Add F# Postgres extension tests
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ namespace BitBadger.Documents.Postgres
open Npgsql
open Npgsql.FSharp
/// F# Extensions for the NpgsqlConnection type
/// F# Extensions for the NpgsqlConnection type
module Extensions =
@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
using BitBadger.Documents.Postgres;
using Npgsql;
using Npgsql.FSharp;
using ThrowawayDb.Postgres;
@ -12,8 +11,15 @@ public class ThrowawayPostgresDb : IDisposable, IAsyncDisposable
private readonly ThrowawayDatabase _db;
/// <summary>
/// The connection string for the throwaway database
/// </summary>
public string ConnectionString => _db.ConnectionString;
/// <summary>
/// Constructor
/// </summary>
/// <param name="db">The throwaway database which this instance will wrap</param>
public ThrowawayPostgresDb(ThrowawayDatabase db)
_db = db;
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
<Compile Include="CommonTests.fs" />
<Compile Include="Types.fs" />
<Compile Include="PostgresTests.fs" />
<Compile Include="PostgresExtensionTests.fs" />
<Compile Include="SqliteTests.fs" />
<Compile Include="SqliteExtensionTests.fs" />
<Compile Include="Program.fs" />
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,700 @@
module PostgresExtensionTests
open BitBadger.Documents
open BitBadger.Documents.Postgres
open BitBadger.Documents.Tests
open Expecto
open Npgsql
open Types
/// Open a connection to the throwaway database
let private mkConn (db: ThrowawayPostgresDb) =
let conn = new NpgsqlConnection(db.ConnectionString)
/// Integration tests for the F# extensions on the NpgsqlConnection data type
let integrationTests =
let loadDocs (conn: NpgsqlConnection) = backgroundTask {
for doc in testDocuments do do! conn.insert PostgresDb.TableName doc
testList "Postgres.Extensions" [
testList "customList" [
testTask "succeeds when data is found" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
let! docs = conn.customList (Query.selectFromTable PostgresDb.TableName) [] fromData<JsonDocument>
Expect.equal (List.length docs) 5 "There should have been 5 documents returned"
testTask "succeeds when data is not found" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
let! docs =
$"SELECT data FROM {PostgresDb.TableName} WHERE data @? @path::jsonpath"
[ "@path", Sql.string "$.NumValue ? (@ > 100)" ]
Expect.isEmpty docs "There should have been no documents returned"
testList "customSingle" [
testTask "succeeds when a row is found" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
let! doc =
$"SELECT data FROM {PostgresDb.TableName} WHERE data ->> 'Id' = @id"
[ "@id", Sql.string "one"]
Expect.isSome doc "There should have been a document returned"
Expect.equal doc.Value.Id "one" "The incorrect document was returned"
testTask "succeeds when a row is not found" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
let! doc =
$"SELECT data FROM {PostgresDb.TableName} WHERE data ->> 'Id' = @id"
[ "@id", Sql.string "eighty" ]
Expect.isNone doc "There should not have been a document returned"
testList "customNonQuery" [
testTask "succeeds when operating on data" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
do! conn.customNonQuery $"DELETE FROM {PostgresDb.TableName}" []
let! remaining = conn.countAll PostgresDb.TableName
Expect.equal remaining 0 "There should be no documents remaining in the table"
testTask "succeeds when no data matches where clause" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
do! conn.customNonQuery
$"DELETE FROM {PostgresDb.TableName} WHERE data @? @path::jsonpath"
[ "@path", Sql.string "$.NumValue ? (@ > 100)" ]
let! remaining = conn.countAll PostgresDb.TableName
Expect.equal remaining 5 "There should be 5 documents remaining in the table"
testTask "scalar succeeds" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
let! nbr = conn.customScalar "SELECT 5 AS test_value" [] (fun row -> "test_value")
Expect.equal nbr 5 "The query should have returned the number 5"
testTask "ensureTable succeeds" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
let tableExists () =
conn.customScalar "SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'ensured') AS it" [] toExists
let keyExists () =
"SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'idx_ensured_key') AS it" [] toExists
let! exists = tableExists ()
let! alsoExists = keyExists ()
Expect.isFalse exists "The table should not exist already"
Expect.isFalse alsoExists "The key index should not exist already"
do! conn.ensureTable "ensured"
let! exists' = tableExists ()
let! alsoExists' = keyExists ()
Expect.isTrue exists' "The table should now exist"
Expect.isTrue alsoExists' "The key index should now exist"
testTask "ensureDocumentIndex succeeds" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
let indexExists () =
"SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'idx_ensured_document') AS it" [] toExists
let! exists = indexExists ()
Expect.isFalse exists "The index should not exist already"
do! conn.ensureTable "ensured"
do! conn.ensureDocumentIndex "ensured" Optimized
let! exists' = indexExists ()
Expect.isTrue exists' "The index should now exist"
testTask "ensureFieldIndex succeeds" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
let indexExists () =
"SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_class WHERE relname = 'idx_ensured_test') AS it" [] toExists
let! exists = indexExists ()
Expect.isFalse exists "The index should not exist already"
do! conn.ensureTable "ensured"
do! conn.ensureFieldIndex "ensured" "test" [ "Id"; "Category" ]
let! exists' = indexExists ()
Expect.isTrue exists' "The index should now exist"
testList "insert" [
testTask "succeeds" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
let! before = conn.countAll PostgresDb.TableName
Expect.equal before 0 "There should be no documents in the table"
let testDoc = { emptyDoc with Id = "turkey"; Sub = Some { Foo = "gobble"; Bar = "gobble" } }
do! conn.insert PostgresDb.TableName testDoc
let! after = conn.findAll<JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName
Expect.equal after [ testDoc ] "There should have been one document inserted"
testTask "fails for duplicate key" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! conn.insert PostgresDb.TableName { emptyDoc with Id = "test" }
(fun () ->
conn.insert PostgresDb.TableName {emptyDoc with Id = "test" }
|> Async.AwaitTask
|> Async.RunSynchronously)
"An exception should have been raised for duplicate document ID insert"
testList "save" [
testTask "succeeds when a document is inserted" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
let! before = conn.countAll PostgresDb.TableName
Expect.equal before 0 "There should be no documents in the table"
let testDoc = { emptyDoc with Id = "test"; Sub = Some { Foo = "a"; Bar = "b" } }
do! PostgresDb.TableName testDoc
let! after = conn.findAll<JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName
Expect.equal after [ testDoc ] "There should have been one document inserted"
testTask "succeeds when a document is updated" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
let testDoc = { emptyDoc with Id = "test"; Sub = Some { Foo = "a"; Bar = "b" } }
do! conn.insert PostgresDb.TableName testDoc
let! before = conn.findById<string, JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName "test"
Expect.isSome before "There should have been a document returned"
Expect.equal before.Value testDoc "The document is not correct"
let upd8Doc = { testDoc with Sub = Some { Foo = "c"; Bar = "d" } }
do! PostgresDb.TableName upd8Doc
let! after = conn.findById<string, JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName "test"
Expect.isSome after "There should have been a document returned post-update"
Expect.equal after.Value upd8Doc "The updated document is not correct"
testTask "countAll succeeds" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
let! theCount = conn.countAll PostgresDb.TableName
Expect.equal theCount 5 "There should have been 5 matching documents"
testTask "countByField succeeds" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
let! theCount = conn.countByField PostgresDb.TableName "Value" EQ "purple"
Expect.equal theCount 2 "There should have been 2 matching documents"
testTask "countByContains succeeds" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
let! theCount = conn.countByContains PostgresDb.TableName {| Value = "purple" |}
Expect.equal theCount 2 "There should have been 2 matching documents"
testTask "countByJsonPath succeeds" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
let! theCount = conn.countByJsonPath PostgresDb.TableName "$.NumValue ? (@ > 5)"
Expect.equal theCount 3 "There should have been 3 matching documents"
testList "existsById" [
testTask "succeeds when a document exists" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
let! exists = conn.existsById PostgresDb.TableName "three"
Expect.isTrue exists "There should have been an existing document"
testTask "succeeds when a document does not exist" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
let! exists = conn.existsById PostgresDb.TableName "seven"
Expect.isFalse exists "There should not have been an existing document"
testList "existsByField" [
testTask "succeeds when documents exist" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
let! exists = conn.existsByField PostgresDb.TableName "Sub" EX ""
Expect.isTrue exists "There should have been existing documents"
testTask "succeeds when documents do not exist" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
let! exists = conn.existsByField PostgresDb.TableName "NumValue" EQ "six"
Expect.isFalse exists "There should not have been existing documents"
testList "existsByContains" [
testTask "succeeds when documents exist" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
let! exists = conn.existsByContains PostgresDb.TableName {| NumValue = 10 |}
Expect.isTrue exists "There should have been existing documents"
testTask "succeeds when no matching documents exist" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
let! exists = conn.existsByContains PostgresDb.TableName {| Nothing = "none" |}
Expect.isFalse exists "There should not have been any existing documents"
testList "existsByJsonPath" [
testTask "succeeds when documents exist" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
let! exists = conn.existsByJsonPath PostgresDb.TableName """$.Sub.Foo ? (@ == "green")"""
Expect.isTrue exists "There should have been existing documents"
testTask "succeeds when no matching documents exist" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
let! exists = conn.existsByJsonPath PostgresDb.TableName "$.NumValue ? (@ > 1000)"
Expect.isFalse exists "There should not have been any existing documents"
testList "findAll" [
testTask "succeeds when there is data" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! conn.insert PostgresDb.TableName { Foo = "one"; Bar = "two" }
do! conn.insert PostgresDb.TableName { Foo = "three"; Bar = "four" }
do! conn.insert PostgresDb.TableName { Foo = "five"; Bar = "six" }
let! results = conn.findAll<SubDocument> PostgresDb.TableName
let expected = [
{ Foo = "one"; Bar = "two" }
{ Foo = "three"; Bar = "four" }
{ Foo = "five"; Bar = "six" }
Expect.equal results expected "There should have been 3 documents returned"
testTask "succeeds when there is no data" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
let! results = conn.findAll<SubDocument> PostgresDb.TableName
Expect.equal results [] "There should have been no documents returned"
testList "findById" [
testTask "succeeds when a document is found" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
let! doc = conn.findById<string, JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName "two"
Expect.isSome doc "There should have been a document returned"
Expect.equal doc.Value.Id "two" "The incorrect document was returned"
testTask "succeeds when a document is not found" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
let! doc = conn.findById<string, JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName "three hundred eighty-seven"
Expect.isNone doc "There should not have been a document returned"
testList "findByField" [
testTask "succeeds when documents are found" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
let! docs = conn.findByField<JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName "Value" EQ "another"
Expect.equal (List.length docs) 1 "There should have been one document returned"
testTask "succeeds when documents are not found" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
let! docs = conn.findByField<JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName "Value" EQ "mauve"
Expect.isEmpty docs "There should have been no documents returned"
testList "findByContains" [
testTask "succeeds when documents are found" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
let! docs = conn.findByContains<JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName {| Sub = {| Foo = "green" |} |}
Expect.equal (List.length docs) 2 "There should have been two documents returned"
testTask "succeeds when documents are not found" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
let! docs = conn.findByContains<JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName {| Value = "mauve" |}
Expect.isEmpty docs "There should have been no documents returned"
testList "findByJsonPath" [
testTask "succeeds when documents are found" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
let! docs = conn.findByJsonPath<JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName "$.NumValue ? (@ < 15)"
Expect.equal (List.length docs) 3 "There should have been 3 documents returned"
testTask "succeeds when documents are not found" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
let! docs = conn.findByJsonPath<JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName "$.NumValue ? (@ < 0)"
Expect.isEmpty docs "There should have been no documents returned"
testList "findFirstByField" [
testTask "succeeds when a document is found" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
let! doc = conn.findFirstByField<JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName "Value" EQ "another"
Expect.isSome doc "There should have been a document returned"
Expect.equal doc.Value.Id "two" "The incorrect document was returned"
testTask "succeeds when multiple documents are found" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
let! doc = conn.findFirstByField<JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName "Value" EQ "purple"
Expect.isSome doc "There should have been a document returned"
Expect.contains [ "five"; "four" ] doc.Value.Id "An incorrect document was returned"
testTask "succeeds when a document is not found" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
let! doc = conn.findFirstByField<JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName "Value" EQ "absent"
Expect.isNone doc "There should not have been a document returned"
testList "findFirstByContains" [
testTask "succeeds when a document is found" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
let! doc = conn.findFirstByContains<JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName {| Value = "another" |}
Expect.isSome doc "There should have been a document returned"
Expect.equal doc.Value.Id "two" "The incorrect document was returned"
testTask "succeeds when multiple documents are found" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
let! doc = conn.findFirstByContains<JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName {| Sub = {| Foo = "green" |} |}
Expect.isSome doc "There should have been a document returned"
Expect.contains [ "two"; "four" ] doc.Value.Id "An incorrect document was returned"
testTask "succeeds when a document is not found" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
let! doc = conn.findFirstByContains<JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName {| Value = "absent" |}
Expect.isNone doc "There should not have been a document returned"
testList "findFirstByJsonPath" [
testTask "succeeds when a document is found" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
let! doc = conn.findFirstByJsonPath<JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName """$.Value ? (@ == "FIRST!")"""
Expect.isSome doc "There should have been a document returned"
Expect.equal doc.Value.Id "one" "The incorrect document was returned"
testTask "succeeds when multiple documents are found" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
let! doc = conn.findFirstByJsonPath<JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName """$.Sub.Foo ? (@ == "green")"""
Expect.isSome doc "There should have been a document returned"
Expect.contains [ "two"; "four" ] doc.Value.Id "An incorrect document was returned"
testTask "succeeds when a document is not found" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
let! doc = conn.findFirstByJsonPath<JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName """$.Id ? (@ == "nope")"""
Expect.isNone doc "There should not have been a document returned"
testList "updateFull" [
testTask "succeeds when a document is updated" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
let testDoc = { emptyDoc with Id = "one"; Sub = Some { Foo = "blue"; Bar = "red" } }
do! conn.updateFull PostgresDb.TableName "one" testDoc
let! after = conn.findById<string, JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName "one"
Expect.isSome after "There should have been a document returned post-update"
Expect.equal after.Value testDoc "The updated document is not correct"
testTask "succeeds when no document is updated" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
let! before = conn.countAll PostgresDb.TableName
Expect.equal before 0 "There should have been no documents returned"
// This not raising an exception is the test
do! conn.updateFull
PostgresDb.TableName "test" { emptyDoc with Id = "x"; Sub = Some { Foo = "blue"; Bar = "red" } }
testList "updateFullFunc" [
testTask "succeeds when a document is updated" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
do! conn.updateFullFunc
PostgresDb.TableName (_.Id) { Id = "one"; Value = "le un"; NumValue = 1; Sub = None }
let! after = conn.findById<string, JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName "one"
Expect.isSome after "There should have been a document returned post-update"
{ Id = "one"; Value = "le un"; NumValue = 1; Sub = None }
"The updated document is not correct"
testTask "succeeds when no document is updated" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
let! before = conn.countAll PostgresDb.TableName
Expect.equal before 0 "There should have been no documents returned"
// This not raising an exception is the test
do! conn.updateFullFunc
PostgresDb.TableName (_.Id) { Id = "one"; Value = "le un"; NumValue = 1; Sub = None }
testList "updatePartialById" [
testTask "succeeds when a document is updated" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
do! conn.updatePartialById PostgresDb.TableName "one" {| NumValue = 44 |}
let! after = conn.findById<string, JsonDocument> PostgresDb.TableName "one"
Expect.isSome after "There should have been a document returned post-update"
Expect.equal after.Value.NumValue 44 "The updated document is not correct"
testTask "succeeds when no document is updated" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
let! before = conn.countAll PostgresDb.TableName
Expect.equal before 0 "There should have been no documents returned"
// This not raising an exception is the test
do! conn.updatePartialById PostgresDb.TableName "test" {| Foo = "green" |}
testList "updatePartialByField" [
testTask "succeeds when a document is updated" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
do! conn.updatePartialByField PostgresDb.TableName "Value" EQ "purple" {| NumValue = 77 |}
let! after = Count.byField PostgresDb.TableName "NumValue" EQ "77"
Expect.equal after 2 "There should have been 2 documents returned"
testTask "succeeds when no document is updated" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
let! before = conn.countAll PostgresDb.TableName
Expect.equal before 0 "There should have been no documents returned"
// This not raising an exception is the test
do! conn.updatePartialByField PostgresDb.TableName "Value" EQ "burgundy" {| Foo = "green" |}
testList "updatePartialByContains" [
testTask "succeeds when a document is updated" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
do! conn.updatePartialByContains PostgresDb.TableName {| Value = "purple" |} {| NumValue = 77 |}
let! after = Count.byContains PostgresDb.TableName {| NumValue = 77 |}
Expect.equal after 2 "There should have been 2 documents returned"
testTask "succeeds when no document is updated" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
let! before = conn.countAll PostgresDb.TableName
Expect.equal before 0 "There should have been no documents returned"
// This not raising an exception is the test
do! conn.updatePartialByContains PostgresDb.TableName {| Value = "burgundy" |} {| Foo = "green" |}
testList "updatePartialByJsonPath" [
testTask "succeeds when a document is updated" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
do! conn.updatePartialByJsonPath PostgresDb.TableName "$.NumValue ? (@ > 10)" {| NumValue = 1000 |}
let! after = conn.countByJsonPath PostgresDb.TableName "$.NumValue ? (@ > 999)"
Expect.equal after 2 "There should have been 2 documents returned"
testTask "succeeds when no document is updated" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
let! before = conn.countAll PostgresDb.TableName
Expect.equal before 0 "There should have been no documents returned"
// This not raising an exception is the test
do! conn.updatePartialByJsonPath PostgresDb.TableName "$.NumValue ? (@ < 0)" {| Foo = "green" |}
testList "deleteById" [
testTask "succeeds when a document is deleted" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
do! conn.deleteById PostgresDb.TableName "four"
let! remaining = conn.countAll PostgresDb.TableName
Expect.equal remaining 4 "There should have been 4 documents remaining"
testTask "succeeds when a document is not deleted" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
do! conn.deleteById PostgresDb.TableName "thirty"
let! remaining = conn.countAll PostgresDb.TableName
Expect.equal remaining 5 "There should have been 5 documents remaining"
testList "deleteByField" [
testTask "succeeds when documents are deleted" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
do! conn.deleteByField PostgresDb.TableName "Value" EQ "purple"
let! remaining = conn.countAll PostgresDb.TableName
Expect.equal remaining 3 "There should have been 3 documents remaining"
testTask "succeeds when documents are not deleted" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
do! conn.deleteByField PostgresDb.TableName "Value" EQ "crimson"
let! remaining = conn.countAll PostgresDb.TableName
Expect.equal remaining 5 "There should have been 5 documents remaining"
testList "deleteByContains" [
testTask "succeeds when documents are deleted" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
do! conn.deleteByContains PostgresDb.TableName {| Value = "purple" |}
let! remaining = conn.countAll PostgresDb.TableName
Expect.equal remaining 3 "There should have been 3 documents remaining"
testTask "succeeds when documents are not deleted" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
do! conn.deleteByContains PostgresDb.TableName {| Value = "crimson" |}
let! remaining = conn.countAll PostgresDb.TableName
Expect.equal remaining 5 "There should have been 5 documents remaining"
testList "deleteByJsonPath" [
testTask "succeeds when documents are deleted" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
do! conn.deleteByJsonPath PostgresDb.TableName """$.Sub.Foo ? (@ == "green")"""
let! remaining = conn.countAll PostgresDb.TableName
Expect.equal remaining 3 "There should have been 3 documents remaining"
testTask "succeeds when documents are not deleted" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
use conn = mkConn db
do! loadDocs conn
do! conn.deleteByJsonPath PostgresDb.TableName "$.NumValue ? (@ > 100)"
let! remaining = conn.countAll PostgresDb.TableName
Expect.equal remaining 5 "There should have been 5 documents remaining"
|> testSequenced
@ -240,9 +240,8 @@ let integrationTests =
testTask "scalar succeeds" {
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
let! nbr = Custom.scalar $"SELECT 5 AS test_value" [] (fun row -> "test_value")
use db = PostgresDb.BuildDb()
let! nbr = Custom.scalar "SELECT 5 AS test_value" [] (fun row -> "test_value")
Expect.equal nbr 5 "The query should have returned the number 5"
@ -8,8 +8,9 @@ let allTests =
testSequenced SqliteExtensionTests.integrationTests
testSequenced SqliteCSharpExtensionTests.Integration ]
@ -9,17 +9,10 @@ open Types
/// Integration tests for the F# extensions on the SqliteConnection data type
let integrationTests =
let documents = [
{ Id = "one"; Value = "FIRST!"; NumValue = 0; Sub = None }
{ Id = "two"; Value = "another"; NumValue = 10; Sub = Some { Foo = "green"; Bar = "blue" } }
{ Id = "three"; Value = ""; NumValue = 4; Sub = None }
{ Id = "four"; Value = "purple"; NumValue = 17; Sub = Some { Foo = "green"; Bar = "red" } }
{ Id = "five"; Value = "purple"; NumValue = 18; Sub = None }
let loadDocs () = backgroundTask {
for doc in documents do do! insert SqliteDb.TableName doc
for doc in testDocuments do do! insert SqliteDb.TableName doc
testList "Extensions" [
testList "Sqlite.Extensions" [
testTask "ensureTable succeeds" {
use! db = SqliteDb.BuildDb()
use conn = Configuration.dbConn ()
@ -465,3 +458,4 @@ let integrationTests =
Configuration.useConnectionString "data source=:memory:"
|> testSequenced
@ -10,4 +10,14 @@ type JsonDocument =
NumValue: int
Sub: SubDocument option }
/// An empty JsonDocument
let emptyDoc = { Id = ""; Value = ""; NumValue = 0; Sub = None }
/// Documents to use for testing
let testDocuments = [
{ Id = "one"; Value = "FIRST!"; NumValue = 0; Sub = None }
{ Id = "two"; Value = "another"; NumValue = 10; Sub = Some { Foo = "green"; Bar = "blue" } }
{ Id = "three"; Value = ""; NumValue = 4; Sub = None }
{ Id = "four"; Value = "purple"; NumValue = 17; Sub = Some { Foo = "green"; Bar = "red" } }
{ Id = "five"; Value = "purple"; NumValue = 18; Sub = None }
Reference in New Issue
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