diff --git a/src/Postgres/Library.fs b/src/Postgres/Library.fs
index 441117b..d0ab978 100644
--- a/src/Postgres/Library.fs
+++ b/src/Postgres/Library.fs
@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@
/// The type of index to generate for the document
type DocumentIndex =
/// A GIN index with standard operations (all operators supported)
| Full
/// A GIN index with JSONPath operations (optimized for @>, @?, @@ operators)
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ module Configuration =
let useDataSource source =
if Option.isSome dataSourceValue then dataSourceValue.Value.Dispose()
dataSourceValue <- Some source
/// Retrieve the currently configured data source
/// The current data source
/// If no data source has been configured
@@ -36,14 +36,14 @@ module Configuration =
match dataSourceValue with
| Some source -> source
| None -> invalidOp "Please provide a data source before attempting data access"
open Npgsql.FSharp
/// Helper functions
module private Helpers =
/// Shorthand to retrieve the data source as SqlProps
let internal fromDataSource () =
Configuration.dataSource () |> Sql.fromDataSource
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ module private Helpers =
let! _ = it
/// Create a number or string parameter, or use the given parameter derivation function if non-(numeric or string)
let internal parameterFor<'T> (value: 'T) (catchAllFunc: 'T -> SqlValue) =
match box value with
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ open BitBadger.Documents
/// Functions for creating parameters
module Parameters =
/// Create an ID parameter (name "@id")
/// The key value for the ID parameter
/// The name and parameter value for the ID
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ module Parameters =
let jsonParam (name: string) (it: 'TJson) =
name, Sql.jsonb (Configuration.serializer().Serialize it)
/// Create JSON field parameters
/// The Fields to convert to parameters
/// The current parameters for the query
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ module Parameters =
|> Seq.mapi (fun idx v ->
- let paramName = $"{p}_{idx}"
+ let paramName = $"{p}_{idx}"
paramName, Sql.parameter (NpgsqlParameter(paramName, v)))
| InArray (_, values) ->
let p = name.Derive it.ParameterName
@@ -134,17 +134,17 @@ module Parameters =
let fieldNameParams (fieldNames: string seq) =
if Seq.length fieldNames = 1 then "@name", Sql.string (Seq.head fieldNames)
else "@name", Sql.stringArray (Array.ofSeq fieldNames)
/// An empty parameter sequence
let noParams =
/// Query construction functions
module Query =
/// Create a WHERE clause fragment to implement a comparison on fields in a JSON document
@@ -185,17 +185,17 @@ module Query =
let whereById<'TKey> (docId: 'TKey) =
whereByFields Any [ { Field.Equal (Configuration.idField ()) docId with ParameterName = Some "@id" } ]
/// Table and index definition queries
module Definition =
/// SQL statement to create a document table
/// The name of the table (may include schema)
/// A query to create the table if it does not exist
let ensureTable name =
Query.Definition.ensureTableFor name "JSONB"
/// SQL statement to create an index on JSON documents in the specified table
/// The name of the table to be indexed (may include schema)
/// The type of document index to create
@@ -214,152 +214,225 @@ module Query =
let whereDataContains paramName =
$"data @> %s{paramName}"
- /// Create a WHERE clause fragment to implement a @? (JSON Path match) condition
+ ///
+ /// Create a WHERE clause fragment to implement a @? (JSON Path match) condition
+ ///
+ /// The parameter name for the query
+ /// A WHERE clause fragment for the JSON Path match condition
let whereJsonPathMatches paramName =
$"data @? %s{paramName}::jsonpath"
- /// Create an UPDATE statement to patch documents
+ /// Create an UPDATE statement to patch documents
+ /// The table to be updated
+ /// A query to patch documents
let patch tableName =
$"UPDATE %s{tableName} SET data = data || @data"
- /// Create an UPDATE statement to remove fields from documents
+ /// Create an UPDATE statement to remove fields from documents
+ /// The table to be updated
+ /// A query to remove fields from documents
let removeFields tableName =
$"UPDATE %s{tableName} SET data = data - @name"
- /// Create a query by a document's ID
+ /// Create a query by a document's ID
+ /// The SQL statement to be run against a document by its ID
+ /// The ID of the document targeted
+ /// A query addressing a document by its ID
let byId<'TKey> statement (docId: 'TKey) =
Query.statementWhere statement (whereById docId)
- /// Create a query on JSON fields
+ /// Create a query on JSON fields
+ /// The SQL statement to be run against matching fields
+ /// Whether to match any or all of the field conditions
+ /// The field conditions to be matched
+ /// A query addressing documents by field matching conditions
let byFields statement howMatched fields =
Query.statementWhere statement (whereByFields howMatched fields)
- /// Create a JSON containment query
+ /// Create a JSON containment query
+ /// The SQL statement to be run against the containment query
+ /// A query addressing documents by a JSON containment query
let byContains statement =
Query.statementWhere statement (whereDataContains "@criteria")
- /// Create a JSON Path match query
+ /// Create a JSON Path match query
+ /// The SQL statement to run against the JSON Path match
+ /// A query addressing documents by a JSON Path match
let byPathMatch statement =
Query.statementWhere statement (whereJsonPathMatches "@path")
-/// Functions for dealing with results
+/// Functions for dealing with results
module Results =
- /// Create a domain item from a document, specifying the field in which the document is found
+ /// Create a domain item from a document, specifying the field in which the document is found
+ /// The field name containing the JSON document
+ /// A row reader set to the row with the document to be constructed
+ /// The constructed domain item
let fromDocument<'T> field (row: RowReader) : 'T =
Configuration.serializer().Deserialize<'T>(row.string field)
- /// Create a domain item from a document
+ /// Create a domain item from a document
+ /// A row reader set to the row with the document to be constructed
+ /// The constructed domain item
let fromData<'T> row : 'T =
fromDocument "data" row
- /// Extract a count from the column "it"
+ /// Extract a count from the column it
+ /// A row reader set to the row with the count to retrieve
+ /// The count from the row
let toCount (row: RowReader) =
row.int "it"
- /// Extract a true/false value from the column "it"
+ /// Extract a true/false value from the column it
+ /// A row reader set to the row with the true/false value to retrieve
+ /// The true/false value from the row
let toExists (row: RowReader) =
row.bool "it"
-/// Versions of queries that accept SqlProps as the last parameter
+/// Versions of queries that accept SqlProps as the last parameter
module WithProps =
module FSharpList = Microsoft.FSharp.Collections.List
- /// Commands to execute custom SQL queries
+ /// Commands to execute custom SQL queries
module Custom =
- /// Execute a query that returns a list of results
+ /// Execute a query that returns a list of results
+ /// The query to retrieve the results
+ /// Parameters to use for the query
+ /// The mapping function between the document and the domain item
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
+ /// A list of results for the given query
let list<'TDoc> query parameters (mapFunc: RowReader -> 'TDoc) sqlProps =
Sql.query query sqlProps
|> Sql.parameters (List.ofSeq parameters)
|> Sql.executeAsync mapFunc
- /// Execute a query that returns a list of results
+ /// Execute a query that returns a list of results
+ /// The query to retrieve the results
+ /// Parameters to use for the query
+ /// The mapping function between the document and the domain item
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
+ /// A list of results for the given query
let List<'TDoc>(query, parameters, mapFunc: System.Func, sqlProps) = backgroundTask {
let! results = list<'TDoc> query parameters mapFunc.Invoke sqlProps
return ResizeArray results
- /// Execute a query that returns one or no results; returns None if not found
+ /// Execute a query that returns one or no results
+ /// The query to retrieve the results
+ /// Parameters to use for the query
+ /// The mapping function between the document and the domain item
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
+ /// Some with the first matching result, or None if not found
let single<'TDoc> query parameters mapFunc sqlProps = backgroundTask {
let! results = list<'TDoc> query parameters mapFunc sqlProps
- return FSharp.Collections.List.tryHead results
+ return FSharpList.tryHead results
- /// Execute a query that returns one or no results; returns null if not found
+ /// Execute a query that returns one or no results
+ /// The query to retrieve the results
+ /// Parameters to use for the query
+ /// The mapping function between the document and the domain item
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
+ /// The first matching result, or null if not found
let Single<'TDoc when 'TDoc: null and 'TDoc: not struct>(
query, parameters, mapFunc: System.Func, sqlProps) = backgroundTask {
let! result = single<'TDoc> query parameters mapFunc.Invoke sqlProps
return Option.toObj result
- /// Execute a query that returns no results
+ /// Execute a query that returns no results
+ /// The query to retrieve the results
+ /// Parameters to use for the query
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
let nonQuery query parameters sqlProps =
Sql.query query sqlProps
|> Sql.parameters (FSharpList.ofSeq parameters)
|> Sql.executeNonQueryAsync
|> ignoreTask
- /// Execute a query that returns a scalar value
+ /// Execute a query that returns a scalar value
+ /// The query to retrieve the value
+ /// Parameters to use for the query
+ /// The mapping function to obtain the value
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
+ /// The scalar value for the query
let scalar<'T when 'T: struct> query parameters (mapFunc: RowReader -> 'T) sqlProps =
Sql.query query sqlProps
|> Sql.parameters (FSharpList.ofSeq parameters)
|> Sql.executeRowAsync mapFunc
- /// Execute a query that returns a scalar value
+ /// Execute a query that returns a scalar value
+ /// The query to retrieve the value
+ /// Parameters to use for the query
+ /// The mapping function to obtain the value
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
+ /// The scalar value for the query
let Scalar<'T when 'T: struct>(query, parameters, mapFunc: System.Func, sqlProps) =
scalar<'T> query parameters mapFunc.Invoke sqlProps
- /// Table and index definition commands
+ /// Table and index definition commands
module Definition =
- /// Create a document table
+ /// Create a document table
+ /// The table whose existence should be ensured (may include schema)
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
let ensureTable name sqlProps = backgroundTask {
do! Custom.nonQuery (Query.Definition.ensureTable name) [] sqlProps
do! Custom.nonQuery (Query.Definition.ensureKey name PostgreSQL) [] sqlProps
- /// Create an index on documents in the specified table
+ /// Create an index on documents in the specified table
+ /// The table to be indexed (may include schema)
+ /// The type of document index to create
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
let ensureDocumentIndex name idxType sqlProps =
Custom.nonQuery (Query.Definition.ensureDocumentIndex name idxType) [] sqlProps
- /// Create an index on field(s) within documents in the specified table
+ /// Create an index on field(s) within documents in the specified table
+ /// The table to be indexed (may include schema)
+ /// The name of the index to create
+ /// One or more fields to be indexed
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
let ensureFieldIndex tableName indexName fields sqlProps =
Custom.nonQuery (Query.Definition.ensureIndexOn tableName indexName fields PostgreSQL) [] sqlProps
- /// Commands to add documents
+ /// Commands to add documents
module Document =
- /// Insert a new document
+ /// Insert a new document
+ /// The table into which the document should be inserted (may include schema)
+ /// The document to be inserted
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
let insert<'TDoc> tableName (document: 'TDoc) sqlProps =
let query =
- match Configuration.autoIdStrategy () with
+ match Configuration.autoIdStrategy () with
| Disabled -> Query.insert tableName
| strategy ->
let idField = Configuration.idField ()
@@ -376,48 +449,78 @@ module WithProps =
(Query.insert tableName).Replace("@data", dataParam)
Custom.nonQuery query [ jsonParam "@data" document ] sqlProps
+ ///
/// Save a document, inserting it if it does not exist and updating it if it does (AKA "upsert")
+ ///
+ /// The table into which the document should be saved (may include schema)
+ /// The document to be saved
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
let save<'TDoc> tableName (document: 'TDoc) sqlProps =
Custom.nonQuery (Query.save tableName) [ jsonParam "@data" document ] sqlProps
- /// Commands to count documents
+ /// Commands to count documents
module Count =
- /// Count all documents in a table
+ /// Count all documents in a table
+ /// The table in which documents should be counted (may include schema)
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
+ /// The count of the documents in the table
let all tableName sqlProps =
Custom.scalar (Query.count tableName) [] toCount sqlProps
- /// Count matching documents using JSON field comparisons (->> =)
+ /// Count matching documents using JSON field comparisons (->> =, etc.)
+ /// The table in which documents should be counted (may include schema)
+ /// Whether to match any or all of the field conditions
+ /// The field conditions to match
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
+ /// The count of matching documents in the table
let byFields tableName howMatched fields sqlProps =
(Query.byFields (Query.count tableName) howMatched fields) (addFieldParams fields []) toCount sqlProps
- /// Count matching documents using a JSON containment query (@>)
+ /// Count matching documents using a JSON containment query (@>)
+ /// The table in which documents should be counted (may include schema)
+ /// The document to match with the containment query
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
+ /// The count of the documents in the table
let byContains tableName (criteria: 'TContains) sqlProps =
(Query.byContains (Query.count tableName)) [ jsonParam "@criteria" criteria ] toCount sqlProps
- /// Count matching documents using a JSON Path match query (@?)
+ /// Count matching documents using a JSON Path match query (@?)
+ /// The table in which documents should be counted (may include schema)
+ /// The JSON Path expression to be matched
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
+ /// The count of the documents in the table
let byJsonPath tableName jsonPath sqlProps =
(Query.byPathMatch (Query.count tableName)) [ "@path", Sql.string jsonPath ] toCount sqlProps
- /// Commands to determine if documents exist
+ /// Commands to determine if documents exist
module Exists =
- /// Determine if a document exists for the given ID
+ /// Determine if a document exists for the given ID
+ /// The table in which existence should be checked (may include schema)
+ /// The ID of the document whose existence should be checked
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
+ /// True if a document exists, false if not
let byId tableName (docId: 'TKey) sqlProps =
Custom.scalar (Query.exists tableName (Query.whereById docId)) [ idParam docId ] toExists sqlProps
- /// Determine if a document exists using JSON field comparisons (->> =)
+ /// Determine if a document exists using JSON field comparisons (->> =, etc.)
+ /// The table in which existence should be checked (may include schema)
+ /// Whether to match any or all of the field conditions
+ /// The field conditions to match
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
+ /// True if any matching documents exist, false if not
let byFields tableName howMatched fields sqlProps =
@@ -425,8 +528,12 @@ module WithProps =
(addFieldParams fields [])
- /// Determine if a document exists using a JSON containment query (@>)
+ /// Determine if a document exists using a JSON containment query (@>)
+ /// The table in which existence should be checked (may include schema)
+ /// The document to match with the containment query
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
+ /// True if any matching documents exist, false if not
let byContains tableName (criteria: 'TContains) sqlProps =
@@ -435,7 +542,11 @@ module WithProps =
- /// Determine if a document exists using a JSON Path match query (@?)
+ /// Determine if a document exists using a JSON Path match query (@?)
+ /// The table in which existence should be checked (may include schema)
+ /// The JSON Path expression to be matched
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
+ /// True if any matching documents exist, false if not
let byJsonPath tableName jsonPath sqlProps =
@@ -444,40 +555,67 @@ module WithProps =
- /// Commands to determine if documents exist
+ /// Commands to determine if documents exist
module Find =
- /// Retrieve all documents in the given table
+ /// Retrieve all documents in the given table
+ /// The table from which documents should be retrieved (may include schema)
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
+ /// All documents from the given table
let all<'TDoc> tableName sqlProps =
Custom.list<'TDoc> (Query.find tableName) [] fromData<'TDoc> sqlProps
- /// Retrieve all documents in the given table
+ /// Retrieve all documents in the given table
+ /// The table from which documents should be retrieved (may include schema)
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
+ /// All documents from the given table
let All<'TDoc>(tableName, sqlProps) =
Custom.List<'TDoc>(Query.find tableName, [], fromData<'TDoc>, sqlProps)
- /// Retrieve all documents in the given table ordered by the given fields in the document
+ /// Retrieve all documents in the given table ordered by the given fields in the document
+ /// The table from which documents should be retrieved (may include schema)
+ /// Fields by which the results should be ordered
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
+ /// All documents from the given table, ordered by the given fields
let allOrdered<'TDoc> tableName orderFields sqlProps =
Custom.list<'TDoc> (Query.find tableName + Query.orderBy orderFields PostgreSQL) [] fromData<'TDoc> sqlProps
- /// Retrieve all documents in the given table ordered by the given fields in the document
+ /// Retrieve all documents in the given table ordered by the given fields in the document
+ /// The table from which documents should be retrieved (may include schema)
+ /// Fields by which the results should be ordered
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
+ /// All documents from the given table, ordered by the given fields
let AllOrdered<'TDoc>(tableName, orderFields, sqlProps) =
Query.find tableName + Query.orderBy orderFields PostgreSQL, [], fromData<'TDoc>, sqlProps)
- /// Retrieve a document by its ID (returns None if not found)
+ /// Retrieve a document by its ID
+ /// The table from which a document should be retrieved (may include schema)
+ /// The ID of the document to retrieve
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
+ /// Some with the document if found, None otherwise
let byId<'TKey, 'TDoc> tableName (docId: 'TKey) sqlProps =
Custom.single (Query.byId (Query.find tableName) docId) [ idParam docId ] fromData<'TDoc> sqlProps
- /// Retrieve a document by its ID (returns null if not found)
+ /// Retrieve a document by its ID
+ /// The table from which a document should be retrieved (may include schema)
+ /// The ID of the document to retrieve
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
+ /// The document if found, null otherwise
let ById<'TKey, 'TDoc when 'TDoc: null and 'TDoc: not struct>(tableName, docId: 'TKey, sqlProps) =
Query.byId (Query.find tableName) docId, [ idParam docId ], fromData<'TDoc>, sqlProps)
- /// Retrieve documents matching JSON field comparisons (->> =)
+ /// Retrieve documents matching JSON field comparisons (->> =, etc.)
+ /// The table from which documents should be retrieved (may include schema)
+ /// Whether to match any or all of the field conditions
+ /// The field conditions to match
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
+ /// All documents matching the given fields
let byFields<'TDoc> tableName howMatched fields sqlProps =
@@ -485,16 +623,30 @@ module WithProps =
(addFieldParams fields [])
- /// Retrieve documents matching JSON field comparisons (->> =)
+ /// Retrieve documents matching JSON field comparisons (->> =, etc.)
+ /// The table from which documents should be retrieved (may include schema)
+ /// Whether to match any or all of the field conditions
+ /// The field conditions to match
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
+ /// All documents matching the given fields
let ByFields<'TDoc>(tableName, howMatched, fields, sqlProps) =
Query.byFields (Query.find tableName) howMatched fields,
addFieldParams fields [],
- /// Retrieve documents matching JSON field comparisons (->> =) ordered by the given fields in the document
+ ///
+ /// Retrieve documents matching JSON field comparisons (->> =, etc.) ordered by the given fields
+ /// in the document
+ ///
+ /// The table from which documents should be retrieved (may include schema)
+ /// Whether to match any or all of the field conditions
+ /// The field conditions to match
+ /// Fields by which the results should be ordered
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
+ /// All documents matching the given fields, ordered by the other given fields
let byFieldsOrdered<'TDoc> tableName howMatched queryFields orderFields sqlProps =
@@ -502,22 +654,39 @@ module WithProps =
(addFieldParams queryFields [])
- /// Retrieve documents matching JSON field comparisons (->> =) ordered by the given fields in the document
+ ///
+ /// Retrieve documents matching JSON field comparisons (->> =, etc.) ordered by the given fields
+ /// in the document
+ ///
+ /// The table from which documents should be retrieved (may include schema)
+ /// Whether to match any or all of the field conditions
+ /// The field conditions to match
+ /// Fields by which the results should be ordered
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
+ /// All documents matching the given fields, ordered by the other given fields
let ByFieldsOrdered<'TDoc>(tableName, howMatched, queryFields, orderFields, sqlProps) =
Query.byFields (Query.find tableName) howMatched queryFields + Query.orderBy orderFields PostgreSQL,
addFieldParams queryFields [],
- /// Retrieve documents matching a JSON containment query (@>)
+ /// Retrieve documents matching a JSON containment query (@>)
+ /// The table from which documents should be retrieved (may include schema)
+ /// The document to match with the containment query
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
+ /// All documents matching the given containment query
let byContains<'TDoc> tableName (criteria: obj) sqlProps =
(Query.byContains (Query.find tableName)) [ jsonParam "@criteria" criteria ] fromData<'TDoc> sqlProps
- /// Retrieve documents matching a JSON containment query (@>)
+ /// Retrieve documents matching a JSON containment query (@>)
+ /// The table from which documents should be retrieved (may include schema)
+ /// The document to match with the containment query
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
+ /// All documents matching the given containment query
let ByContains<'TDoc>(tableName, criteria: obj, sqlProps) =
Query.byContains (Query.find tableName),
@@ -525,7 +694,15 @@ module WithProps =
- /// Retrieve documents matching a JSON containment query (@>) ordered by the given fields in the document
+ ///
+ /// Retrieve documents matching a JSON containment query (@>) ordered by the given fields in the
+ /// document
+ ///
+ /// The table from which documents should be retrieved (may include schema)
+ /// The document to match with the containment query
+ /// Fields by which the results should be ordered
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
+ /// All documents matching the given containment query, ordered by the given fields
let byContainsOrdered<'TDoc> tableName (criteria: obj) orderFields sqlProps =
@@ -534,7 +711,15 @@ module WithProps =
- /// Retrieve documents matching a JSON containment query (@>) ordered by the given fields in the document
+ ///
+ /// Retrieve documents matching a JSON containment query (@>) ordered by the given fields in the
+ /// document
+ ///
+ /// The table from which documents should be retrieved (may include schema)
+ /// The document to match with the containment query
+ /// Fields by which the results should be ordered
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
+ /// All documents matching the given containment query, ordered by the given fields
let ByContainsOrdered<'TDoc>(tableName, criteria: obj, orderFields, sqlProps) =
Query.byContains (Query.find tableName) + Query.orderBy orderFields PostgreSQL,
@@ -542,21 +727,37 @@ module WithProps =
- /// Retrieve documents matching a JSON Path match query (@?)
+ /// Retrieve documents matching a JSON Path match query (@?)
+ /// The table from which documents should be retrieved (may include schema)
+ /// The JSON Path expression to match
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
+ /// All documents matching the given JSON Path expression
let byJsonPath<'TDoc> tableName jsonPath sqlProps =
(Query.byPathMatch (Query.find tableName)) [ "@path", Sql.string jsonPath ] fromData<'TDoc> sqlProps
- /// Retrieve documents matching a JSON Path match query (@?)
+ /// Retrieve documents matching a JSON Path match query (@?)
+ /// The table from which documents should be retrieved (may include schema)
+ /// The JSON Path expression to match
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
+ /// All documents matching the given JSON Path expression
let ByJsonPath<'TDoc>(tableName, jsonPath, sqlProps) =
Query.byPathMatch (Query.find tableName),
[ "@path", Sql.string jsonPath ],
- /// Retrieve documents matching a JSON Path match query (@?) ordered by the given fields in the document
+ ///
+ /// Retrieve documents matching a JSON Path match query (@?) ordered by the given fields in the
+ /// document
+ ///
+ /// The table from which documents should be retrieved (may include schema)
+ /// The JSON Path expression to match
+ /// Fields by which the results should be ordered
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
+ /// All documents matching the given JSON Path expression, ordered by the given fields
let byJsonPathOrdered<'TDoc> tableName jsonPath orderFields sqlProps =
@@ -564,16 +765,29 @@ module WithProps =
[ "@path", Sql.string jsonPath ]
- /// Retrieve documents matching a JSON Path match query (@?) ordered by the given fields in the document
+ ///
+ /// Retrieve documents matching a JSON Path match query (@?) ordered by the given fields in the
+ /// document
+ ///
+ /// The table from which documents should be retrieved (may include schema)
+ /// The JSON Path expression to match
+ /// Fields by which the results should be ordered
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
+ /// All documents matching the given JSON Path expression, ordered by the given fields
let ByJsonPathOrdered<'TDoc>(tableName, jsonPath, orderFields, sqlProps) =
Query.byPathMatch (Query.find tableName) + Query.orderBy orderFields PostgreSQL,
[ "@path", Sql.string jsonPath ],
- /// Retrieve the first document matching JSON field comparisons (->> =); returns None if not found
+ /// Retrieve the first document matching JSON field comparisons (->> =, etc.)
+ /// The table from which a document should be retrieved (may include schema)
+ /// Whether to match any or all of the field conditions
+ /// The field conditions to match
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
+ /// Some with the first document, or None if not found
let firstByFields<'TDoc> tableName howMatched fields sqlProps =
@@ -581,17 +795,32 @@ module WithProps =
(addFieldParams fields [])
- /// Retrieve the first document matching JSON field comparisons (->> =); returns null if not found
+ /// Retrieve the first document matching JSON field comparisons (->> =, etc.)
+ /// The table from which a document should be retrieved (may include schema)
+ /// Whether to match any or all of the field conditions
+ /// The field conditions to match
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
+ /// The first document, or null if not found
let FirstByFields<'TDoc when 'TDoc: null and 'TDoc: not struct>(tableName, howMatched, fields, sqlProps) =
$"{Query.byFields (Query.find tableName) howMatched fields} LIMIT 1",
addFieldParams fields [],
- /// Retrieve the first document matching JSON field comparisons (->> =) ordered by the given fields in the
- /// document; returns None if not found
+ ///
+ /// Retrieve the first document matching JSON field comparisons (->> =, etc.) ordered by the
+ /// given fields in the document
+ ///
+ /// The table from which a document should be retrieved (may include schema)
+ /// Whether to match any or all of the field conditions
+ /// The field conditions to match
+ /// Fields by which the results should be ordered
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
+ ///
+ /// Some with the first document ordered by the given fields, or None if not found
+ ///
let firstByFieldsOrdered<'TDoc> tableName howMatched queryFields orderFields sqlProps =
@@ -599,9 +828,17 @@ module WithProps =
(addFieldParams queryFields [])
- /// Retrieve the first document matching JSON field comparisons (->> =) ordered by the given fields in the
- /// document; returns null if not found
+ ///
+ /// Retrieve the first document matching JSON field comparisons (->> =, etc.) ordered by the
+ /// given fields in the document
+ ///
+ /// The table from which a document should be retrieved (may include schema)
+ /// Whether to match any or all of the field conditions
+ /// The field conditions to match
+ /// Fields by which the results should be ordered
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
+ /// The first document ordered by the given fields, or null if not found
let FirstByFieldsOrdered<'TDoc when 'TDoc: null and 'TDoc: not struct>(
tableName, howMatched, queryFields, orderFields, sqlProps) =
@@ -609,8 +846,12 @@ module WithProps =
addFieldParams queryFields [],
- /// Retrieve the first document matching a JSON containment query (@>); returns None if not found
+ /// Retrieve the first document matching a JSON containment query (@>)
+ /// The table from which a document should be retrieved (may include schema)
+ /// The document to match with the containment query
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
+ /// Some with the first document, or None if not found
let firstByContains<'TDoc> tableName (criteria: obj) sqlProps =
@@ -619,7 +860,11 @@ module WithProps =
- /// Retrieve the first document matching a JSON containment query (@>); returns null if not found
+ /// Retrieve the first document matching a JSON containment query (@>)
+ /// The table from which a document should be retrieved (may include schema)
+ /// The document to match with the containment query
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
+ /// The first document, or null if not found
let FirstByContains<'TDoc when 'TDoc: null and 'TDoc: not struct>(tableName, criteria: obj, sqlProps) =
$"{Query.byContains (Query.find tableName)} LIMIT 1",
@@ -627,8 +872,17 @@ module WithProps =
- /// Retrieve the first document matching a JSON containment query (@>) ordered by the given fields in the
- /// document; returns None if not found
+ ///
+ /// Retrieve the first document matching a JSON containment query (@>) ordered by the given fields
+ /// in the document
+ ///
+ /// The table from which a document should be retrieved (may include schema)
+ /// The document to match with the containment query
+ /// Fields by which the results should be ordered
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
+ ///
+ /// Some with the first document ordered by the given fields, or None if not found
+ ///
let firstByContainsOrdered<'TDoc> tableName (criteria: obj) orderFields sqlProps =
@@ -637,8 +891,15 @@ module WithProps =
- /// Retrieve the first document matching a JSON containment query (@>) ordered by the given fields in the
- /// document; returns null if not found
+ ///
+ /// Retrieve the first document matching a JSON containment query (@>) ordered by the given fields
+ /// in the document
+ ///
+ /// The table from which a document should be retrieved (may include schema)
+ /// The document to match with the containment query
+ /// Fields by which the results should be ordered
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
+ /// The first document ordered by the given fields, or null if not found
let FirstByContainsOrdered<'TDoc when 'TDoc: null and 'TDoc: not struct>(
tableName, criteria: obj, orderFields, sqlProps) =
@@ -647,7 +908,11 @@ module WithProps =
- /// Retrieve the first document matching a JSON Path match query (@?); returns None if not found
+ /// Retrieve the first document matching a JSON Path match query (@?)
+ /// The table from which a document should be retrieved (may include schema)
+ /// The JSON Path expression to match
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
+ /// Some with the first document, or None if not found
let firstByJsonPath<'TDoc> tableName jsonPath sqlProps =
@@ -656,7 +921,11 @@ module WithProps =
- /// Retrieve the first document matching a JSON Path match query (@?); returns null if not found
+ /// Retrieve the first document matching a JSON Path match query (@?)
+ /// The table from which a document should be retrieved (may include schema)
+ /// The JSON Path expression to match
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
+ /// The first document, or null if not found
let FirstByJsonPath<'TDoc when 'TDoc: null and 'TDoc: not struct>(tableName, jsonPath, sqlProps) =
$"{Query.byPathMatch (Query.find tableName)} LIMIT 1",
@@ -664,8 +933,17 @@ module WithProps =
- /// Retrieve the first document matching a JSON Path match query (@?) ordered by the given fields in the
- /// document; returns None if not found
+ ///
+ /// Retrieve the first document matching a JSON Path match query (@?) ordered by the given fields in
+ /// the document
+ ///
+ /// The table from which a document should be retrieved (may include schema)
+ /// The JSON Path expression to match
+ /// Fields by which the results should be ordered
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
+ ///
+ /// Some with the first document ordered by the given fields, or None if not found
+ ///
let firstByJsonPathOrdered<'TDoc> tableName jsonPath orderFields sqlProps =
@@ -674,8 +952,15 @@ module WithProps =
- /// Retrieve the first document matching a JSON Path match query (@?) ordered by the given fields in the
- /// document; returns null if not found
+ ///
+ /// Retrieve the first document matching a JSON Path match query (@?) ordered by the given fields in
+ /// the document
+ ///
+ /// The table from which a document should be retrieved (may include schema)
+ /// The JSON Path expression to match
+ /// Fields by which the results should be ordered
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
+ /// The first document ordered by the given fields, or null if not found
let FirstByJsonPathOrdered<'TDoc when 'TDoc: null and 'TDoc: not struct>(
tableName, jsonPath, orderFields, sqlProps) =
@@ -684,52 +969,90 @@ module WithProps =
- /// Commands to update documents
+ /// Commands to update documents
module Update =
- /// Update an entire document by its ID
+ /// Update (replace) an entire document by its ID
+ /// The table in which a document should be updated (may include schema)
+ /// The ID of the document to be updated (replaced)
+ /// The new document
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
let byId tableName (docId: 'TKey) (document: 'TDoc) sqlProps =
(Query.byId (Query.update tableName) docId) [ idParam docId; jsonParam "@data" document ] sqlProps
- /// Update an entire document by its ID, using the provided function to obtain the ID from the document
+ ///
+ /// Update (replace) an entire document by its ID, using the provided function to obtain the ID from the
+ /// document
+ ///
+ /// The table in which a document should be updated (may include schema)
+ /// The function to obtain the ID of the document
+ /// The new document
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
let byFunc tableName (idFunc: 'TDoc -> 'TKey) (document: 'TDoc) sqlProps =
byId tableName (idFunc document) document sqlProps
- /// Update an entire document by its ID, using the provided function to obtain the ID from the document
+ ///
+ /// Update (replace) an entire document by its ID, using the provided function to obtain the ID from the
+ /// document
+ ///
+ /// The table in which a document should be updated (may include schema)
+ /// The function to obtain the ID of the document
+ /// The new document
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
let ByFunc(tableName, idFunc: System.Func<'TDoc, 'TKey>, document: 'TDoc, sqlProps) =
byFunc tableName idFunc.Invoke document sqlProps
- /// Commands to patch (partially update) documents
+ /// Commands to patch (partially update) documents
module Patch =
- /// Patch a document by its ID
+ /// Patch a document by its ID
+ /// The table in which a document should be patched (may include schema)
+ /// The ID of the document to patch
+ /// The partial document to patch the existing document
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
let byId tableName (docId: 'TKey) (patch: 'TPatch) sqlProps =
(Query.byId (Query.patch tableName) docId) [ idParam docId; jsonParam "@data" patch ] sqlProps
- /// Patch documents using a JSON field comparison query in the WHERE clause (->> =)
+ ///
+ /// Patch documents using a JSON field comparison query in the WHERE clause (->> =,
+ /// etc.)
+ ///
+ /// The table in which documents should be patched (may include schema)
+ /// Whether to match any or all of the field conditions
+ /// The field conditions to match
+ /// The partial document to patch the existing document
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
let byFields tableName howMatched fields (patch: 'TPatch) sqlProps =
(Query.byFields (Query.patch tableName) howMatched fields)
(addFieldParams fields [ jsonParam "@data" patch ])
- /// Patch documents using a JSON containment query in the WHERE clause (@>)
+ /// Patch documents using a JSON containment query in the WHERE clause (@>)
+ /// The table in which documents should be patched (may include schema)
+ /// The document to match the containment query
+ /// The partial document to patch the existing document
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
let byContains tableName (criteria: 'TContains) (patch: 'TPatch) sqlProps =
(Query.byContains (Query.patch tableName))
[ jsonParam "@data" patch; jsonParam "@criteria" criteria ]
- /// Patch documents using a JSON Path match query in the WHERE clause (@?)
+ /// Patch documents using a JSON Path match query in the WHERE clause (@?)
+ /// The table in which documents should be patched (may include schema)
+ /// The JSON Path expression to match
+ /// The partial document to patch the existing document
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
let byJsonPath tableName jsonPath (patch: 'TPatch) sqlProps =
@@ -737,64 +1060,94 @@ module WithProps =
[ jsonParam "@data" patch; "@path", Sql.string jsonPath ]
- /// Commands to remove fields from documents
+ /// Commands to remove fields from documents
module RemoveFields =
- /// Remove fields from a document by the document's ID
+ /// Remove fields from a document by the document's ID
+ /// The table in which a document should be modified (may include schema)
+ /// The ID of the document to modify
+ /// One or more field names to remove from the document
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
let byId tableName (docId: 'TKey) fieldNames sqlProps =
(Query.byId (Query.removeFields tableName) docId) [ idParam docId; fieldNameParams fieldNames ] sqlProps
- /// Remove fields from documents via a comparison on JSON fields in the document
+ /// Remove fields from documents via a comparison on JSON fields in the document
+ /// The table in which documents should be modified (may include schema)
+ /// Whether to match any or all of the field conditions
+ /// The field conditions to match
+ /// One or more field names to remove from the matching documents
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
let byFields tableName howMatched fields fieldNames sqlProps =
(Query.byFields (Query.removeFields tableName) howMatched fields)
(addFieldParams fields [ fieldNameParams fieldNames ])
- /// Remove fields from documents via a JSON containment query (@>)
+ /// Remove fields from documents via a JSON containment query (@>)
+ /// The table in which documents should be modified (may include schema)
+ /// The document to match the containment query
+ /// One or more field names to remove from the matching documents
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
let byContains tableName (criteria: 'TContains) fieldNames sqlProps =
(Query.byContains (Query.removeFields tableName))
[ jsonParam "@criteria" criteria; fieldNameParams fieldNames ]
- /// Remove fields from documents via a JSON Path match query (@?)
+ /// Remove fields from documents via a JSON Path match query (@?)
+ /// The table in which documents should be modified (may include schema)
+ /// The JSON Path expression to match
+ /// One or more field names to remove from the matching documents
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
let byJsonPath tableName jsonPath fieldNames sqlProps =
(Query.byPathMatch (Query.removeFields tableName))
[ "@path", Sql.string jsonPath; fieldNameParams fieldNames ]
- /// Commands to delete documents
+ /// Commands to delete documents
module Delete =
- /// Delete a document by its ID
+ /// Delete a document by its ID
+ /// The table in which a document should be deleted (may include schema)
+ /// The ID of the document to delete
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
let byId tableName (docId: 'TKey) sqlProps =
Custom.nonQuery (Query.byId (Query.delete tableName) docId) [ idParam docId ] sqlProps
- /// Delete documents by matching a JSON field comparison query (->> =)
+ /// Delete documents by matching a JSON field comparison query (->> =, etc.)
+ /// The table in which documents should be deleted (may include schema)
+ /// Whether to match any or all of the field conditions
+ /// The field conditions to match
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
let byFields tableName howMatched fields sqlProps =
(Query.byFields (Query.delete tableName) howMatched fields) (addFieldParams fields []) sqlProps
- /// Delete documents by matching a JSON contains query (@>)
+ /// Delete documents by matching a JSON contains query (@>)
+ /// The table in which documents should be deleted (may include schema)
+ /// The document to match the containment query
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
let byContains tableName (criteria: 'TCriteria) sqlProps =
Custom.nonQuery (Query.byContains (Query.delete tableName)) [ jsonParam "@criteria" criteria ] sqlProps
- /// Delete documents by matching a JSON Path match query (@?)
+ /// Delete documents by matching a JSON Path match query (@?)
+ /// The table in which documents should be deleted (may include schema)
+ /// The JSON Path expression to match
+ /// The SqlProps to use to execute the query
- let byJsonPath tableName path sqlProps =
- Custom.nonQuery (Query.byPathMatch (Query.delete tableName)) [ "@path", Sql.string path ] sqlProps
+ let byJsonPath tableName jsonPath sqlProps =
+ Custom.nonQuery (Query.byPathMatch (Query.delete tableName)) [ "@path", Sql.string jsonPath ] sqlProps
/// Commands to execute custom SQL queries
@@ -838,7 +1191,7 @@ module Custom =
/// Table and index definition commands
module Definition =
/// Create a document table
let ensureTable name =
@@ -848,7 +1201,7 @@ module Definition =
let ensureDocumentIndex name idxType =
WithProps.Definition.ensureDocumentIndex name idxType (fromDataSource ())
/// Create an index on field(s) within documents in the specified table
let ensureFieldIndex tableName indexName fields =
@@ -858,7 +1211,7 @@ module Definition =
/// Document writing functions
module Document =
/// Insert a new document
let insert<'TDoc> tableName (document: 'TDoc) =
@@ -873,17 +1226,17 @@ module Document =
/// Queries to count documents
module Count =
/// Count all documents in a table
let all tableName =
WithProps.Count.all tableName (fromDataSource ())
/// Count matching documents using a JSON field comparison query (->> =)
let byFields tableName howMatched fields =
WithProps.Count.byFields tableName howMatched fields (fromDataSource ())
/// Count matching documents using a JSON containment query (@>)
let byContains tableName criteria =
@@ -903,12 +1256,12 @@ module Exists =
let byId tableName docId =
WithProps.Exists.byId tableName docId (fromDataSource ())
/// Determine if documents exist using a JSON field comparison query (->> =)
let byFields tableName howMatched fields =
WithProps.Exists.byFields tableName howMatched fields (fromDataSource ())
/// Determine if documents exist using a JSON containment query (@>)
let byContains tableName criteria =
@@ -923,7 +1276,7 @@ module Exists =
/// Commands to retrieve documents
module Find =
/// Retrieve all documents in the given table
let all<'TDoc> tableName =
@@ -955,20 +1308,20 @@ module Find =
let byFields<'TDoc> tableName howMatched fields =
WithProps.Find.byFields<'TDoc> tableName howMatched fields (fromDataSource ())
/// Retrieve documents matching a JSON field comparison query (->> =)
let ByFields<'TDoc>(tableName, howMatched, fields) =
WithProps.Find.ByFields<'TDoc>(tableName, howMatched, fields, fromDataSource ())
/// Retrieve documents matching a JSON field comparison query (->> =) ordered by the given fields in the document
let byFieldsOrdered<'TDoc> tableName howMatched queryField orderFields =
WithProps.Find.byFieldsOrdered<'TDoc> tableName howMatched queryField orderFields (fromDataSource ())
/// Retrieve documents matching a JSON field comparison query (->> =) ordered by the given fields in the document
let ByFieldsOrdered<'TDoc>(tableName, howMatched, queryFields, orderFields) =
WithProps.Find.ByFieldsOrdered<'TDoc>(tableName, howMatched, queryFields, orderFields, fromDataSource ())
/// Retrieve documents matching a JSON containment query (@>)
let byContains<'TDoc> tableName (criteria: obj) =
@@ -991,41 +1344,41 @@ module Find =
let byJsonPath<'TDoc> tableName jsonPath =
WithProps.Find.byJsonPath<'TDoc> tableName jsonPath (fromDataSource ())
/// Retrieve documents matching a JSON Path match query (@?)
let ByJsonPath<'TDoc>(tableName, jsonPath) =
WithProps.Find.ByJsonPath<'TDoc>(tableName, jsonPath, fromDataSource ())
/// Retrieve documents matching a JSON Path match query (@?) ordered by the given fields in the document
let byJsonPathOrdered<'TDoc> tableName jsonPath orderFields =
WithProps.Find.byJsonPathOrdered<'TDoc> tableName jsonPath orderFields (fromDataSource ())
/// Retrieve documents matching a JSON Path match query (@?) ordered by the given fields in the document
let ByJsonPathOrdered<'TDoc>(tableName, jsonPath, orderFields) =
WithProps.Find.ByJsonPathOrdered<'TDoc>(tableName, jsonPath, orderFields, fromDataSource ())
/// Retrieve the first document matching a JSON field comparison query (->> =); returns None if not found
let firstByFields<'TDoc> tableName howMatched fields =
WithProps.Find.firstByFields<'TDoc> tableName howMatched fields (fromDataSource ())
/// Retrieve the first document matching a JSON field comparison query (->> =); returns null if not found
let FirstByFields<'TDoc when 'TDoc: null and 'TDoc: not struct>(tableName, howMatched, fields) =
WithProps.Find.FirstByFields<'TDoc>(tableName, howMatched, fields, fromDataSource ())
/// Retrieve the first document matching a JSON field comparison query (->> =) ordered by the given fields in the
/// document; returns None if not found
let firstByFieldsOrdered<'TDoc> tableName howMatched queryFields orderFields =
WithProps.Find.firstByFieldsOrdered<'TDoc> tableName howMatched queryFields orderFields (fromDataSource ())
/// Retrieve the first document matching a JSON field comparison query (->> =) ordered by the given fields in the
/// document; returns null if not found
let FirstByFieldsOrdered<'TDoc when 'TDoc: null and 'TDoc: not struct>(
tableName, howMatched, queryFields, orderFields) =
WithProps.Find.FirstByFieldsOrdered<'TDoc>(tableName, howMatched, queryFields, orderFields, fromDataSource ())
/// Retrieve the first document matching a JSON containment query (@>); returns None if not found
let firstByContains<'TDoc> tableName (criteria: obj) =
@@ -1080,7 +1433,7 @@ module Update =
let byFunc tableName (idFunc: 'TDoc -> 'TKey) (document: 'TDoc) =
WithProps.Update.byFunc tableName idFunc document (fromDataSource ())
/// Update an entire document by its ID, using the provided function to obtain the ID from the document
let ByFunc(tableName, idFunc: System.Func<'TDoc, 'TKey>, document: 'TDoc) =
WithProps.Update.ByFunc(tableName, idFunc, document, fromDataSource ())
@@ -1089,22 +1442,22 @@ module Update =
/// Commands to patch (partially update) documents
module Patch =
/// Patch a document by its ID
let byId tableName (docId: 'TKey) (patch: 'TPatch) =
WithProps.Patch.byId tableName docId patch (fromDataSource ())
/// Patch documents using a JSON field comparison query in the WHERE clause (->> =)
let byFields tableName howMatched fields (patch: 'TPatch) =
WithProps.Patch.byFields tableName howMatched fields patch (fromDataSource ())
/// Patch documents using a JSON containment query in the WHERE clause (@>)
let byContains tableName (criteria: 'TCriteria) (patch: 'TPatch) =
WithProps.Patch.byContains tableName criteria patch (fromDataSource ())
/// Patch documents using a JSON Path match query in the WHERE clause (@?)
let byJsonPath tableName jsonPath (patch: 'TPatch) =
@@ -1114,17 +1467,17 @@ module Patch =
/// Commands to remove fields from documents
module RemoveFields =
/// Remove fields from a document by the document's ID
let byId tableName (docId: 'TKey) fieldNames =
WithProps.RemoveFields.byId tableName docId fieldNames (fromDataSource ())
/// Remove fields from documents via a comparison on JSON fields in the document
let byFields tableName howMatched fields fieldNames =
WithProps.RemoveFields.byFields tableName howMatched fields fieldNames (fromDataSource ())
/// Remove fields from documents via a JSON containment query (@>)
let byContains tableName (criteria: 'TContains) fieldNames =
@@ -1139,17 +1492,17 @@ module RemoveFields =
/// Commands to delete documents
module Delete =
/// Delete a document by its ID
let byId tableName (docId: 'TKey) =
WithProps.Delete.byId tableName docId (fromDataSource ())
/// Delete documents by matching a JSON field comparison query (->> =)
let byFields tableName howMatched fields =
WithProps.Delete.byFields tableName howMatched fields (fromDataSource ())
/// Delete documents by matching a JSON containment query (@>)
let byContains tableName (criteria: 'TContains) =