This encompasses:
- New behavior for SQLite
- Migrated behavior for PostrgeSQL (from BitBadger.Npgsql.FSharp.Documents)
- New "byField" behavior for PostgreSQL
- A unification of C# and F# centric implementations
This commit is contained in:
Daniel J. Summers 2024-01-06 15:51:48 -05:00 committed by GitHub
parent a0a4f6604c
commit 68ad874256
No known key found for this signature in database
36 changed files with 8604 additions and 0 deletions

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# BitBadger.Documents
This library provides a lightweight document storage implementation backed by either PostgreSQL or SQLite. Both of these databases have great support for storing, retrieving, and manipulating JSON fields; this library leverages that, and provides a straightforward way to store documents.
## NuGet Packages
| PostgreSQL | SQLite |
## More Information
See [the project site]( for a full description and documentation.

src/.idea/.idea.BitBadger.Documents/.idea/.gitignore generated vendored Normal file
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# Default ignored files
# Rider ignored files
# Editor-based HTTP Client requests
# Datasource local storage ignored files

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project version="4">
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project version="4">
<component name="VcsDirectoryMappings">
<mapping directory="" vcs="Git" />
<mapping directory="$PROJECT_DIR$/.." vcs="Git" />

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<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<PackageReleaseNotes>Initial release (RC 1)</PackageReleaseNotes>
<PackageTags>JSON Document SQL</PackageTags>
<Compile Include="Library.fs" />
<None Include="" Pack="true" PackagePath="\" />
<None Include="..\icon.png" Pack="true" PackagePath="\" />
<PackageReference Include="FSharp.SystemTextJson" Version="1.2.42" />

src/Common/Library.fs Normal file
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namespace BitBadger.Documents
/// The types of logical operations available for JSON fields
type Op =
/// Equals (=)
| EQ
/// Greater Than (>)
| GT
/// Greater Than or Equal To (>=)
| GE
/// Less Than (<)
| LT
/// Less Than or Equal To (<=)
| LE
/// Not Equal to (<>)
| NE
/// Exists (IS NOT NULL)
| EX
/// Does Not Exist (IS NULL)
override this.ToString() =
match this with
| EQ -> "="
| GT -> ">"
| GE -> ">="
| LT -> "<"
| LE -> "<="
| NE -> "<>"
| NEX -> "IS NULL"
/// The required document serialization implementation
type IDocumentSerializer =
/// Serialize an object to a JSON string
abstract Serialize<'T> : 'T -> string
/// Deserialize a JSON string into an object
abstract Deserialize<'T> : string -> 'T
/// Document serializer defaults
module DocumentSerializer =
open System.Text.Json
open System.Text.Json.Serialization
/// The default JSON serializer options to use with the stock serializer
let private jsonDefaultOpts =
let o = JsonSerializerOptions()
/// The default JSON serializer
[<CompiledName "Default">]
let ``default`` =
{ new IDocumentSerializer with
member _.Serialize<'T>(it: 'T) : string =
JsonSerializer.Serialize(it, jsonDefaultOpts)
member _.Deserialize<'T>(it: string) : 'T =
JsonSerializer.Deserialize<'T>(it, jsonDefaultOpts)
/// Configuration for document handling
module Configuration =
/// The serializer to use for document manipulation
let mutable private serializerValue = DocumentSerializer.``default``
/// Register a serializer to use for translating documents to domain types
[<CompiledName "UseSerializer">]
let useSerializer ser =
serializerValue <- ser
/// Retrieve the currently configured serializer
[<CompiledName "Serializer">]
let serializer () =
/// The serialized name of the ID field for documents
let mutable idFieldValue = "Id"
/// Specify the name of the ID field for documents
[<CompiledName "UseIdField">]
let useIdField it =
idFieldValue <- it
/// Retrieve the currently configured ID field for documents
[<CompiledName "IdField">]
let idField () =
/// Query construction functions
module Query =
/// Create a SELECT clause to retrieve the document data from the given table
[<CompiledName "SelectFromTable">]
let selectFromTable tableName =
$"SELECT data FROM %s{tableName}"
/// Create a WHERE clause fragment to implement a comparison on a field in a JSON document
[<CompiledName "WhereByField">]
let whereByField fieldName op paramName =
let theRest =
match op with
| EX | NEX -> string op
| _ -> $"{op} %s{paramName}"
$"data ->> '%s{fieldName}' {theRest}"
/// Create a WHERE clause fragment to implement an ID-based query
[<CompiledName "WhereById">]
let whereById paramName =
whereByField (Configuration.idField ()) EQ paramName
/// Queries to define tables and indexes
module Definition =
/// SQL statement to create a document table
[<CompiledName "EnsureTableFor">]
let ensureTableFor name dataType =
$"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS %s{name} (data %s{dataType} NOT NULL)"
/// Split a schema and table name
let private splitSchemaAndTable (tableName: string) =
let parts = tableName.Split '.'
if Array.length parts = 1 then "", tableName else parts[0], parts[1]
/// SQL statement to create an index on one or more fields in a JSON document
[<CompiledName "EnsureIndexOn">]
let ensureIndexOn tableName indexName (fields: string seq) =
let _, tbl = splitSchemaAndTable tableName
let jsonFields =
|> (fun it ->
let parts = it.Split ' '
let fieldName = if Array.length parts = 1 then it else parts[0]
let direction = if Array.length parts < 2 then "" else $" {parts[1]}"
$"(data ->> '{fieldName}'){direction}")
|> String.concat ", "
$"CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_{tbl}_%s{indexName} ON {tableName} ({jsonFields})"
/// SQL statement to create a key index for a document table
[<CompiledName "EnsureKey">]
let ensureKey tableName =
(ensureIndexOn tableName "key" [ Configuration.idField () ]).Replace("INDEX", "UNIQUE INDEX")
/// Query to insert a document
[<CompiledName "Insert">]
let insert tableName =
$"INSERT INTO %s{tableName} VALUES (@data)"
/// Query to save a document, inserting it if it does not exist and updating it if it does (AKA "upsert")
[<CompiledName "Save">]
let save tableName =
"INSERT INTO %s VALUES (@data) ON CONFLICT ((data ->> '%s')) DO UPDATE SET data ="
tableName (Configuration.idField ())
/// Query to update a document
[<CompiledName "Update">]
let update tableName =
$"""UPDATE %s{tableName} SET data = @data WHERE {whereById "@id"}"""
/// Queries for counting documents
module Count =
/// Query to count all documents in a table
[<CompiledName "All">]
let all tableName =
$"SELECT COUNT(*) AS it FROM %s{tableName}"
/// Query to count matching documents using a text comparison on a JSON field
[<CompiledName "ByField">]
let byField tableName fieldName op =
$"""SELECT COUNT(*) AS it FROM %s{tableName} WHERE {whereByField fieldName op "@field"}"""
/// Queries for determining document existence
module Exists =
/// Query to determine if a document exists for the given ID
[<CompiledName "ById">]
let byId tableName =
$"""SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM %s{tableName} WHERE {whereById "@id"}) AS it"""
/// Query to determine if documents exist using a comparison on a JSON field
[<CompiledName "ByField">]
let byField tableName fieldName op =
$"""SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM %s{tableName} WHERE {whereByField fieldName op "@field"}) AS it"""
/// Queries for retrieving documents
module Find =
/// Query to retrieve a document by its ID
[<CompiledName "ById">]
let byId tableName =
$"""{selectFromTable tableName} WHERE {whereById "@id"}"""
/// Query to retrieve documents using a comparison on a JSON field
[<CompiledName "ByField">]
let byField tableName fieldName op =
$"""{selectFromTable tableName} WHERE {whereByField fieldName op "@field"}"""
/// Queries to delete documents
module Delete =
/// Query to delete a document by its ID
[<CompiledName "ById">]
let byId tableName =
$"""DELETE FROM %s{tableName} WHERE {whereById "@id"}"""
/// Query to delete documents using a comparison on a JSON field
[<CompiledName "ByField">]
let byField tableName fieldName op =
$"""DELETE FROM %s{tableName} WHERE {whereByField fieldName op "@field"}"""

src/Common/ Normal file
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# BitBadger.Documents.Common
This package provides common definitions and functionality for `BitBadger.Documents` implementations. These libraries provide a document storage view over relational databases, while also providing convenience functions for relational usage as well. This enables a hybrid approach to data storage, allowing the user to use documents where they make sense, while streamlining traditional ADO.NET functionality where relational data is required.
- `BitBadger.Documents.Postgres` ([NuGet]( provides a PostgreSQL implementation.
- `BitBadger.Documents.Sqlite` ([NuGet]( provides a SQLite implementation
## Features
- Select, insert, update, save (upsert), delete, count, and check existence of documents, and create tables and indexes for these documents
- Addresses documents via ID and via comparison on any field (for PostgreSQL, also via equality on any property by using JSON containment, or via condition on any property using JSON Path queries)
- Accesses documents as your domain models (<abbr title="Plain Old CLR Objects">POCO</abbr>s)
- Uses `Task`-based async for all data access functions
- Uses building blocks for more complex queries
## Getting Started
Install the library of your choice and follow its README; also, the [project site]( has complete documentation.

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<Company>Bit Badger Solutions</Company>
<Copyright>MIT License</Copyright>

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<Project Sdk="Microsoft.NET.Sdk">
<PackageReleaseNotes>Initial release; migrated from BitBadger.Npgsql.Documents, with field and extension additions (RC 1)</PackageReleaseNotes>
<PackageTags>JSON Document PostgreSQL Npgsql</PackageTags>
<Compile Include="Library.fs" />
<Compile Include="Extensions.fs" />
<None Include="" Pack="true" PackagePath="\" />
<None Include="..\icon.png" Pack="true" PackagePath="\" />
<PackageReference Include="Npgsql.FSharp" Version="5.7.0" />
<ProjectReference Include="..\Common\BitBadger.Documents.Common.fsproj" />

src/Postgres/Extensions.fs Normal file
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namespace BitBadger.Documents.Postgres
open Npgsql
open Npgsql.FSharp
/// F# Extensions for the NpgsqlConnection type
module Extensions =
type NpgsqlConnection with
/// Execute a query that returns a list of results
member conn.customList<'TDoc> query parameters (mapFunc: RowReader -> 'TDoc) =
WithProps.Custom.list<'TDoc> query parameters mapFunc (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Execute a query that returns one or no results; returns None if not found
member conn.customSingle<'TDoc> query parameters (mapFunc: RowReader -> 'TDoc) =
WithProps.Custom.single<'TDoc> query parameters mapFunc (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Execute a query that returns no results
member conn.customNonQuery query parameters =
WithProps.Custom.nonQuery query parameters (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Execute a query that returns a scalar value
member conn.customScalar<'T when 'T: struct> query parameters (mapFunc: RowReader -> 'T) =
WithProps.Custom.scalar query parameters mapFunc (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Create a document table
member conn.ensureTable name =
WithProps.Definition.ensureTable name (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Create an index on documents in the specified table
member conn.ensureDocumentIndex name idxType =
WithProps.Definition.ensureDocumentIndex name idxType (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Create an index on field(s) within documents in the specified table
member conn.ensureFieldIndex tableName indexName fields =
WithProps.Definition.ensureFieldIndex tableName indexName fields (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Insert a new document
member conn.insert<'TDoc> tableName (document: 'TDoc) =
WithProps.Document.insert<'TDoc> tableName document (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Save a document, inserting it if it does not exist and updating it if it does (AKA "upsert")
member<'TDoc> tableName (document: 'TDoc) =<'TDoc> tableName document (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Count all documents in a table
member conn.countAll tableName =
WithProps.Count.all tableName (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Count matching documents using a JSON field comparison query (->> =)
member conn.countByField tableName fieldName op (value: obj) =
WithProps.Count.byField tableName fieldName op value (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Count matching documents using a JSON containment query (@>)
member conn.countByContains tableName criteria =
WithProps.Count.byContains tableName criteria (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Count matching documents using a JSON Path match query (@?)
member conn.countByJsonPath tableName jsonPath =
WithProps.Count.byJsonPath tableName jsonPath (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Determine if a document exists for the given ID
member conn.existsById tableName docId =
WithProps.Exists.byId tableName docId (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Determine if documents exist using a JSON field comparison query (->> =)
member conn.existsByField tableName fieldName op (value: obj) =
WithProps.Exists.byField tableName fieldName op value (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Determine if documents exist using a JSON containment query (@>)
member conn.existsByContains tableName criteria =
WithProps.Exists.byContains tableName criteria (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Determine if documents exist using a JSON Path match query (@?)
member conn.existsByJsonPath tableName jsonPath =
WithProps.Exists.byJsonPath tableName jsonPath (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Retrieve all documents in the given table
member conn.findAll<'TDoc> tableName =
WithProps.Find.all<'TDoc> tableName (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Retrieve a document by its ID; returns None if not found
member conn.findById<'TKey, 'TDoc> tableName docId =
WithProps.Find.byId<'TKey, 'TDoc> tableName docId (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Retrieve documents matching a JSON field comparison query (->> =)
member conn.findByField<'TDoc> tableName fieldName op (value: obj) =
WithProps.Find.byField<'TDoc> tableName fieldName op value (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Retrieve documents matching a JSON containment query (@>)
member conn.findByContains<'TDoc> tableName (criteria: obj) =
WithProps.Find.byContains<'TDoc> tableName criteria (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Retrieve documents matching a JSON Path match query (@?)
member conn.findByJsonPath<'TDoc> tableName jsonPath =
WithProps.Find.byJsonPath<'TDoc> tableName jsonPath (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Retrieve the first document matching a JSON field comparison query (->> =); returns None if not found
member conn.findFirstByField<'TDoc> tableName fieldName op (value: obj) =
WithProps.Find.firstByField<'TDoc> tableName fieldName op value (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Retrieve the first document matching a JSON containment query (@>); returns None if not found
member conn.findFirstByContains<'TDoc> tableName (criteria: obj) =
WithProps.Find.firstByContains<'TDoc> tableName criteria (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Retrieve the first document matching a JSON Path match query (@?); returns None if not found
member conn.findFirstByJsonPath<'TDoc> tableName jsonPath =
WithProps.Find.firstByJsonPath<'TDoc> tableName jsonPath (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Update an entire document by its ID
member conn.updateById tableName (docId: 'TKey) (document: 'TDoc) =
WithProps.Update.byId tableName docId document (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Update an entire document by its ID, using the provided function to obtain the ID from the document
member conn.updateByFunc tableName (idFunc: 'TDoc -> 'TKey) (document: 'TDoc) =
WithProps.Update.byFunc tableName idFunc document (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Patch a document by its ID
member conn.patchById tableName (docId: 'TKey) (patch: 'TPatch) =
WithProps.Patch.byId tableName docId patch (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Patch documents using a JSON field comparison query in the WHERE clause (->> =)
member conn.patchByField tableName fieldName op (value: obj) (patch: 'TPatch) =
WithProps.Patch.byField tableName fieldName op value patch (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Patch documents using a JSON containment query in the WHERE clause (@>)
member conn.patchByContains tableName (criteria: 'TCriteria) (patch: 'TPatch) =
WithProps.Patch.byContains tableName criteria patch (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Patch documents using a JSON Path match query in the WHERE clause (@?)
member conn.patchByJsonPath tableName jsonPath (patch: 'TPatch) =
WithProps.Patch.byJsonPath tableName jsonPath patch (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Delete a document by its ID
member conn.deleteById tableName (docId: 'TKey) =
WithProps.Delete.byId tableName docId (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Delete documents by matching a JSON field comparison query (->> =)
member conn.deleteByField tableName fieldName op (value: obj) =
WithProps.Delete.byField tableName fieldName op value (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Delete documents by matching a JSON containment query (@>)
member conn.deleteByContains tableName (criteria: 'TContains) =
WithProps.Delete.byContains tableName criteria (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Delete documents by matching a JSON Path match query (@?)
member conn.deleteByJsonPath tableName path =
WithProps.Delete.byJsonPath tableName path (Sql.existingConnection conn)
open System.Runtime.CompilerServices
/// C# extensions on the NpgsqlConnection type
type NpgsqlConnectionCSharpExtensions =
/// Execute a query that returns a list of results
static member inline CustomList<'TDoc>(conn, query, parameters, mapFunc: System.Func<RowReader, 'TDoc>) =
WithProps.Custom.List<'TDoc>(query, parameters, mapFunc, Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Execute a query that returns one or no results; returns None if not found
static member inline CustomSingle<'TDoc when 'TDoc: null>(
conn, query, parameters, mapFunc: System.Func<RowReader, 'TDoc>) =
WithProps.Custom.Single<'TDoc>(query, parameters, mapFunc, Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Execute a query that returns no results
static member inline CustomNonQuery(conn, query, parameters) =
WithProps.Custom.nonQuery query parameters (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Execute a query that returns a scalar value
static member inline CustomScalar<'T when 'T: struct>(
conn, query, parameters, mapFunc: System.Func<RowReader, 'T>) =
WithProps.Custom.Scalar(query, parameters, mapFunc, Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Create a document table
static member inline EnsureTable(conn, name) =
WithProps.Definition.ensureTable name (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Create an index on documents in the specified table
static member inline EnsureDocumentIndex(conn, name, idxType) =
WithProps.Definition.ensureDocumentIndex name idxType (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Create an index on field(s) within documents in the specified table
static member inline EnsureFieldIndex(conn, tableName, indexName, fields) =
WithProps.Definition.ensureFieldIndex tableName indexName fields (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Insert a new document
static member inline Insert<'TDoc>(conn, tableName, document: 'TDoc) =
WithProps.Document.insert<'TDoc> tableName document (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Save a document, inserting it if it does not exist and updating it if it does (AKA "upsert")
static member inline Save<'TDoc>(conn, tableName, document: 'TDoc) =<'TDoc> tableName document (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Count all documents in a table
static member inline CountAll(conn, tableName) =
WithProps.Count.all tableName (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Count matching documents using a JSON field comparison query (->> =)
static member inline CountByField(conn, tableName, fieldName, op, value: obj) =
WithProps.Count.byField tableName fieldName op value (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Count matching documents using a JSON containment query (@>)
static member inline CountByContains(conn, tableName, criteria: 'TCriteria) =
WithProps.Count.byContains tableName criteria (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Count matching documents using a JSON Path match query (@?)
static member inline CountByJsonPath(conn, tableName, jsonPath) =
WithProps.Count.byJsonPath tableName jsonPath (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Determine if a document exists for the given ID
static member inline ExistsById(conn, tableName, docId) =
WithProps.Exists.byId tableName docId (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Determine if documents exist using a JSON field comparison query (->> =)
static member inline ExistsByField(conn, tableName, fieldName, op, value: obj) =
WithProps.Exists.byField tableName fieldName op value (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Determine if documents exist using a JSON containment query (@>)
static member inline ExistsByContains(conn, tableName, criteria: 'TCriteria) =
WithProps.Exists.byContains tableName criteria (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Determine if documents exist using a JSON Path match query (@?)
static member inline ExistsByJsonPath(conn, tableName, jsonPath) =
WithProps.Exists.byJsonPath tableName jsonPath (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Retrieve all documents in the given table
static member inline FindAll<'TDoc>(conn, tableName) =
WithProps.Find.All<'TDoc>(tableName, Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Retrieve a document by its ID; returns None if not found
static member inline FindById<'TKey, 'TDoc when 'TDoc: null>(conn, tableName, docId: 'TKey) =
WithProps.Find.ById<'TKey, 'TDoc>(tableName, docId, Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Retrieve documents matching a JSON field comparison query (->> =)
static member inline FindByField<'TDoc>(conn, tableName, fieldName, op, value: obj) =
WithProps.Find.ByField<'TDoc>(tableName, fieldName, op, value, Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Retrieve documents matching a JSON containment query (@>)
static member inline FindByContains<'TDoc>(conn, tableName, criteria: obj) =
WithProps.Find.ByContains<'TDoc>(tableName, criteria, Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Retrieve documents matching a JSON Path match query (@?)
static member inline FindByJsonPath<'TDoc>(conn, tableName, jsonPath) =
WithProps.Find.ByJsonPath<'TDoc>(tableName, jsonPath, Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Retrieve the first document matching a JSON field comparison query (->> =); returns None if not found
static member inline FindFirstByField<'TDoc when 'TDoc: null>(conn, tableName, fieldName, op, value: obj) =
WithProps.Find.FirstByField<'TDoc>(tableName, fieldName, op, value, Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Retrieve the first document matching a JSON containment query (@>); returns None if not found
static member inline FindFirstByContains<'TDoc when 'TDoc: null>(conn, tableName, criteria: obj) =
WithProps.Find.FirstByContains<'TDoc>(tableName, criteria, Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Retrieve the first document matching a JSON Path match query (@?); returns None if not found
static member inline FindFirstByJsonPath<'TDoc when 'TDoc: null>(conn, tableName, jsonPath) =
WithProps.Find.FirstByJsonPath<'TDoc>(tableName, jsonPath, Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Update an entire document by its ID
static member inline UpdateById(conn, tableName, docId: 'TKey, document: 'TDoc) =
WithProps.Update.byId tableName docId document (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Update an entire document by its ID, using the provided function to obtain the ID from the document
static member inline UpdateByFunc(conn, tableName, idFunc: System.Func<'TDoc, 'TKey>, document: 'TDoc) =
WithProps.Update.ByFunc(tableName, idFunc, document, Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Patch a document by its ID
static member inline PatchById(conn, tableName, docId: 'TKey, patch: 'TPatch) =
WithProps.Patch.byId tableName docId patch (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Patch documents using a JSON field comparison query in the WHERE clause (->> =)
static member inline PatchByField(conn, tableName, fieldName, op, value: obj, patch: 'TPatch) =
WithProps.Patch.byField tableName fieldName op value patch (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Patch documents using a JSON containment query in the WHERE clause (@>)
static member inline PatchByContains(conn, tableName, criteria: 'TCriteria, patch: 'TPatch) =
WithProps.Patch.byContains tableName criteria patch (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Patch documents using a JSON Path match query in the WHERE clause (@?)
static member inline PatchByJsonPath(conn, tableName, jsonPath, patch: 'TPatch) =
WithProps.Patch.byJsonPath tableName jsonPath patch (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Delete a document by its ID
static member inline DeleteById(conn, tableName, docId: 'TKey) =
WithProps.Delete.byId tableName docId (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Delete documents by matching a JSON field comparison query (->> =)
static member inline DeleteByField(conn, tableName, fieldName, op, value: obj) =
WithProps.Delete.byField tableName fieldName op value (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Delete documents by matching a JSON containment query (@>)
static member inline DeleteByContains(conn, tableName, criteria: 'TContains) =
WithProps.Delete.byContains tableName criteria (Sql.existingConnection conn)
/// Delete documents by matching a JSON Path match query (@?)
static member inline DeleteByJsonPath(conn, tableName, path) =
WithProps.Delete.byJsonPath tableName path (Sql.existingConnection conn)

src/Postgres/Library.fs Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,770 @@
namespace BitBadger.Documents.Postgres
/// The type of index to generate for the document
type DocumentIndex =
/// A GIN index with standard operations (all operators supported)
| Full
/// A GIN index with JSONPath operations (optimized for @>, @?, @@ operators)
| Optimized
open Npgsql
/// Configuration for document handling
module Configuration =
/// The data source to use for query execution
let mutable private dataSourceValue : NpgsqlDataSource option = None
/// Register a data source to use for query execution (disposes the current one if it exists)
[<CompiledName "UseDataSource">]
let useDataSource source =
if Option.isSome dataSourceValue then dataSourceValue.Value.Dispose()
dataSourceValue <- Some source
/// Retrieve the currently configured data source
[<CompiledName "DataSource">]
let dataSource () =
match dataSourceValue with
| Some source -> source
| None -> invalidOp "Please provide a data source before attempting data access"
open Npgsql.FSharp
/// Helper functions
module private Helpers =
/// Shorthand to retrieve the data source as SqlProps
let internal fromDataSource () =
Configuration.dataSource () |> Sql.fromDataSource
/// Execute a task and ignore the result
let internal ignoreTask<'T> (it : System.Threading.Tasks.Task<'T>) = backgroundTask {
let! _ = it
open BitBadger.Documents
/// Functions for creating parameters
module Parameters =
/// Create an ID parameter (name "@id", key will be treated as a string)
[<CompiledName "Id">]
let idParam (key: 'TKey) =
"@id", Sql.string (string key)
/// Create a parameter with a JSON value
[<CompiledName "Json">]
let jsonParam (name: string) (it: 'TJson) =
name, Sql.jsonb (Configuration.serializer().Serialize it)
/// Create a JSON field parameter (name "@field")
[<CompiledName "Field">]
let fieldParam (value: obj) =
"@field", Sql.parameter (NpgsqlParameter("@field", value))
/// An empty parameter sequence
[<CompiledName "None">]
let noParams =
Seq.empty<string * SqlValue>
/// Query construction functions
module Query =
/// Table and index definition queries
module Definition =
/// SQL statement to create a document table
[<CompiledName "EnsureTable">]
let ensureTable name =
Query.Definition.ensureTableFor name "JSONB"
/// SQL statement to create an index on JSON documents in the specified table
[<CompiledName "EnsureDocumentIndex">]
let ensureDocumentIndex (name: string) idxType =
let extraOps = match idxType with Full -> "" | Optimized -> " jsonb_path_ops"
let tableName = name.Split '.' |> Array.last
$"CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_{tableName}_document ON {name} USING GIN (data{extraOps})"
/// Create a WHERE clause fragment to implement a @> (JSON contains) condition
[<CompiledName "WhereDataContains">]
let whereDataContains paramName =
$"data @> %s{paramName}"
/// Create a WHERE clause fragment to implement a @? (JSON Path match) condition
[<CompiledName "WhereJsonPathMatches">]
let whereJsonPathMatches paramName =
$"data @? %s{paramName}::jsonpath"
/// Queries for counting documents
module Count =
/// Query to count matching documents using a JSON containment query (@>)
[<CompiledName "ByContains">]
let byContains tableName =
$"""SELECT COUNT(*) AS it FROM %s{tableName} WHERE {whereDataContains "@criteria"}"""
/// Query to count matching documents using a JSON Path match (@?)
[<CompiledName "ByJsonPath">]
let byJsonPath tableName =
$"""SELECT COUNT(*) AS it FROM %s{tableName} WHERE {whereJsonPathMatches "@path"}"""
/// Queries for determining document existence
module Exists =
/// Query to determine if documents exist using a JSON containment query (@>)
[<CompiledName "ByContains">]
let byContains tableName =
$"""SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM %s{tableName} WHERE {whereDataContains "@criteria"}) AS it"""
/// Query to determine if documents exist using a JSON Path match (@?)
[<CompiledName "ByJsonPath">]
let byJsonPath tableName =
$"""SELECT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM %s{tableName} WHERE {whereJsonPathMatches "@path"}) AS it"""
/// Queries for retrieving documents
module Find =
/// Query to retrieve documents using a JSON containment query (@>)
[<CompiledName "ByContains">]
let byContains tableName =
$"""{Query.selectFromTable tableName} WHERE {whereDataContains "@criteria"}"""
/// Query to retrieve documents using a JSON Path match (@?)
[<CompiledName "ByJsonPath">]
let byJsonPath tableName =
$"""{Query.selectFromTable tableName} WHERE {whereJsonPathMatches "@path"}"""
/// Queries to patch (partially update) documents
module Patch =
/// Query to patch a document by its ID
[<CompiledName "ById">]
let byId tableName =
$"""UPDATE %s{tableName} SET data = data || @data WHERE {Query.whereById "@id"}"""
/// Query to patch documents match a JSON field comparison (->> =)
[<CompiledName "ByField">]
let byField tableName fieldName op =
$"""UPDATE %s{tableName} SET data = data || @data WHERE {Query.whereByField fieldName op "@field"}"""
/// Query to patch documents matching a JSON containment query (@>)
[<CompiledName "ByContains">]
let byContains tableName =
$"""UPDATE %s{tableName} SET data = data || @data WHERE {whereDataContains "@criteria"}"""
/// Query to patch documents matching a JSON containment query (@>)
[<CompiledName "ByJsonPath">]
let byJsonPath tableName =
$"""UPDATE %s{tableName} SET data = data || @data WHERE {whereJsonPathMatches "@path"}"""
/// Queries to delete documents
module Delete =
/// Query to delete documents using a JSON containment query (@>)
[<CompiledName "ByContains">]
let byContains tableName =
$"""DELETE FROM %s{tableName} WHERE {whereDataContains "@criteria"}"""
/// Query to delete documents using a JSON Path match (@?)
[<CompiledName "ByJsonPath">]
let byJsonPath tableName =
$"""DELETE FROM %s{tableName} WHERE {whereJsonPathMatches "@path"}"""
/// Functions for dealing with results
module Results =
/// Create a domain item from a document, specifying the field in which the document is found
[<CompiledName "FromDocument">]
let fromDocument<'T> field (row: RowReader) : 'T =
Configuration.serializer().Deserialize<'T>(row.string field)
/// Create a domain item from a document
[<CompiledName "FromData">]
let fromData<'T> row : 'T =
fromDocument "data" row
/// Extract a count from the column "it"
[<CompiledName "ToCount">]
let toCount (row: RowReader) = "it"
/// Extract a true/false value from the column "it"
[<CompiledName "ToExists">]
let toExists (row: RowReader) =
row.bool "it"
/// Versions of queries that accept SqlProps as the last parameter
module WithProps =
/// Commands to execute custom SQL queries
module Custom =
/// Execute a query that returns a list of results
[<CompiledName "FSharpList">]
let list<'TDoc> query parameters (mapFunc: RowReader -> 'TDoc) sqlProps =
Sql.query query sqlProps
|> Sql.parameters parameters
|> Sql.executeAsync mapFunc
/// Execute a query that returns a list of results
let List<'TDoc>(query, parameters, mapFunc: System.Func<RowReader, 'TDoc>, sqlProps) = backgroundTask {
let! results = list<'TDoc> query (List.ofSeq parameters) mapFunc.Invoke sqlProps
return ResizeArray results
/// Execute a query that returns one or no results; returns None if not found
[<CompiledName "FSharpSingle">]
let single<'TDoc> query parameters mapFunc sqlProps = backgroundTask {
let! results = list<'TDoc> query parameters mapFunc sqlProps
return FSharp.Collections.List.tryHead results
/// Execute a query that returns one or no results; returns null if not found
let Single<'TDoc when 'TDoc: null>(
query, parameters, mapFunc: System.Func<RowReader, 'TDoc>, sqlProps) = backgroundTask {
let! result = single<'TDoc> query (FSharp.Collections.List.ofSeq parameters) mapFunc.Invoke sqlProps
return Option.toObj result
/// Execute a query that returns no results
[<CompiledName "NonQuery">]
let nonQuery query parameters sqlProps =
Sql.query query sqlProps
|> Sql.parameters (FSharp.Collections.List.ofSeq parameters)
|> Sql.executeNonQueryAsync
|> ignoreTask
/// Execute a query that returns a scalar value
[<CompiledName "FSharpScalar">]
let scalar<'T when 'T: struct> query parameters (mapFunc: RowReader -> 'T) sqlProps =
Sql.query query sqlProps
|> Sql.parameters parameters
|> Sql.executeRowAsync mapFunc
/// Execute a query that returns a scalar value
let Scalar<'T when 'T: struct>(query, parameters, mapFunc: System.Func<RowReader, 'T>, sqlProps) =
scalar<'T> query (FSharp.Collections.List.ofSeq parameters) mapFunc.Invoke sqlProps
/// Table and index definition commands
module Definition =
/// Create a document table
[<CompiledName "EnsureTable">]
let ensureTable name sqlProps = backgroundTask {
do! Custom.nonQuery (Query.Definition.ensureTable name) [] sqlProps
do! Custom.nonQuery (Query.Definition.ensureKey name) [] sqlProps
/// Create an index on documents in the specified table
[<CompiledName "EnsureDocumentIndex">]
let ensureDocumentIndex name idxType sqlProps =
Custom.nonQuery (Query.Definition.ensureDocumentIndex name idxType) [] sqlProps
/// Create an index on field(s) within documents in the specified table
[<CompiledName "EnsureFieldIndex">]
let ensureFieldIndex tableName indexName fields sqlProps =
Custom.nonQuery (Query.Definition.ensureIndexOn tableName indexName fields) [] sqlProps
/// Commands to add documents
module Document =
/// Insert a new document
[<CompiledName "Insert">]
let insert<'TDoc> tableName (document: 'TDoc) sqlProps =
Custom.nonQuery (Query.insert tableName) [ jsonParam "@data" document ] sqlProps
/// Save a document, inserting it if it does not exist and updating it if it does (AKA "upsert")
[<CompiledName "Save">]
let save<'TDoc> tableName (document: 'TDoc) sqlProps =
Custom.nonQuery ( tableName) [ jsonParam "@data" document ] sqlProps
/// Commands to count documents
module Count =
/// Count all documents in a table
[<CompiledName "All">]
let all tableName sqlProps =
Custom.scalar (Query.Count.all tableName) [] toCount sqlProps
/// Count matching documents using a JSON field comparison (->> =)
[<CompiledName "ByField">]
let byField tableName fieldName op (value: obj) sqlProps =
Custom.scalar (Query.Count.byField tableName fieldName op) [ fieldParam value ] toCount sqlProps
/// Count matching documents using a JSON containment query (@>)
[<CompiledName "ByContains">]
let byContains tableName (criteria: 'TContains) sqlProps =
Custom.scalar (Query.Count.byContains tableName) [ jsonParam "@criteria" criteria ] toCount sqlProps
/// Count matching documents using a JSON Path match query (@?)
[<CompiledName "ByJsonPath">]
let byJsonPath tableName jsonPath sqlProps =
Custom.scalar (Query.Count.byJsonPath tableName) [ "@path", Sql.string jsonPath ] toCount sqlProps
/// Commands to determine if documents exist
module Exists =
/// Determine if a document exists for the given ID
[<CompiledName "ById">]
let byId tableName (docId: 'TKey) sqlProps =
Custom.scalar (Query.Exists.byId tableName) [ idParam docId ] toExists sqlProps
/// Determine if a document exists using a JSON field comparison (->> =)
[<CompiledName "ByField">]
let byField tableName fieldName op (value: obj) sqlProps =
Custom.scalar (Query.Exists.byField tableName fieldName op) [ fieldParam value ] toExists sqlProps
/// Determine if a document exists using a JSON containment query (@>)
[<CompiledName "ByContains">]
let byContains tableName (criteria: 'TContains) sqlProps =
Custom.scalar (Query.Exists.byContains tableName) [ jsonParam "@criteria" criteria ] toExists sqlProps
/// Determine if a document exists using a JSON Path match query (@?)
[<CompiledName "ByJsonPath">]
let byJsonPath tableName jsonPath sqlProps =
Custom.scalar (Query.Exists.byJsonPath tableName) [ "@path", Sql.string jsonPath ] toExists sqlProps
/// Commands to determine if documents exist
module Find =
/// Retrieve all documents in the given table
[<CompiledName "FSharpAll">]
let all<'TDoc> tableName sqlProps =
Custom.list<'TDoc> (Query.selectFromTable tableName) [] fromData<'TDoc> sqlProps
/// Retrieve all documents in the given table
let All<'TDoc>(tableName, sqlProps) =
Custom.List<'TDoc>(Query.selectFromTable tableName, [], fromData<'TDoc>, sqlProps)
/// Retrieve a document by its ID (returns None if not found)
[<CompiledName "FSharpById">]
let byId<'TKey, 'TDoc> tableName (docId: 'TKey) sqlProps =
Custom.single (Query.Find.byId tableName) [ idParam docId ] fromData<'TDoc> sqlProps
/// Retrieve a document by its ID (returns null if not found)
let ById<'TKey, 'TDoc when 'TDoc: null>(tableName, docId: 'TKey, sqlProps) =
Custom.Single<'TDoc>(Query.Find.byId tableName, [ idParam docId ], fromData<'TDoc>, sqlProps)
/// Retrieve documents matching a JSON field comparison (->> =)
[<CompiledName "FSharpByField">]
let byField<'TDoc> tableName fieldName op (value: obj) sqlProps =
Custom.list<'TDoc> (Query.Find.byField tableName fieldName op) [ fieldParam value ] fromData<'TDoc> sqlProps
/// Retrieve documents matching a JSON field comparison (->> =)
let ByField<'TDoc>(tableName, fieldName, op, value: obj, sqlProps) =
Query.Find.byField tableName fieldName op, [ fieldParam value ], fromData<'TDoc>, sqlProps)
/// Retrieve documents matching a JSON containment query (@>)
[<CompiledName "FSharpByContains">]
let byContains<'TDoc> tableName (criteria: obj) sqlProps =
(Query.Find.byContains tableName) [ jsonParam "@criteria" criteria ] fromData<'TDoc> sqlProps
/// Retrieve documents matching a JSON containment query (@>)
let ByContains<'TDoc>(tableName, criteria: obj, sqlProps) =
Query.Find.byContains tableName, [ jsonParam "@criteria" criteria ], fromData<'TDoc>, sqlProps)
/// Retrieve documents matching a JSON Path match query (@?)
[<CompiledName "FSharpByJsonPath">]
let byJsonPath<'TDoc> tableName jsonPath sqlProps =
(Query.Find.byJsonPath tableName) [ "@path", Sql.string jsonPath ] fromData<'TDoc> sqlProps
/// Retrieve documents matching a JSON Path match query (@?)
let ByJsonPath<'TDoc>(tableName, jsonPath, sqlProps) =
Query.Find.byJsonPath tableName, [ "@path", Sql.string jsonPath ], fromData<'TDoc>, sqlProps)
/// Retrieve the first document matching a JSON field comparison (->> =); returns None if not found
[<CompiledName "FSharpFirstByField">]
let firstByField<'TDoc> tableName fieldName op (value: obj) sqlProps =
$"{Query.Find.byField tableName fieldName op} LIMIT 1" [ fieldParam value ] fromData<'TDoc> sqlProps
/// Retrieve the first document matching a JSON field comparison (->> =); returns null if not found
let FirstByField<'TDoc when 'TDoc: null>(tableName, fieldName, op, value: obj, sqlProps) =
$"{Query.Find.byField tableName fieldName op} LIMIT 1", [ fieldParam value ], fromData<'TDoc>, sqlProps)
/// Retrieve the first document matching a JSON containment query (@>); returns None if not found
[<CompiledName "FSharpFirstByContains">]
let firstByContains<'TDoc> tableName (criteria: obj) sqlProps =
$"{Query.Find.byContains tableName} LIMIT 1" [ jsonParam "@criteria" criteria ] fromData<'TDoc> sqlProps
/// Retrieve the first document matching a JSON containment query (@>); returns null if not found
let FirstByContains<'TDoc when 'TDoc: null>(tableName, criteria: obj, sqlProps) =
$"{Query.Find.byContains tableName} LIMIT 1",
[ jsonParam "@criteria" criteria ],
/// Retrieve the first document matching a JSON Path match query (@?); returns None if not found
[<CompiledName "FSharpFirstByJsonPath">]
let firstByJsonPath<'TDoc> tableName jsonPath sqlProps =
$"{Query.Find.byJsonPath tableName} LIMIT 1" [ "@path", Sql.string jsonPath ] fromData<'TDoc> sqlProps
/// Retrieve the first document matching a JSON Path match query (@?); returns null if not found
let FirstByJsonPath<'TDoc when 'TDoc: null>(tableName, jsonPath, sqlProps) =
$"{Query.Find.byJsonPath tableName} LIMIT 1",
[ "@path", Sql.string jsonPath ],
/// Commands to update documents
module Update =
/// Update an entire document by its ID
[<CompiledName "ById">]
let byId tableName (docId: 'TKey) (document: 'TDoc) sqlProps =
Custom.nonQuery (Query.update tableName) [ idParam docId; jsonParam "@data" document ] sqlProps
/// Update an entire document by its ID, using the provided function to obtain the ID from the document
[<CompiledName "FSharpByFunc">]
let byFunc tableName (idFunc: 'TDoc -> 'TKey) (document: 'TDoc) sqlProps =
byId tableName (idFunc document) document sqlProps
/// Update an entire document by its ID, using the provided function to obtain the ID from the document
let ByFunc(tableName, idFunc: System.Func<'TDoc, 'TKey>, document: 'TDoc, sqlProps) =
byFunc tableName idFunc.Invoke document sqlProps
/// Commands to patch (partially update) documents
module Patch =
/// Patch a document by its ID
[<CompiledName "ById">]
let byId tableName (docId: 'TKey) (patch: 'TPatch) sqlProps =
Custom.nonQuery (Query.Patch.byId tableName) [ idParam docId; jsonParam "@data" patch ] sqlProps
/// Patch documents using a JSON field comparison query in the WHERE clause (->> =)
[<CompiledName "ByField">]
let byField tableName fieldName op (value: obj) (patch: 'TPatch) sqlProps =
(Query.Patch.byField tableName fieldName op) [ jsonParam "@data" patch; fieldParam value ] sqlProps
/// Patch documents using a JSON containment query in the WHERE clause (@>)
[<CompiledName "ByContains">]
let byContains tableName (criteria: 'TContains) (patch: 'TPatch) sqlProps =
(Query.Patch.byContains tableName) [ jsonParam "@data" patch; jsonParam "@criteria" criteria ] sqlProps
/// Patch documents using a JSON Path match query in the WHERE clause (@?)
[<CompiledName "ByJsonPath">]
let byJsonPath tableName jsonPath (patch: 'TPatch) sqlProps =
(Query.Patch.byJsonPath tableName) [ jsonParam "@data" patch; "@path", Sql.string jsonPath ] sqlProps
/// Commands to delete documents
module Delete =
/// Delete a document by its ID
[<CompiledName "ById">]
let byId tableName (docId: 'TKey) sqlProps =
Custom.nonQuery (Query.Delete.byId tableName) [ idParam docId ] sqlProps
/// Delete documents by matching a JSON field comparison query (->> =)
[<CompiledName "ByField">]
let byField tableName fieldName op (value: obj) sqlProps =
Custom.nonQuery (Query.Delete.byField tableName fieldName op) [ fieldParam value ] sqlProps
/// Delete documents by matching a JSON contains query (@>)
[<CompiledName "ByContains">]
let byContains tableName (criteria: 'TCriteria) sqlProps =
Custom.nonQuery (Query.Delete.byContains tableName) [ jsonParam "@criteria" criteria ] sqlProps
/// Delete documents by matching a JSON Path match query (@?)
[<CompiledName "ByJsonPath">]
let byJsonPath tableName path sqlProps =
Custom.nonQuery (Query.Delete.byJsonPath tableName) [ "@path", Sql.string path ] sqlProps
/// Commands to execute custom SQL queries
module Custom =
/// Execute a query that returns a list of results
[<CompiledName "FSharpList">]
let list<'TDoc> query parameters (mapFunc: RowReader -> 'TDoc) =
WithProps.Custom.list<'TDoc> query parameters mapFunc (fromDataSource ())
/// Execute a query that returns a list of results
let List<'TDoc>(query, parameters, mapFunc: System.Func<RowReader, 'TDoc>) =
WithProps.Custom.List<'TDoc>(query, parameters, mapFunc, fromDataSource ())
/// Execute a query that returns one or no results; returns None if not found
[<CompiledName "FSharpSingle">]
let single<'TDoc> query parameters (mapFunc: RowReader -> 'TDoc) =
WithProps.Custom.single<'TDoc> query parameters mapFunc (fromDataSource ())
/// Execute a query that returns one or no results; returns null if not found
let Single<'TDoc when 'TDoc: null>(query, parameters, mapFunc: System.Func<RowReader, 'TDoc>) =
WithProps.Custom.Single<'TDoc>(query, parameters, mapFunc, fromDataSource ())
/// Execute a query that returns no results
[<CompiledName "NonQuery">]
let nonQuery query parameters =
WithProps.Custom.nonQuery query parameters (fromDataSource ())
/// Execute a query that returns a scalar value
[<CompiledName "FSharpScalar">]
let scalar<'T when 'T: struct> query parameters (mapFunc: RowReader -> 'T) =
WithProps.Custom.scalar query parameters mapFunc (fromDataSource ())
/// Execute a query that returns a scalar value