diff --git a/src/Common/Library.fs b/src/Common/Library.fs
index f51e81a..8bae732 100644
--- a/src/Common/Library.fs
+++ b/src/Common/Library.fs
@@ -2,43 +2,44 @@
open System.Security.Cryptography
-/// The types of comparisons available for JSON fields
+/// The types of comparisons available for JSON fields
type Comparison =
- /// Equals (=)
+ /// Equals (=)
| Equal of Value: obj
- /// Greater Than (>)
+ /// Greater Than (>)
| Greater of Value: obj
- /// Greater Than or Equal To (>=)
+ /// Greater Than or Equal To (>=)
| GreaterOrEqual of Value: obj
- /// Less Than (<)
+ /// Less Than (<)
| Less of Value: obj
- /// Less Than or Equal To (<=)
+ /// Less Than or Equal To (<=)
| LessOrEqual of Value: obj
- /// Not Equal to (<>)
+ /// Not Equal to (<>)
| NotEqual of Value: obj
- /// Between (BETWEEN)
+ /// Between (BETWEEN)
| Between of Min: obj * Max: obj
- /// In (IN)
+ /// In (IN)
| In of Values: obj seq
- /// In Array (PostgreSQL: |?, SQLite: EXISTS / json_each / IN)
+ /// In Array (PostgreSQL: |?, SQLite: EXISTS / json_each / IN)
| InArray of Table: string * Values: obj seq
- /// Exists (IS NOT NULL)
+ /// Exists (IS NOT NULL)
| Exists
- /// Does Not Exist (IS NULL)
+ /// Does Not Exist (IS NULL)
| NotExists
- /// Get the operator SQL for this comparison
+ /// The operator SQL for this comparison
member this.OpSql =
match this with
| Equal _ -> "="
@@ -54,119 +55,190 @@ type Comparison =
| NotExists -> "IS NULL"
-/// The dialect in which a command should be rendered
+/// The dialect in which a command should be rendered
type Dialect =
| PostgreSQL
| SQLite
-/// The format in which an element of a JSON field should be extracted
+/// The format in which an element of a JSON field should be extracted
type FieldFormat =
- /// Use ->> or #>>; extracts a text (PostgreSQL) or SQL (SQLite) value
+ ///
+ /// Use ->> or #>>; extracts a text (PostgreSQL) or SQL (SQLite) value
+ ///
| AsSql
- /// Use -> or #>; extracts a JSONB (PostgreSQL) or JSON (SQLite) value
+ /// Use -> or #>; extracts a JSONB (PostgreSQL) or JSON (SQLite) value
| AsJson
-/// Criteria for a field WHERE clause
+/// Criteria for a field WHERE clause
type Field = {
- /// The name of the field
+ /// The name of the field
Name: string
- /// The comparison for the field
+ /// The comparison for the field
Comparison: Comparison
- /// The name of the parameter for this field
+ /// The name of the parameter for this field
ParameterName: string option
- /// The table qualifier for this field
+ /// The table qualifier for this field
Qualifier: string option
} with
- /// Create a comparison against a field
+ /// Create a comparison against a field
+ /// The name of the field against which the comparison should be applied
+ /// The comparison for the given field
+ /// A new Field instance implementing the given comparison
static member Where name (comparison: Comparison) =
{ Name = name; Comparison = comparison; ParameterName = None; Qualifier = None }
- /// Create an equals (=) field criterion
+ /// Create an equals (=) field criterion
+ /// The name of the field to be compared
+ /// The value for the comparison
+ /// A field with the given comparison
static member Equal<'T> name (value: 'T) =
Field.Where name (Equal value)
- /// Create an equals (=) field criterion (alias)
+ /// Create an equals (=) field criterion (alias)
+ /// The name of the field to be compared
+ /// The value for the comparison
+ /// A field with the given comparison
static member EQ<'T> name (value: 'T) = Field.Equal name value
- /// Create a greater than (>) field criterion
+ /// Create a greater than (>) field criterion
+ /// The name of the field to be compared
+ /// The value for the comparison
+ /// A field with the given comparison
static member Greater<'T> name (value: 'T) =
Field.Where name (Greater value)
- /// Create a greater than (>) field criterion (alias)
+ /// Create a greater than (>) field criterion (alias)
+ /// The name of the field to be compared
+ /// The value for the comparison
+ /// A field with the given comparison
static member GT<'T> name (value: 'T) = Field.Greater name value
- /// Create a greater than or equal to (>=) field criterion
+ /// Create a greater than or equal to (>=) field criterion
+ /// The name of the field to be compared
+ /// The value for the comparison
+ /// A field with the given comparison
static member GreaterOrEqual<'T> name (value: 'T) =
Field.Where name (GreaterOrEqual value)
- /// Create a greater than or equal to (>=) field criterion (alias)
+ /// Create a greater than or equal to (>=) field criterion (alias)
+ /// The name of the field to be compared
+ /// The value for the comparison
+ /// A field with the given comparison
static member GE<'T> name (value: 'T) = Field.GreaterOrEqual name value
- /// Create a less than (<) field criterion
+ /// Create a less than (<) field criterion
+ /// The name of the field to be compared
+ /// The value for the comparison
+ /// A field with the given comparison
static member Less<'T> name (value: 'T) =
Field.Where name (Less value)
- /// Create a less than (<) field criterion (alias)
+ /// Create a less than (<) field criterion (alias)
+ /// The name of the field to be compared
+ /// The value for the comparison
+ /// A field with the given comparison
static member LT<'T> name (value: 'T) = Field.Less name value
- /// Create a less than or equal to (<=) field criterion
+ /// Create a less than or equal to (<=) field criterion
+ /// The name of the field to be compared
+ /// The value for the comparison
+ /// A field with the given comparison
static member LessOrEqual<'T> name (value: 'T) =
Field.Where name (LessOrEqual value)
- /// Create a less than or equal to (<=) field criterion (alias)
+ /// Create a less than or equal to (<=) field criterion (alias)
+ /// The name of the field to be compared
+ /// The value for the comparison
+ /// A field with the given comparison
static member LE<'T> name (value: 'T) = Field.LessOrEqual name value
- /// Create a not equals (<>) field criterion
+ /// Create a not equals (<>) field criterion
+ /// The name of the field to be compared
+ /// The value for the comparison
+ /// A field with the given comparison
static member NotEqual<'T> name (value: 'T) =
Field.Where name (NotEqual value)
- /// Create a not equals (<>) field criterion (alias)
+ /// Create a not equals (<>) field criterion (alias)
+ /// The name of the field to be compared
+ /// The value for the comparison
+ /// A field with the given comparison
static member NE<'T> name (value: 'T) = Field.NotEqual name value
- /// Create a Between field criterion
+ /// Create a Between field criterion
+ /// The name of the field to be compared
+ /// The minimum value for the comparison range
+ /// The maximum value for the comparison range
+ /// A field with the given comparison
static member Between<'T> name (min: 'T) (max: 'T) =
Field.Where name (Between(min, max))
- /// Create a Between field criterion (alias)
+ /// Create a Between field criterion (alias)
+ /// The name of the field to be compared
+ /// The minimum value for the comparison range
+ /// The maximum value for the comparison range
+ /// A field with the given comparison
static member BT<'T> name (min: 'T) (max: 'T) = Field.Between name min max
- /// Create an In field criterion
+ /// Create an In field criterion
+ /// The name of the field to be compared
+ /// The values for the comparison
+ /// A field with the given comparison
static member In<'T> name (values: 'T seq) =
Field.Where name (In (Seq.map box values))
- /// Create an In field criterion (alias)
+ /// Create an In field criterion (alias)
+ /// The name of the field to be compared
+ /// The values for the comparison
+ /// A field with the given comparison
static member IN<'T> name (values: 'T seq) = Field.In name values
- /// Create an InArray field criterion
+ /// Create an InArray field criterion
+ /// The name of the field to be compared
+ /// The name of the table in which the field's documents are stored
+ /// The values for the comparison
+ /// A field with the given comparison
static member InArray<'T> name tableName (values: 'T seq) =
Field.Where name (InArray(tableName, Seq.map box values))
- /// Create an exists (IS NOT NULL) field criterion
+ /// Create an exists (IS NOT NULL) field criterion
+ /// The name of the field to be compared
+ /// A field with the given comparison
static member Exists name =
Field.Where name Exists
- /// Create an exists (IS NOT NULL) field criterion (alias)
+ /// Create an exists (IS NOT NULL) field criterion (alias)
+ /// The name of the field to be compared
+ /// A field with the given comparison
static member EX name = Field.Exists name
- /// Create a not exists (IS NULL) field criterion
+ /// Create a not exists (IS NULL) field criterion
+ /// The name of the field to be compared
+ /// A field with the given comparison
static member NotExists name =
Field.Where name NotExists
- /// Create a not exists (IS NULL) field criterion (alias)
+ /// Create a not exists (IS NULL) field criterion (alias)
+ /// The name of the field to be compared
+ /// A field with the given comparison
static member NEX name = Field.NotExists name
- /// Transform a field name (a.b.c) to a path for the given SQL dialect
+ /// Transform a field name (a.b.c) to a path for the given SQL dialect
+ /// The name of the field in dotted format
+ /// The SQL dialect to use when converting the name to nested path format
+ /// Whether to reference this path as a JSON value or a SQL value
+ /// A string with the path required to address the nested document value
static member NameToPath (name: string) dialect format =
let path =
if name.Contains '.' then
@@ -183,46 +255,59 @@ type Field = {
match format with AsJson -> $"->'{name}'" | AsSql -> $"->>'{name}'"
- /// Create a field with a given name, but no other properties filled (op will be EQ, value will be "")
+ /// Create a field with a given name, but no other properties filled
+ /// The field name, along with any other qualifications if used in a sorting context
+ /// Comparison will be Equal, value will be an empty string
static member Named name =
Field.Where name (Equal "")
- /// Specify the name of the parameter for this field
+ /// Specify the name of the parameter for this field
+ /// The parameter name (including : or @)
+ /// A field with the given parameter name specified
member this.WithParameterName name =
{ this with ParameterName = Some name }
- /// Specify a qualifier (alias) for the table from which this field will be referenced
+ /// Specify a qualifier (alias) for the table from which this field will be referenced
+ /// The table alias for this field comparison
+ /// A field with the given qualifier specified
member this.WithQualifier alias =
{ this with Qualifier = Some alias }
- /// Get the qualified path to the field
+ /// Get the qualified path to the field
+ /// The SQL dialect to use when converting the name to nested path format
+ /// Whether to reference this path as a JSON value or a SQL value
+ /// A string with the qualified path required to address the nested document value
member this.Path dialect format =
(this.Qualifier |> Option.map (fun q -> $"{q}.") |> Option.defaultValue "")
+ Field.NameToPath this.Name dialect format
-/// How fields should be matched
+/// How fields should be matched
type FieldMatch =
- /// Any field matches (OR)
+ /// Any field matches (OR)
| Any
- /// All fields match (AND)
+ /// All fields match (AND)
| All
- /// The SQL value implementing each matching strategy
+ /// The SQL value implementing each matching strategy
override this.ToString() =
match this with Any -> "OR" | All -> "AND"
-/// Derive parameter names (each instance wraps a counter to uniquely name anonymous fields)
+/// Derive parameter names (each instance wraps a counter to uniquely name anonymous fields)
type ParameterName() =
/// The counter for the next field value
let mutable currentIdx = -1
+ ///
/// Return the specified name for the parameter, or an anonymous parameter name if none is specified
+ ///
+ /// The optional name of the parameter
+ /// The name of the parameter, derived if no name was provided
member this.Derive paramName =
match paramName with
| Some it -> it
@@ -231,31 +316,41 @@ type ParameterName() =
-/// Automatically-generated document ID strategies
+/// Automatically-generated document ID strategies
type AutoId =
- /// No automatic IDs will be generated
+ /// No automatic IDs will be generated
| Disabled
- /// Generate a MAX-plus-1 numeric value for documents
+ /// Generate a MAX-plus-1 numeric value for documents
| Number
- /// Generate a GUID for each document (as a lowercase, no-dashes, 32-character string)
+ /// Generate a GUID for each document (as a lowercase, no-dashes, 32-character string)
| Guid
- /// Generate a random string of hexadecimal characters for each document
+ /// Generate a random string of hexadecimal characters for each document
| RandomString
- /// Generate a GUID string
+ /// Generate a GUID string
+ /// A GUID string
static member GenerateGuid() =
System.Guid.NewGuid().ToString "N"
- /// Generate a string of random hexadecimal characters
+ /// Generate a string of random hexadecimal characters
+ /// The number of characters to generate
+ /// A string of the given length with random hexadecimal characters
static member GenerateRandomString(length: int) =
RandomNumberGenerator.GetHexString(length, lowercase = true)
- /// Does the given document need an automatic ID generated?
+ /// Does the given document need an automatic ID generated?
+ /// The auto-ID strategy currently in use
+ /// The document being inserted
+ /// The name of the ID property in the given document
+ /// True if an auto-ID strategy is implemented and the ID has no value, false otherwise
+ ///
+ /// If the ID field type and requested ID value are not compatible
+ ///
static member NeedsAutoId<'T> strategy (document: 'T) idProp =
match strategy with
| Disabled -> false
@@ -290,17 +385,17 @@ with
| Disabled -> false
-/// The required document serialization implementation
+/// The required document serialization implementation
type IDocumentSerializer =
- /// Serialize an object to a JSON string
+ /// Serialize an object to a JSON string
abstract Serialize<'T> : 'T -> string
- /// Deserialize a JSON string into an object
+ /// Deserialize a JSON string into an object
abstract Deserialize<'T> : string -> 'T
-/// Document serializer defaults
+/// Document serializer defaults
module DocumentSerializer =
open System.Text.Json
@@ -312,7 +407,7 @@ module DocumentSerializer =
- /// The default JSON serializer
+ /// The default JSON serializer
let ``default`` =
{ new IDocumentSerializer with
@@ -323,19 +418,21 @@ module DocumentSerializer =
-/// Configuration for document handling
+/// Configuration for document handling
module Configuration =
/// The serializer to use for document manipulation
let mutable private serializerValue = DocumentSerializer.``default``
- /// Register a serializer to use for translating documents to domain types
+ /// Register a serializer to use for translating documents to domain types
+ /// The serializer to use when manipulating documents
let useSerializer ser =
serializerValue <- ser
- /// Retrieve the currently configured serializer
+ /// Retrieve the currently configured serializer
+ /// The currently configured serializer
let serializer () =
@@ -343,12 +440,14 @@ module Configuration =
/// The serialized name of the ID field for documents
let mutable private idFieldValue = "Id"
- /// Specify the name of the ID field for documents
+ /// Specify the name of the ID field for documents
+ /// The name of the ID field for documents
let useIdField it =
idFieldValue <- it
- /// Retrieve the currently configured ID field for documents
+ /// Retrieve the currently configured ID field for documents
+ /// The currently configured ID field
let idField () =
@@ -356,12 +455,14 @@ module Configuration =
/// The automatic ID strategy used by the library
let mutable private autoIdValue = Disabled
- /// Specify the automatic ID generation strategy used by the library
+ /// Specify the automatic ID generation strategy used by the library
+ /// The automatic ID generation strategy to use
let useAutoIdStrategy it =
autoIdValue <- it
- /// Retrieve the currently configured automatic ID generation strategy
+ /// Retrieve the currently configured automatic ID generation strategy
+ /// The current automatic ID generation strategy
let autoIdStrategy () =
@@ -369,30 +470,38 @@ module Configuration =
/// The length of automatically generated random strings
let mutable private idStringLengthValue = 16
- /// Specify the length of automatically generated random strings
+ /// Specify the length of automatically generated random strings
+ /// The length of automatically generated random strings
let useIdStringLength length =
idStringLengthValue <- length
- /// Retrieve the currently configured length of automatically generated random strings
+ /// Retrieve the currently configured length of automatically generated random strings
+ /// The current length of automatically generated random strings
let idStringLength () =
-/// Query construction functions
+/// Query construction functions
module Query =
- /// Combine a query (select, update, etc.) and a WHERE clause
+ /// Combine a query (SELECT, UPDATE, etc.) and a WHERE clause
+ /// The first part of the statement
+ /// The WHERE clause for the statement
+ /// The two parts of the query combined with WHERE
let statementWhere statement where =
$"%s{statement} WHERE %s{where}"
- /// Queries to define tables and indexes
+ /// Queries to define tables and indexes
module Definition =
- /// SQL statement to create a document table
+ /// SQL statement to create a document table
+ /// The name of the table to create (may include schema)
+ /// The type of data for the column (JSON, JSONB, etc.)
+ /// A query to create a document table
let ensureTableFor name dataType =
$"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s{name} (data %s{dataType} NOT NULL)"
@@ -402,7 +511,12 @@ module Query =
let parts = tableName.Split '.'
if Array.length parts = 1 then "", tableName else parts[0], parts[1]
- /// SQL statement to create an index on one or more fields in a JSON document
+ /// SQL statement to create an index on one or more fields in a JSON document
+ /// The table on which an index should be created (may include schema)
+ /// The name of the index to be created
+ /// One or more fields to include in the index
+ /// The SQL dialect to use when creating this index
+ /// A query to create the field index
let ensureIndexOn tableName indexName (fields: string seq) dialect =
let _, tbl = splitSchemaAndTable tableName
@@ -416,55 +530,84 @@ module Query =
|> String.concat ", "
$"CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_{tbl}_%s{indexName} ON {tableName} ({jsonFields})"
- /// SQL statement to create a key index for a document table
+ /// SQL statement to create a key index for a document table
+ /// The table on which a key index should be created (may include schema)
+ /// The SQL dialect to use when creating this index
+ /// A query to create the key index
let ensureKey tableName dialect =
(ensureIndexOn tableName "key" [ Configuration.idField () ] dialect).Replace("INDEX", "UNIQUE INDEX")
- /// Query to insert a document
+ /// Query to insert a document
+ /// The table into which to insert (may include schema)
+ /// A query to insert a document
let insert tableName =
$"INSERT INTO %s{tableName} VALUES (@data)"
+ ///
/// Query to save a document, inserting it if it does not exist and updating it if it does (AKA "upsert")
+ ///
+ /// The table into which to save (may include schema)
+ /// A query to save a document
let save tableName =
"INSERT INTO %s VALUES (@data) ON CONFLICT ((data->>'%s')) DO UPDATE SET data = EXCLUDED.data"
tableName (Configuration.idField ())
- /// Query to count documents in a table (no WHERE clause)
+ /// Query to count documents in a table
+ /// The table in which to count documents (may include schema)
+ /// A query to count documents
+ /// This query has no WHERE clause
let count tableName =
$"SELECT COUNT(*) AS it FROM %s{tableName}"
- /// Query to check for document existence in a table
+ /// Query to check for document existence in a table
+ /// The table in which existence should be checked (may include schema)
+ /// The WHERE clause with the existence criteria
+ /// A query to check document existence
let exists tableName where =
$"SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM %s{tableName} WHERE %s{where}) AS it"
- /// Query to select documents from a table (no WHERE clause)
+ /// Query to select documents from a table
+ /// The table from which documents should be found (may include schema)
+ /// A query to retrieve documents
+ /// This query has no WHERE clause
let find tableName =
$"SELECT data FROM %s{tableName}"
- /// Query to update a document (no WHERE clause)
+ /// Query to update (replace) a document
+ /// The table in which documents should be replaced (may include schema)
+ /// A query to update documents
+ /// This query has no WHERE clause
let update tableName =
$"UPDATE %s{tableName} SET data = @data"
- /// Query to delete documents from a table (no WHERE clause)
+ /// Query to delete documents from a table
+ /// The table in which documents should be deleted (may include schema)
+ /// A query to delete documents
+ /// This query has no WHERE clause
let delete tableName =
$"DELETE FROM %s{tableName}"
- /// Create a SELECT clause to retrieve the document data from the given table
+ /// Create a SELECT clause to retrieve the document data from the given table
+ /// The table from which documents should be found (may include schema)
+ /// A query to retrieve documents
let selectFromTable tableName =
find tableName
- /// Create an ORDER BY clause for the given fields
+ /// Create an ORDER BY clause for the given fields
+ /// One or more fields by which to order
+ /// The SQL dialect for the generated clause
+ /// An ORDER BY clause for the given fields
let orderBy fields dialect =
if Seq.isEmpty fields then ""
diff --git a/src/Postgres/Library.fs b/src/Postgres/Library.fs
index 39b3882..441117b 100644
--- a/src/Postgres/Library.fs
+++ b/src/Postgres/Library.fs
@@ -1,31 +1,36 @@
namespace BitBadger.Documents.Postgres
-/// The type of index to generate for the document
+/// The type of index to generate for the document
type DocumentIndex =
- /// A GIN index with standard operations (all operators supported)
+ /// A GIN index with standard operations (all operators supported)
| Full
- /// A GIN index with JSONPath operations (optimized for @>, @?, @@ operators)
+ ///
+ /// A GIN index with JSONPath operations (optimized for @>, @?, @@ operators)
+ ///
| Optimized
open Npgsql
-/// Configuration for document handling
+/// Configuration for document handling
module Configuration =
/// The data source to use for query execution
let mutable private dataSourceValue : NpgsqlDataSource option = None
- /// Register a data source to use for query execution (disposes the current one if it exists)
+ /// Register a data source to use for query execution (disposes the current one if it exists)
+ /// The data source to use
let useDataSource source =
if Option.isSome dataSourceValue then dataSourceValue.Value.Dispose()
dataSourceValue <- Some source
- /// Retrieve the currently configured data source
+ /// Retrieve the currently configured data source
+ /// The current data source
+ /// If no data source has been configured
let dataSource () =
match dataSourceValue with
@@ -69,21 +74,29 @@ module private Helpers =
open BitBadger.Documents
-/// Functions for creating parameters
+/// Functions for creating parameters
module Parameters =
- /// Create an ID parameter (name "@id")
+ /// Create an ID parameter (name "@id")
+ /// The key value for the ID parameter
+ /// The name and parameter value for the ID
let idParam (key: 'TKey) =
"@id", parameterFor key (fun it -> Sql.string (string it))
- /// Create a parameter with a JSON value
+ /// Create a parameter with a JSON value
+ /// The name of the parameter to create
+ /// The criteria to provide as JSON
+ /// The name and parameter value for the JSON field
let jsonParam (name: string) (it: 'TJson) =
name, Sql.jsonb (Configuration.serializer().Serialize it)
- /// Create JSON field parameters
+ /// Create JSON field parameters
+ /// The Fields to convert to parameters
+ /// The current parameters for the query
+ /// A unified sequence of parameter names and values
let addFieldParams fields parameters =
let name = ParameterName()
@@ -114,23 +127,30 @@ module Parameters =
|> Seq.toList
|> Seq.ofList
- /// Append JSON field name parameters for the given field names to the given parameters
+ /// Append JSON field name parameters for the given field names to the given parameters
+ /// The names of fields to be addressed
+ /// The name (@name) and parameter value for the field names
let fieldNameParams (fieldNames: string seq) =
if Seq.length fieldNames = 1 then "@name", Sql.string (Seq.head fieldNames)
else "@name", Sql.stringArray (Array.ofSeq fieldNames)
- /// An empty parameter sequence
+ /// An empty parameter sequence
let noParams =
-/// Query construction functions
+/// Query construction functions
module Query =
- /// Create a WHERE clause fragment to implement a comparison on fields in a JSON document
+ ///
+ /// Create a WHERE clause fragment to implement a comparison on fields in a JSON document
+ ///
+ /// How the fields should be matched
+ /// The fields for the comparisons
+ /// A WHERE clause implementing the comparisons for the given fields
let whereByFields (howMatched: FieldMatch) fields =
let name = ParameterName()
@@ -159,27 +179,38 @@ module Query =
else $"{it.Path PostgreSQL AsSql} {it.Comparison.OpSql} {param}")
|> String.concat $" {howMatched} "
- /// Create a WHERE clause fragment to implement an ID-based query
+ /// Create a WHERE clause fragment to implement an ID-based query
+ /// The ID of the document
+ /// A WHERE clause fragment identifying a document by its ID
let whereById<'TKey> (docId: 'TKey) =
whereByFields Any [ { Field.Equal (Configuration.idField ()) docId with ParameterName = Some "@id" } ]
- /// Table and index definition queries
+ /// Table and index definition queries
module Definition =
- /// SQL statement to create a document table
+ /// SQL statement to create a document table
+ /// The name of the table (may include schema)
+ /// A query to create the table if it does not exist
let ensureTable name =
Query.Definition.ensureTableFor name "JSONB"
- /// SQL statement to create an index on JSON documents in the specified table
+ /// SQL statement to create an index on JSON documents in the specified table
+ /// The name of the table to be indexed (may include schema)
+ /// The type of document index to create
+ /// A query to create the index if it does not exist
let ensureDocumentIndex (name: string) idxType =
let extraOps = match idxType with Full -> "" | Optimized -> " jsonb_path_ops"
let tableName = name.Split '.' |> Array.last
$"CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_{tableName}_document ON {name} USING GIN (data{extraOps})"
- /// Create a WHERE clause fragment to implement a @> (JSON contains) condition
+ ///
+ /// Create a WHERE clause fragment to implement a @> (JSON contains) condition
+ ///
+ /// The parameter name for the query
+ /// A WHERE clause fragment for the contains condition
let whereDataContains paramName =
$"data @> %s{paramName}"