldName op value (fromDataSource ())
/// Determine if documents exist using a JSON containment query (@>)
[<CompiledName "ByContains">]
let byContains tableName criteria =
WithProps.Exists.byContains tableName criteria (fromDataSource ())
/// Determine if a document exists using a JSON Path match query (@?)
/// Determine if documents exist using a JSON Path match query (@?)
[<CompiledName "ByJsonPath">]
let byJsonPath tableName jsonPath =
WithProps.Exists.byJsonPath tableName jsonPath (fromDataSource ())
@ -479,28 +645,76 @@ module Exists =
module Find =
/// Retrieve all documents in the given table
let all<'T> tableName =
WithProps.Find.all<'T> tableName (fromDataSource ())
[<CompiledName "FSharpAll">]
let all<'TDoc> tableName =
WithProps.Find.all<'TDoc> tableName (fromDataSource ())
/// Retrieve a document by its ID
let byId<'T> tableName docId =
WithProps.Find.byId<'T> tableName docId (fromDataSource ())
/// Retrieve all documents in the given table
let All<'TDoc> tableName =
WithProps.Find.All<'TDoc>(tableName, fromDataSource ())
/// Execute a JSON containment query (@>)
let byContains<'T> tableName criteria =
WithProps.Find.byContains<'T> tableName criteria (fromDataSource ())
/// Retrieve a document by its ID; returns None if not found
[<CompiledName "FSharpById">]
let byId<'TKey, 'TDoc> tableName docId =
WithProps.Find.byId<'TKey, 'TDoc> tableName docId (fromDataSource ())
/// Execute a JSON Path match query (@?)
let byJsonPath<'T> tableName jsonPath =
WithProps.Find.byJsonPath<'T> tableName jsonPath (fromDataSource ())
/// Retrieve a document by its ID; returns null if not found
let ById<'TKey, 'TDoc when 'TDoc: null>(tableName, docId: 'TKey) =
WithProps.Find.ById<'TKey, 'TDoc>(tableName, docId, fromDataSource ())
/// Retrieve documents matching a JSON field comparison query (->> =)
[<CompiledName "FSharpByField">]
let byField<'TDoc> tableName fieldName op (value: obj) =
WithProps.Find.byField<'TDoc> tableName fieldName op value (fromDataSource ())
/// Execute a JSON containment query (@>), returning only the first result
let firstByContains<'T> tableName (criteria: obj) =
WithProps.Find.firstByContains<'T> tableName criteria (fromDataSource ())
/// Retrieve documents matching a JSON field comparison query (->> =)
let ByField<'TDoc>(tableName, fieldName, op, value: obj) =
WithProps.Find.ByField<'TDoc>(tableName, fieldName, op, value, fromDataSource ())
/// Retrieve documents matching a JSON containment query (@>)
[<CompiledName "FSharpByContains">]
let byContains<'TDoc> tableName (criteria: obj) =
WithProps.Find.byContains<'TDoc> tableName criteria (fromDataSource ())
/// Execute a JSON Path match query (@?), returning only the first result
let firstByJsonPath<'T> tableName jsonPath =
WithProps.Find.firstByJsonPath<'T> tableName jsonPath (fromDataSource ())
/// Retrieve documents matching a JSON containment query (@>)
let ByContains<'TDoc>(tableName, criteria: obj) =
WithProps.Find.ByContains<'TDoc>(tableName, criteria, fromDataSource ())
/// Retrieve documents matching a JSON Path match query (@?)
[<CompiledName "FSharpByJsonPath">]
let byJsonPath<'TDoc> tableName jsonPath =
WithProps.Find.byJsonPath<'TDoc> tableName jsonPath (fromDataSource ())
/// Retrieve documents matching a JSON Path match query (@?)
let ByJsonPath<'TDoc>(tableName, jsonPath) =
WithProps.Find.ByJsonPath<'TDoc>(tableName, jsonPath, fromDataSource ())
/// Retrieve the first document matching a JSON field comparison query (->> =); returns None if not found
[<CompiledName "FSharpFirstByField">]
let firstByField<'TDoc> tableName fieldName op (value: obj) =
WithProps.Find.firstByField<'TDoc> tableName fieldName op value (fromDataSource ())
/// Retrieve the first document matching a JSON field comparison query (->> =); returns null if not found
let FirstByField<'TDoc when 'TDoc: null>(tableName, fieldName, op, value: obj) =
WithProps.Find.FirstByField<'TDoc>(tableName, fieldName, op, value, fromDataSource ())
/// Retrieve the first document matching a JSON containment query (@>); returns None if not found
[<CompiledName "FSharpFirstByContains">]
let firstByContains<'TDoc> tableName (criteria: obj) =
WithProps.Find.firstByContains<'TDoc> tableName criteria (fromDataSource ())
/// Retrieve the first document matching a JSON containment query (@>); returns null if not found
let FirstByContains<'TDoc when 'TDoc: null>(tableName, criteria: obj) =
WithProps.Find.FirstByContains<'TDoc>(tableName, criteria, fromDataSource ())
/// Retrieve the first document matching a JSON Path match query (@?); returns None if not found
[<CompiledName "FSharpFirstByJsonPath">]
let firstByJsonPath<'TDoc> tableName jsonPath =
WithProps.Find.firstByJsonPath<'TDoc> tableName jsonPath (fromDataSource ())
/// Retrieve the first document matching a JSON Path match query (@?); returns null if not found
let FirstByJsonPath<'TDoc when 'TDoc: null>(tableName, jsonPath) =
WithProps.Find.FirstByJsonPath<'TDoc>(tableName, jsonPath, fromDataSource ())
/// Commands to update documents
@ -508,23 +722,37 @@ module Find =
module Update =
/// Update a full document
let full<'T> tableName docId (document: 'T) =
WithProps.Update.full<'T> tableName docId document (fromDataSource ())
[<CompiledName "Full">]
let full tableName (docId: 'TKey) (document: 'TDoc) =
WithProps.Update.full tableName docId document (fromDataSource ())
/// Update a full document
let fullFunc<'T> tableName idFunc (document: 'T) =
WithProps.Update.fullFunc<'T> tableName idFunc document (fromDataSource ())
[<CompiledName "FSharpFullFunc">]
let fullFunc tableName (idFunc: 'TDoc -> 'TKey) (document: 'TDoc) =
WithProps.Update.fullFunc tableName idFunc document (fromDataSource ())
/// Update a full document
let FullFunc(tableName, idFunc: System.Func<'TDoc, 'TKey>, document: 'TDoc) =
WithProps.Update.FullFunc(tableName, idFunc, document, fromDataSource ())
/// Update a partial document
let partialById tableName docId (partial: obj) =
[<CompiledName "PartialById">]
let partialById tableName (docId: 'TKey) (partial: 'TPartial) =
WithProps.Update.partialById tableName docId partial (fromDataSource ())
/// Update partial documents using a JSON field comparison query in the WHERE clause (->> =)
[<CompiledName "PartialByField">]
let partialByField tableName fieldName op (value: obj) (partial: 'TPartial) =
WithProps.Update.partialByField tableName fieldName op value partial (fromDataSource ())
/// Update partial documents using a JSON containment query in the WHERE clause (@>)
let partialByContains tableName (criteria: obj) (partial: obj) =
[<CompiledName "PartialByContains">]
let partialByContains tableName (criteria: 'TCriteria) (partial: 'TPartial) =
WithProps.Update.partialByContains tableName criteria partial (fromDataSource ())
/// Update partial documents using a JSON Path match query in the WHERE clause (@?)
let partialByJsonPath tableName jsonPath (partial: obj) =
[<CompiledName "PartialByJsonPath">]
let partialByJsonPath tableName jsonPath (partial: 'TPartial) =
WithProps.Update.partialByJsonPath tableName jsonPath partial (fromDataSource ())
@ -533,34 +761,21 @@ module Update =
module Delete =
/// Delete a document by its ID
let byId tableName docId =
[<CompiledName "ById">]
let byId tableName (docId: 'TKey) =
WithProps.Delete.byId tableName docId (fromDataSource ())
/// Delete documents by matching a JSON contains query (@>)
let byContains tableName (criteria: obj) =
/// Delete documents by matching a JSON field comparison query (->> =)
[<CompiledName "ByField">]
let byField tableName fieldName op (value: obj) =
WithProps.Delete.byField tableName fieldName op value (fromDataSource ())
/// Delete documents by matching a JSON containment query (@>)
[<CompiledName "ByContains">]
let byContains tableName (criteria: 'TContains) =
WithProps.Delete.byContains tableName criteria (fromDataSource ())
/// Delete documents by matching a JSON Path match query (@?)
[<CompiledName "ByJsonPath">]
let byJsonPath tableName path =
WithProps.Delete.byJsonPath tableName path (fromDataSource ())
/// Commands to execute custom SQL queries
module Custom =
/// Execute a query that returns one or no results
let single<'T> query parameters (mapFunc: RowReader -> 'T) =
WithProps.Custom.single query parameters mapFunc (fromDataSource ())
/// Execute a query that returns a list of results
let list<'T> query parameters (mapFunc: RowReader -> 'T) =
WithProps.Custom.list query parameters mapFunc (fromDataSource ())
/// Execute a query that returns no results
let nonQuery query parameters =
WithProps.Custom.nonQuery query parameters (fromDataSource ())
/// Execute a query that returns a scalar value
let scalar<'T when 'T: struct> query parameters (mapFunc: RowReader -> 'T) =
WithProps.Custom.scalar query parameters mapFunc (fromDataSource ())
@ -38,6 +38,21 @@ module Query =
[<CompiledName "EnsureTable">]
let ensureTable name =
Query.Definition.ensureTableFor name "TEXT"
/// Document update queries
module Update =
/// Query to update a partial document by its ID
[<CompiledName "PartialById">]
let partialById tableName =
$"""UPDATE %s{tableName} SET data = json_patch(data, json(@data)) WHERE {Query.whereById "@id"}"""
/// Query to update a partial document via a comparison on a JSON field
[<CompiledName "PartialByField">]
let partialByField tableName fieldName op =
"UPDATE %s SET data = json_patch(data, json(@data)) WHERE %s"
tableName (Query.whereByField fieldName op "@field")
/// Parameter handling helpers
@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
namespace BitBadger.Documents.Tests.CSharp;
using Documents;
using Expecto.CSharp;
using Expecto;
namespace BitBadger.Documents.Tests.CSharp;
using static Runner;
/// <summary>
/// A test serializer that returns known values
/// </summary>
@ -21,13 +22,14 @@ public static class CommonCSharpTests
/// <summary>
/// Unit tests
/// </summary>
[Tests] public static Test Unit =
Runner.TestList("Common.C# Unit", new[]
public static Test Unit =
TestList("Common.C# Unit", new[]
Runner.TestList("Configuration", new[]
TestList("Configuration", new[]
Runner.TestCase("UseSerializer succeeds", () =>
TestCase("UseSerializer succeeds", () =>
@ -49,12 +51,12 @@ public static class CommonCSharpTests
Runner.TestCase("Serializer returns configured serializer", () =>
TestCase("Serializer returns configured serializer", () =>
Expect.isTrue(ReferenceEquals(DocumentSerializer.Default, Configuration.Serializer()),
"Serializer should have been the same");
Runner.TestCase("UseIdField / IdField succeeds", () =>
TestCase("UseIdField / IdField succeeds", () =>
@ -69,89 +71,89 @@ public static class CommonCSharpTests
Runner.TestList("Op", new[]
TestList("Op", new[]
Runner.TestCase("EQ succeeds", () =>
TestCase("EQ succeeds", () =>
Expect.equal(Op.EQ.ToString(), "=", "The equals operator was not correct");
Runner.TestCase("GT succeeds", () =>
TestCase("GT succeeds", () =>
Expect.equal(Op.GT.ToString(), ">", "The greater than operator was not correct");
Runner.TestCase("GE succeeds", () =>
TestCase("GE succeeds", () =>
Expect.equal(Op.GE.ToString(), ">=", "The greater than or equal to operator was not correct");
Runner.TestCase("LT succeeds", () =>
TestCase("LT succeeds", () =>
Expect.equal(Op.LT.ToString(), "<", "The less than operator was not correct");
Runner.TestCase("LE succeeds", () =>
TestCase("LE succeeds", () =>
Expect.equal(Op.LE.ToString(), "<=", "The less than or equal to operator was not correct");
Runner.TestCase("NE succeeds", () =>
TestCase("NE succeeds", () =>
Expect.equal(Op.NE.ToString(), "<>", "The not equal to operator was not correct");
Runner.TestCase("EX succeeds", () =>
TestCase("EX succeeds", () =>
Expect.equal(Op.EX.ToString(), "IS NOT NULL", "The \"exists\" operator was not correct");
Runner.TestCase("NEX succeeds", () =>
TestCase("NEX succeeds", () =>
Expect.equal(Op.NEX.ToString(), "IS NULL", "The \"not exists\" operator was not correct");
Runner.TestList("Query", new[]
TestList("Query", new[]
Runner.TestCase("SelectFromTable succeeds", () =>
TestCase("SelectFromTable succeeds", () =>
Expect.equal(Query.SelectFromTable("test.table"), "SELECT data FROM test.table",
"SELECT statement not correct");
Runner.TestCase("WhereById succeeds", () =>
TestCase("WhereById succeeds", () =>
Expect.equal(Query.WhereById("@id"), "data ->> 'Id' = @id", "WHERE clause not correct");
Runner.TestList("WhereByField", new[]
TestList("WhereByField", new[]
Runner.TestCase("succeeds when a logical operator is passed", () =>
TestCase("succeeds when a logical operator is passed", () =>
Expect.equal(Query.WhereByField("theField", Op.GT, "@test"), "data ->> 'theField' > @test",
"WHERE clause not correct");
Runner.TestCase("succeeds when an existence operator is passed", () =>
TestCase("succeeds when an existence operator is passed", () =>
Expect.equal(Query.WhereByField("thatField", Op.NEX, ""), "data ->> 'thatField' IS NULL",
"WHERE clause not correct");
Runner.TestList("Definition", new[]
TestList("Definition", new[]
Runner.TestCase("EnsureTableFor succeeds", () =>
TestCase("EnsureTableFor succeeds", () =>
Expect.equal(Query.Definition.EnsureTableFor("my.table", "JSONB"),
"CREATE TABLE statement not constructed correctly");
Runner.TestList("EnsureKey", new[]
TestList("EnsureKey", new[]
Runner.TestCase("succeeds when a schema is present", () =>
TestCase("succeeds when a schema is present", () =>
"CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_table_key ON test.table ((data ->> 'Id'))",
"CREATE INDEX for key statement with schema not constructed correctly");
Runner.TestCase("succeeds when a schema is not present", () =>
TestCase("succeeds when a schema is not present", () =>
"CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_table_key ON table ((data ->> 'Id'))",
"CREATE INDEX for key statement without schema not constructed correctly");
Runner.TestCase("EnsureIndexOn succeeds for multiple fields and directions", () =>
TestCase("EnsureIndexOn succeeds for multiple fields and directions", () =>
Query.Definition.EnsureIndexOn("test.table", "gibberish",
@ -161,87 +163,72 @@ public static class CommonCSharpTests
"CREATE INDEX for multiple field statement incorrect");
Runner.TestCase("Insert succeeds", () =>
TestCase("Insert succeeds", () =>
Expect.equal(Query.Insert("tbl"), "INSERT INTO tbl VALUES (@data)", "INSERT statement not correct");
Runner.TestCase("Save succeeds", () =>
TestCase("Save succeeds", () =>
$"INSERT INTO tbl VALUES (@data) ON CONFLICT ((data ->> 'Id')) DO UPDATE SET data = EXCLUDED.data",
"INSERT ON CONFLICT UPDATE statement not correct");
Runner.TestList("Count", new[]
TestList("Count", new[]
Runner.TestCase("All succeeds", () =>
TestCase("All succeeds", () =>
Expect.equal(Query.Count.All("tbl"), "SELECT COUNT(*) AS it FROM tbl",
"Count query not correct");
Runner.TestCase("ByField succeeds", () =>
TestCase("ByField succeeds", () =>
Expect.equal(Query.Count.ByField("tbl", "thatField", Op.EQ),
"SELECT COUNT(*) AS it FROM tbl WHERE data ->> 'thatField' = @field",
"JSON field text comparison count query not correct");
Runner.TestList("Exists", new[]
TestList("Exists", new[]
Runner.TestCase("ById succeeds", () =>
TestCase("ById succeeds", () =>
"SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM tbl WHERE data ->> 'Id' = @id) AS it",
"ID existence query not correct");
Runner.TestCase("ByField succeeds", () =>
TestCase("ByField succeeds", () =>
Expect.equal(Query.Exists.ByField("tbl", "Test", Op.LT),
"SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM tbl WHERE data ->> 'Test' < @field) AS it",
"JSON field text comparison exists query not correct");
Runner.TestList("Find", new[]
TestList("Find", new[]
Runner.TestCase("ById succeeds", () =>
TestCase("ById succeeds", () =>
Expect.equal(Query.Find.ById("tbl"), "SELECT data FROM tbl WHERE data ->> 'Id' = @id",
"SELECT by ID query not correct");
Runner.TestCase("ByField succeeds", () =>
TestCase("ByField succeeds", () =>
Expect.equal(Query.Find.ByField("tbl", "Golf", Op.GE),
"SELECT data FROM tbl WHERE data ->> 'Golf' >= @field",
"SELECT by JSON comparison query not correct");
Runner.TestList("Update", new[]
TestCase("Update.Full succeeds", () =>
Runner.TestCase("Full succeeds", () =>
Expect.equal(Query.Update.Full("tbl"), "UPDATE tbl SET data = @data WHERE data ->> 'Id' = @id",
"UPDATE full statement not correct");
Runner.TestCase("PartialById succeeds", () =>
"UPDATE tbl SET data = json_patch(data, json(@data)) WHERE data ->> 'Id' = @id",
"UPDATE partial by ID statement not correct");
Runner.TestCase("PartialByField succeeds", () =>
Expect.equal(Query.Update.PartialByField("tbl", "Part", Op.NE),
"UPDATE tbl SET data = json_patch(data, json(@data)) WHERE data ->> 'Part' <> @field",
"UPDATE partial by JSON comparison query not correct");
Expect.equal(Query.Update.Full("tbl"), "UPDATE tbl SET data = @data WHERE data ->> 'Id' = @id",
"UPDATE full statement not correct");
Runner.TestList("Delete", new[]
TestList("Delete", new[]
Runner.TestCase("ById succeeds", () =>
TestCase("ById succeeds", () =>
Expect.equal(Query.Delete.ById("tbl"), "DELETE FROM tbl WHERE data ->> 'Id' = @id",
"DELETE by ID query not correct");
Runner.TestCase("ByField succeeds", () =>
TestCase("ByField succeeds", () =>
Expect.equal(Query.Delete.ByField("tbl", "gone", Op.NEX),
"DELETE FROM tbl WHERE data ->> 'gone' IS NULL",
@ -19,6 +19,29 @@ public static class SqliteCSharpTests
public static Test Unit =
TestList("Unit", new[]
TestList("Query", new[]
TestCase("Definition.EnsureTable succeeds", () =>
"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS tbl (data TEXT NOT NULL)", "CREATE TABLE statement not correct");
TestList("Update", new[]
TestCase("PartialById succeeds", () =>
"UPDATE tbl SET data = json_patch(data, json(@data)) WHERE data ->> 'Id' = @id",
"UPDATE partial by ID statement not correct");
TestCase("PartialByField succeeds", () =>
Expect.equal(Sqlite.Query.Update.PartialByField("tbl", "Part", Op.NE),
"UPDATE tbl SET data = json_patch(data, json(@data)) WHERE data ->> 'Part' <> @field",
"UPDATE partial by JSON comparison query not correct");
TestList("Parameters", new[]
TestCase("Id succeeds", () =>
@ -141,18 +141,6 @@ let all =
$"UPDATE {tbl} SET data = @data WHERE data ->> 'Id' = @id"
"UPDATE full statement not correct"
test "partialById succeeds" {
(Query.Update.partialById tbl)
$"UPDATE {tbl} SET data = json_patch(data, json(@data)) WHERE data ->> 'Id' = @id"
"UPDATE partial by ID statement not correct"
test "partialByField succeeds" {
(Query.Update.partialByField tbl "Part" NE)
$"UPDATE {tbl} SET data = json_patch(data, json(@data)) WHERE data ->> 'Part' <> @field"
"UPDATE partial by JSON comparison query not correct"
testList "Delete" [
test "byId succeeds" {
@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module PostgresTests
open Expecto
open BitBadger.Documents
open BitBadger.Documents.Postgres
open BitBadger.Documents.Tests
@ -30,13 +31,6 @@ let unitTests =
testList "Query" [
test "selectFromTable succeeds" {
Expect.equal (Query.selectFromTable PostgresDb.TableName) $"SELECT data FROM {PostgresDb.TableName}"
"SELECT statement not correct"
test "whereById succeeds" {
Expect.equal (Query.whereById "@id") "data ->> 'Id' = @id" "WHERE clause not correct"
test "whereDataContains succeeds" {
Expect.equal (Query.whereDataContains "@test") "data @> @test" "WHERE clause not correct"
@ -65,10 +59,6 @@ let unitTests =
"INSERT ON CONFLICT UPDATE statement not correct"
testList "Count" [
test "all succeeds" {
Expect.equal (Query.Count.all PostgresDb.TableName) $"SELECT COUNT(*) AS it FROM {PostgresDb.TableName}"
"Count query not correct"
test "byContains succeeds" {
Expect.equal (Query.Count.byContains PostgresDb.TableName)
$"SELECT COUNT(*) AS it FROM {PostgresDb.TableName} WHERE data @> @criteria"
@ -81,11 +71,6 @@ let unitTests =
testList "Exists" [
test "byId succeeds" {
Expect.equal (Query.Exists.byId PostgresDb.TableName)
$"SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM {PostgresDb.TableName} WHERE data ->> 'Id' = @id) AS it"
"ID existence query not correct"
test "byContains succeeds" {
Expect.equal (Query.Exists.byContains PostgresDb.TableName)
$"SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM {PostgresDb.TableName} WHERE data @> @criteria) AS it"
@ -98,10 +83,6 @@ let unitTests =
testList "Find" [
test "byId succeeds" {
Expect.equal (Query.Find.byId PostgresDb.TableName)
$"SELECT data FROM {PostgresDb.TableName} WHERE data ->> 'Id' = @id" "SELECT by ID query not correct"
test "byContains succeeds" {
Expect.equal (Query.Find.byContains PostgresDb.TableName)
$"SELECT data FROM {PostgresDb.TableName} WHERE data @> @criteria"
@ -114,11 +95,6 @@ let unitTests =
testList "Update" [
test "full succeeds" {
Expect.equal (Query.Update.full PostgresDb.TableName)
$"UPDATE {PostgresDb.TableName} SET data = @data WHERE data ->> 'Id' = @id"
"UPDATE full statement not correct"
test "partialById succeeds" {
Expect.equal (Query.Update.partialById PostgresDb.TableName)
$"UPDATE {PostgresDb.TableName} SET data = data || @data WHERE data ->> 'Id' = @id"
@ -136,10 +112,6 @@ let unitTests =
testList "Delete" [
test "byId succeeds" {
Expect.equal (Query.Delete.byId PostgresDb.TableName) $"DELETE FROM {PostgresDb.TableName} WHERE data ->> 'Id' = @id"
"DELETE by ID query not correct"
test "byContains succeeds" {
Expect.equal (Query.Delete.byContains PostgresDb.TableName)
$"DELETE FROM {PostgresDb.TableName} WHERE data @> @criteria"
@ -266,14 +238,14 @@ let integrationTests =
let testDoc = { emptyDoc with Id = "test"; Sub = Some { Foo = "a"; Bar = "b" } }
do! insert PostgresDb.TableName testDoc
let! before = Find.byId<JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName "test"
if Option.isNone before then Expect.isTrue false "There should have been a document returned"
let! before = Find.byId<string, JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName "test"
Expect.isSome before "There should have been a document returned"
Expect.equal before.Value testDoc "The document is not correct"
let upd8Doc = { testDoc with Sub = Some { Foo = "c"; Bar = "d" } }
do! save PostgresDb.TableName upd8Doc
let! after = Find.byId<JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName "test"
if Option.isNone after then Expect.isTrue false "There should have been a document returned post-update"
let! after = Find.byId<string, JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName "test"
Expect.isSome after "There should have been a document returned post-update"
Expect.equal after.Value upd8Doc "The updated document is not correct"
@ -378,7 +350,7 @@ let integrationTests =
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
do! loadDocs ()
let! doc = Find.byId<JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName "two"
let! doc = Find.byId<string, JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName "two"
Expect.isTrue (Option.isSome doc) "There should have been a document returned"
Expect.equal doc.Value.Id "two" "The incorrect document was returned"
@ -386,7 +358,7 @@ let integrationTests =
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
do! loadDocs ()
let! doc = Find.byId<JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName "three hundred eighty-seven"
let! doc = Find.byId<string, JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName "three hundred eighty-seven"
Expect.isFalse (Option.isSome doc) "There should not have been a document returned"
@ -481,9 +453,8 @@ let integrationTests =
let testDoc = { emptyDoc with Id = "one"; Sub = Some { Foo = "blue"; Bar = "red" } }
do! Update.full PostgresDb.TableName "one" testDoc
let! after = Find.byId<JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName "one"
if Option.isNone after then
Expect.isTrue false "There should have been a document returned post-update"
let! after = Find.byId<string, JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName "one"
Expect.isSome after "There should have been a document returned post-update"
Expect.equal after.Value testDoc "The updated document is not correct"
testTask "succeeds when no document is updated" {
@ -504,9 +475,8 @@ let integrationTests =
do! Update.fullFunc PostgresDb.TableName (_.Id)
{ Id = "one"; Value = "le un"; NumValue = 1; Sub = None }
let! after = Find.byId<JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName "one"
if Option.isNone after then
Expect.isTrue false "There should have been a document returned post-update"
let! after = Find.byId<string, JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName "one"
Expect.isSome after "There should have been a document returned post-update"
Expect.equal after.Value { Id = "one"; Value = "le un"; NumValue = 1; Sub = None }
"The updated document is not correct"
@ -526,9 +496,8 @@ let integrationTests =
do! loadDocs ()
do! Update.partialById PostgresDb.TableName "one" {| NumValue = 44 |}
let! after = Find.byId<JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName "one"
if Option.isNone after then
Expect.isTrue false "There should have been a document returned post-update"
let! after = Find.byId<string, JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName "one"
Expect.isSome after "There should have been a document returned post-update"
Expect.equal after.Value.NumValue 44 "The updated document is not correct"
testTask "succeeds when no document is updated" {
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ let allTests =
[ CommonTests.all
testSequenced SqliteExtensionTests.integrationTests
@ -10,6 +10,28 @@ open Types
/// Unit tests for the SQLite library
let unitTests =
testList "Unit" [
testList "Query" [
test "Definition.ensureTable succeeds" {
(Query.Definition.ensureTable "tbl")
"CREATE TABLE statement not correct"
testList "Update" [
test "partialById succeeds" {
(Query.Update.partialById "tbl")
"UPDATE tbl SET data = json_patch(data, json(@data)) WHERE data ->> 'Id' = @id"
"UPDATE partial by ID statement not correct"
test "partialByField succeeds" {
(Query.Update.partialByField "tbl" "Part" NE)
"UPDATE tbl SET data = json_patch(data, json(@data)) WHERE data ->> 'Part' <> @field"
"UPDATE partial by JSON comparison query not correct"
testList "Parameters" [
test "idParam succeeds" {
let theParam = idParam 7
Reference in New Issue
Block a user